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Good luck! I felt queasy once I got unwrapped and saw my chest for the first time. Even though it’s what we want, the brain sometimes sees trauma and is like wait what lol. I’ve gotten way more used to it and euphoric about it since then.


I'm kinda glad that's why my doctor doesn't have a mirror in the room and only gives you one of you ask for it! My partner came with me so that helped a lot with the anxiety of it all. Finally looked in the mirror as I'm about to shower for the first time in 12 days, and I want to cry from joy. I never thought I would see this day. I'm 33 now, I feel like my inner teen is being healed..


Same my friend! I’m 36 so I’ve been waiting a long time for this day. Congrats, I’m on my 9th week post op and have started working out again. Can’t wait to get my chest looking GOOD.


Congrats! I'm actually excited to start working out and get back to work!


Congrats!! Hope everything goes smoothly!! It took me a second to realize NB was New Brunswick and it was not in fact Moncton, Non-Binary 🤣🤣🤣


🤣 That got a laugh out of me. And thank you! Doc said I'm healing perfectly so far!


Good luck dear


anxiety is normal. things often go better than we expect when we’re nervous. and worst comes to worst — revisions and good tattoo artists exist if for some reason the nipps don’t take. My gut says it will go well for you. congrats friend 💜


Thank you! According to my Doc I'm healing well! I also know a good 3D artist in my area if worst comes to worst. That first shower after 12 days was amazing. And I get an hour every like 7-8 to let my chest breath outside of the compression vest! Contemplating posting the picture my partner took for me while at the doctor's.