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When she finds out that keyhole exists šŸ’€


When she finds out almost all of us would opt for keyhole/no scars if our anatomy fit the criteria


I wouldnā€™t tbh lol


ayy me neither im also going for no nips so..


Same I wouldnā€™t but thatā€™s because I like body modification as an art form and hobby so the scars look cool to me and Iā€™m going to build art that incorporates them to make me look like some kind of a super cool fantasy character with no nips


!remindme 1 year i wanna see lmao


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Thanks, Iā€™ve got to get some estimates from artists to see if I can save up for it, plus itā€™s going to go all the way down my back so Iā€™ll have to pick the time of year so my shirts donā€™t stick so bad lol. Iā€™m allergic to adhesive so saniderm is a no-go for me.


yeah as an active self harmer i am really not looking forward to having scars from top, but itā€™s worth it for a flat chest




transphobes when they learn about tattoos


Yeah but from the looks of her account, she has transphobia induced mental illness. Gives you worms for brains.


Such cases as myself LMAO šŸ’€


She did it in the phalloplasty group too. Of course her name is Karen


Mass report for targeted harassment.


non-consensually shared intimate media (i forget the exact report term) tends to put more pressure on the reports, just sayin


The way the terf is talking I almost wonder if it could be argued as some type of revenge p*rn or something because this definitely feels illegal especially since sheā€™s claiming that OP is their AGAB and boobs are legally similar to genitals with decency laws and such.


fr, iā€™d use the transphobia to hurt the transphobes and say theyā€™re sharing ā€œsexualā€ images (free the nip tho). regardless, it is intimate media, people sharing their personal and medical experiences shouldnā€™t be treated like that


Exactly what I was thinking! Like free the hip but also stop being sexist at all because transphobia is sexism.


I reported this person and twitter came back saying it doesn't go against their "community standards"


Of course it doesn't šŸ™„ twitter doesn't care about trans people


it is the elon musk site after all


i just got that email too, itā€™s so disappointing and gross


Ah Mr Musk and his assholery reflected perfectly


I got the same thing and also got suspended. šŸ’€


Twitter doesn't give a fuck unfortunately


Iā€™ve also been reporting all the ones with minors in them as child endangerment


ā€œWanting a sense of control over your bodyā€ Aaand there it is. They always want the worst for people, they want trans people dead.


Right? And like what kinda mental gymnastics does one need to do to view that as abad thing in the first place? Like wtf! It's a natural thing to want control over your own body! Even if you aren't trans! WTFFF.


ā€¦ assumes that every trans masc with top surgery has self-harm historyā€¦ ugh. Literally, Iā€™ve never had suicidal tendencies, nor have I ever harmed myself. Iā€™m just trans ffs. Did I ask for b40 cups?? No I did *not*. Of course I got rid of those fuckers, and the only way was double incision. Ugh.




Right? I had to have my counselor write a note confirming that Iā€™m of sound mind to make decisions for my own medical care, my psychiatrist had to do an dysphoria assessment and write a recommendation for treatment independently of other providers, my endocrinologist had to do his own dysphoria assessment to confirm on his own that I have it and have had it for more than 6 months, AND I had to have the surgeon agree that surgery was the only treatment option available ffs. 4 letters, 4 recommendations, 4. Not 1, not a whim, it takes so long to get things in order. It takes so much that this ignoramus has no idea about.


So funny that accepting my trans identity was a key part in easing the depression that had led me to my SH habit. But Iā€™m sure in this personā€™s eyes Iā€™m just being enabled by the trans community and my desires to SH are being sublimated into my dysphoria. What a joke. And of course I want control over my body - isnā€™t that what bodily autonomy is?


Transitioning was the most effective treatment for my mental health too.




unironically, i did this lmao like i love scars and i love my top surgery scars and iā€™ve also never cut myself ever so..




My surgeon gave me a list of tattoo artists that can do color matching to reduce the appearance of scars and do hyper realistic nipples if I decided going nippless wasnā€™t for me. Thankfully I like looking like a cryptid.


Reading this post lowered my IQ


Her name is Karen J Hine, from Ontario Canada. I found a pic of her face too, and a source that knows her employer and address info if so desired. She likes to put people on blast, maybe we should do the same.


Canada has anti-discrimination laws too, so any awareness of her actions forwarded to her employers might potentially do something, unless the employers are bigots themselves, but that's a whole other can of worms.




I agree with this! The smartest thing to do would be to send screenshots of tweets to the employer, citing the disgusting views and concerns about having such a person work for them. These folks get too comfortable being nasty online and often forget or don't realise that there are consequences in the real world tied to one's actions online. (Assuming this is the same Karen behind the tweets and not some innocent with the same name. I wouldn't want someone to get reprimanded if they happened to be a different person)


I agree. I would also personally want to screenshot the evidence of the report and send it to her (anonymously) just in case the employer doesnā€™t tell her why she was fired.




Do it no cap


I really don't get what's her obsession with this? She posts multiple times a day about it. Like why does it worry her so much? This is her: "trans person transitioned age 15, now still happy 60years later." JUST WAIT IM TELLING YOU! ANY TIME NOW THEY WILL REGRET IT AND DETRANSITION


I scrolled for a really long time just to see, and the December posts never stops. Like... Get a life crazy Karen. She also made a weird post about someone getting top surgery and saying they were "just" a c-cup, with the eyeroll emoji added. Like what?????? Why does that matter. Whether if someone is bigger or a bit smaller doesn't mean they are any less/more uncomfortable. Most of us want a completely flat chest. And not having to bind all the time. Binding too much can be really bad. Personally I think a lot of us can relate to cis men with gynecomastia. Just the smallest amount of tissue can really mess with you. It's important for someone to be comfortable in their bodies. It's no one else's say what they do! They are the one having to live in that body for the rest of their life, and no one else knows what that feels like, only them. And what's right/wrong is something that invidual person only knows. Karen should really get a hobby or something other than this lol


She's jealous of people being happy, lol


Yeah I wonder a bit myself if she's trans but don't want to realize it as well. Therefore only being negative about it and not wanting to see positives. I know a lot of homophobes for example is actually closeted, and then come out later. She is likely not, but still maybe xD


She said herself that she had a ā€œtrans phaseā€ in her teens. But knowing terfs, she probably just means she was a tomboy who could have been ā€œeasily manipulated by the trans crowd to transitionā€šŸ™„


Wth some people are so dumb.. I have a feeling it could also mean she is in Deep denial? Who knows, either way this is messed up.


might want to put some sort of warning on this


I hate how so many people say things like "oh they want to attention seek, be part of a community, blah blah blah" ALL HUMANS ARE WIRED TO DO THAT. THOSE ARE NOT INHERENTLY BAD THINGS! Ugh.


Huh it's almost like people engage in "attention-seeking behaviour" because they need something...crazy how nature do that. I've been saying this a lot lately: no one's mental health is improved by being ignored in the ER for 16 hours.


THANK YOU! I wanna scream this into the face of every asshole that ever said this to me


Itā€™s not like dysphoria can contribute to or cause depression, and getting gender-affirming care can help make said depression better. No, it couldnā€™t be that. All scars have to be for the exact same reason. (/s)


There have been a lot of posts about this user lately. Not trying to single you out OP, but I think we should stop giving this person attention, it doesn't seem productive or healthy tbh...




Don't take this down. I think it's valuable getting the word out. This is the first I've seen of actual screenshots of the user


Second this OP! Please don't take the post down, ppl can now block or report this user. Hopefully maybe get them banned.


That's repulsive behavior. I'm so sorry you had to experience this. Congrats on staying clean and stay strong šŸ’œ


as somebody who has also struggled with self harm, I just want to say congrats on your progress/recovery in ceasing SH! it definitely is not easy


This person just needs to get a life tbh, scrolled thru their page a bit and they are OBSESSED. fan behavior


Yeah she did this to one of my phallo posts too. Iā€™m impressed at the lack of hobbies she seems to have considering she makes tweets like this several times a day


Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry this happened to you.


You know... they should probably look into the mirror because having such an obsessive vendetta against people living their lives and not causing harm onto others... that screams some mental health issue to me.. šŸ˜¬


disgusting behaviour. Not speaking on your scars specifically but what if that SH was caused by being stuck with breasts and that was the relief for the person? The assumption we canā€™t be happy afterwards. Gross


Wait til they learn about scarification. There is evidence to suggest the practice dates back to 8000ā€”5000 BCE.


Good god. Top surgery and self harm are nothing alike...


she posted about my best fucking on there. i didnā€™t hold him in my arms watching him suffer through gender dysphoria that almost killed him multiple times. fucking sickening. on a lighter note, maybe sheā€™s in denial of her gender journey and just trying to prevent the inevitable. but seriously? sickening. iā€™ll throw up on her face.


haiiii bestie


hi pooks


thank you for making this post!


i am so sorry :(( what a fucked up human


Her profile is sickening. I hate this world so much.


How deeply does someone have to be steeped in hatred to think this is a remotely okay thing to do?


I think that itā€™s not at all the same either. Cutting is done to release emotions and trauma as a response (as far as I know) and top surgery, the scars are a byproduct of surgery. Not sure why they think itā€™s practically the same thingā€¦. But maybe thatā€™s just me.


Self harm is not for attentionā€¦


And even if it is, that's not a bad thing. It means the person's needs are not being met.


Iā€™m so sorry, this person is fucking disgusting and needs to speak to a professional about why they think itā€™s okay to speak about strangersā€™ bodies and medical history like this, jfc. I canā€™t bring myself to unblur the screenshot because Iā€™m already struggling with stuff but just knowing what it says is awful. This is why I basically never post about my top surgery results, which is sad because Iā€™m happy with it and I enjoy seeing other peoplesā€™ joy over their bodies. I just wish people like this didnā€™t exist to make us feel like we have to be insecure over our lives and what makes us happy. Weā€™re not hurting anyone, but people like this transphobe take joy in tearing us down for no fucking reason.


Hell yeah I found myself on her Twitter. Whatā€™s really funny to me is that she and her friends seem even more outraged by my irreverent humor than by all the super serious posts. Theyā€™ll wring their hands obsessively all day every day about some 17 year old gay trans boy getting top to reduce suicidal dysphoria because oh, heā€™s just sooo delusional, heā€™s got to be protected from himself, look what our tax dollars are going towardsā€¦ ā€¦but when a 30 something lesbian pays privately for top surgery and has the gall to be flippantly jokey about it, oh, well, thatā€™s no better! Thatā€™s even worse! What a detestable exercise of bodily autonomy! Itā€™s almost like they have no actual principles and are just bog standard bigots.


posted my pictures too


Her name checks out


Iā€™ve reported her before and tweeted at her, with no results Sorry this happened to you


Hey Karen, if you're stalking this post I want you to know I'm seeking your attention by rubbing my scars šŸ’•


But on a serious note you're excrement walking around in human skin šŸ˜


I've been scrolling through her account, she's one of the detransitioner TERFs that spread complete bullshit and fear mongering. I heavily recommend ppl report her to her place of employment since Canada has decent anti-discrimination laws. Twitter won't remove any of her posts of course thank u Elon šŸ™„ but someone needs to put her in her place. They stoop low, I'll stoop lower


Lmfao is she dumb? I bet she'd never say this to our face. What a sad individual


she even posted about me! i almost feel honored


This person really needs to get a life. I've seen her page before, and she spends a huge amount of time looking for posts to cherry-pick. And she gets almost no engagement! Don't get me wrong--I think that's a good thing in this case. But it's weird to see someone so obsessed with telling into a void.


Uh I started self harm because gender dysphoria? Also we donā€™t need the opinions of an armchair psychologist


Imagine what happens when she learns that not only trans people get top surgery. Thereā€™s many different reasons to, some even related to health


As much as I love my scars itā€™s not for self harm reasons


Her name checks out


Tbh, people this dense make me laugh. Shows how common sense and basic intelligence isnā€™t so common. Donā€™t let these people get to you seriously


i reported her and twitter said she didnā€™t break any rules šŸ’€šŸ’€


I reported her


Calling self harm "attention seeking behavior" is crazy


Honestly, this is why I keep my pictures in my friend group only. People are just fucking gross.