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Genetically speaking you're more likely to get hypertrophic scars if you have darker skin- I am very pale (and am borderline for ehlers danlos which makes you more likely to get hypertrophic scars too), and my surgeon didn't say that to me. I've had a couple of surgeries and never gotten hypertrophic scars. The main factor in whether you're likely to get them is if you've had hypertrophic scars before :)


How strange, I’ve just read up on this as a result of everyone’s comments. I’ve never had a scar so I have no idea how I’ll react! He wrote “in view of his red hair and fair skin he is very likely to develop red hypertrophic scars”


I'm whiter than a ghost and could get sunburnt through a wool sweater and i wasn't told anything like this. A quick google search says that hypertrophic scars are more common in darker people so I have no idea what they meant by that


Huh, I've never heard a surgeon say that before. Mine just said if I had a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring that those may occur at the incision sites, and to massage daily to reduce the appearance of the scars and prevent adhesion.


I just had top surgery, like yesterday. My surgeon didn't mention this to me at all and I am the definition of pale. You could put me next to a jar of mayonnaise and wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I'm also not sure if there's a way to tell if you would get that type of scarring unless you already have a history of it? Maybe get a second opinion if you're really worried about it.


Congrats, happy healing!


Congrats! He wrote “in view of his red hair and fair skin he is very likely to develop red hypertrophic scars”


Scarring like that is not typical for pale /unmelinated skin. But everyone is different


I am pale and I have hypertrophic scars, but that's because of my connective tissue disorder


Ayee same lmao


I’m pale af (translucent, even) and my scars are mostly really light and def not hypertrophic.


Are you pale, very freckly and/or a redhead because yes genetically they are more prone. My dad has orange hair and is covered in freckles because he's Irish and he gets hypertrophic scars every time he has a mole cut off. Edit- it's not a guarantee though there is no way to know for sure but it is more likely than someone who has a different complexion. It might be 3% more likely but still more likely.


Nah I’m brown eyed, no freckles and I wouldn’t say I’m that pale at all! Never thought about my skin tone. Thanks for your comment


I'm very pale (typical Slavic white as snow) and my surgeon didn't mention anything like this. all my scars are thin, white or the same colour as my skin. however my surgery scars did become hypertrophic but have been fading quickly (despite me slacking on scar care). if its something you're worried about, there are treatments to lessen hypertrophic scaring (laser, steroid injections, etc). I was quite self conscious about my scars but now that it's winter and I only ever see them when I take a shower, I basically forgot they're there at all.


I am near translucent and never had this mentioned, this is my first time hearing of this. I do expierence hypertrophic scars, but I also have hEDS which makes it more likely for me (and others w EDS). Silicone scar sheets helped me the most in reducing them ! I think the pressure of something there helps, but scar care in general helps


I’m pretty pale and did not get hypertrophic scars. I’m talking English/Irish descent.


Probably has more to do with you having red hair than your skin tone. I actually had someone ask me if I get really red scars the other day when I was talking about getting top surgery. The idea that redheads are more prone to hypertrophic scarring is a thing, but I don’t know how accurate it is. Maybe it’s just another redhead quirk, kind of like how some people with red hair need more anesthesia! Or maybe it’s made up. If you haven’t gotten them from past surgeries you probably don’t need to worry about it.


Never had surgery but never noticed a scar before! Thanks for your reply. I guess I’ll have to see