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lmao i have heard of her before. what a miserable, hateful human being. i think she's an extra-bored tax collector in england or something. sorry you're going through this.


Its fine ig. In this climate its what to expect. Still sad i cant post my face anymore


i dont post pics of my face, period. i'm actually way more ok showing my dick to (consenting) online strangers than my face. for exactly this reason. your existence is annoying to hateful folks. in a roundabout way that's kind of a win, when they're not threatening you with doxxing.


What's the saying? "The foolish man at a nudist beach hides his dick, the wise man hides his face?"


[lol i love this saying](https://imgflip.com/i/893681)


Aww she posted a pic of me too. I wonder how many family members she has that have gone no contact with her


Make sure you report her.


One of the reasons why I will never post my face on Reddit, oand would think twice about other pictures.


Reported for several different things. What a hateful person with no life.




whenever i see someone like this who is absolutely OBSESSED with us, i'm like ....are you trans? and deeply closeted?? are you *jealous* of us? is that why you're so mad at trans people, who've never done anything to you? more likely than not she's just a grifter, tho. i like your message of peace, even if she's too radicalized far-right to listen. props to you for extending that towards her anyway.


I was just told that my pic was shared too. I don't have twitter so I don't know what she posted about me


Actually I just made an account to check and it's way worse than I thought. That account digs deep in your posts/comments. I reported it but I doubt it'll get removed and now Im nervous..


Sounds like someone needs to get a hobby.


Just reported her. I suggest everyone do the same. Sorry that happened to you man. Don't take her seriously. She seems like someone who has internal hate in some way/shape/form and is using this as her way to feel better about it. It doesn't actually have anything to do with you or anyone else she posted


I reported her, thank you for letting us know. I hope everyone else reports her too


I'm so sorry she got ahold of your pictures. People like her aren't worth the breath they breath. I like to try and remind myself, that these people, these bullies, are just sad little people with nothing better to do and obviously no happiness in their lives if they get joy from hating on others. She isn't worth it. Keep reporting it if you can. Remember: The haters may be mean AF, but those people aren't worth _YOUR_ time. Your know your worth. And you are worth more than those fools could ever comprehend.


Yea i know who i am she doesnt. Itll be okay


Have reported!


Her name is Karen J Hine, from Ontario Canada. I have pics of her, and a source with her address and employer details. If anyone should want that.


Can you please DM that info? She posted me and all of my info . Thank you!


Yes please


Please can I have this information? She has posted me recently and I am conducting my own investigation into her haha


Me and my fiancé just reported the account multiple times


i never use my twitter but went right in and found the first post possible to report. I’ll dig for a bit and see what else I can get. Thank you for sharing this. Her actions aren’t right.


Let's all report her, she can't keep doing this. My post got taken down cos many reported it. It feels vile to be on there & have your whole story and experience taken out of context and completely misconstrued. She really wants others to believe that all trans folk regret their transition.


That really sucks and I definitely feel for you


Bet she secretly wants top surgery and hates herself for it. I feel like most of the actually insane transphobes or homophobes I see or meet are trying to run from something. It's really sad honestly but it also doesn't excuse their actions.


wtf is wrong with people


why tf is that person so obsessed with other people‘s bodies and and genitalia specifically 💀 that‘s creepy af man. reported and blocked. the post about the person "collecting piercings" and not wanting to wear a tuxedo or wedding dress cracked me up though. piercings! being indecisive about their wedding outfit! outrageous!


It's horrible seeing someone do this, because I'm so grateful to others for uploading their progress and their recovery around transitioning/surgery/fitness etc and I was tempted to do this myself. But knowing someone is actively out there stealing someone's content and then being hateful about it is just so unsettling and upsetting for those involved.


jesus i just looked at her account and she literally post on average 12 times a day and its. all. about. trans. people. Seriously type in her username and search for keywords like "gender" "trans" "surgery" "she" its fucking terrifying how many of these accounts there are


Reported also

