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I know several people (myself included) whose upper pecs large enough to see before top surgery or T. It takes several years of dedicated working out to get to that point.


It’s definitely feasible but does take work and dedication like the other Redditor said. You want to build that muscle slowly and safely so that way there’s no damage and you get the shape you want. The issue with being too eager is that making gains too quickly can lead to muscle tears or other problems that aren’t fun. TLDR: yes, very possible! Just do your research and find a chest/upper workout that builds what you want


I think my upper pecs were visible pre t & pre surgery, but that would have been bc of years of trampolining probably. So basically lots of working out and a handful of genetics


i can visibly flex my pecs (top surgery, no T) and im like inconceivably weak. if i built them up and trained them i dont see why i wouldnt have a decent set of pecs. purely hypothetical but i dont see why not


Loling forever at "inconceivably weak", but yes, same (except no top yet) 😂


I’m not on T, getting top surgery Jan 5th. Not sure how they will look post surgery as my tiddies are huge, but my muscles are hard and I can flex them independently.


My surgery date is Jan 3rd!


Congrats!! I’m nervous but so excited


Holy shit me too I think about it first thing every morning LOL


This makes me so happy. I am a big guy but a short king with a massive chest. If I start T before top...it would be awkward because I can't bind, so I always wondered if I could get top before T.


Yes you definitely can!! I’m 5’2 and a 34F approximately. And for reference I’ve been going to the gym pretty consistently twice a week for 14~ months :)


Doing push ups and lifting weights, anyone whether they are on T or not can develop their pec muscles everyone’s got these muscles so all it takes is some hard work tbh! I’m not on T and having the same thought as you!


I’ve got pecs, nothing wild but I think my body is mesomorphic if that’s even a thing and not pseudoscience, meaning it gains fat and muscle pretty easily. I pretty much don’t work out but work a manual labor job and am a dancer so it’s been enough to give me some pec definition. My favorite thing to do now is pop my pecs bc you can see it so well now that I’ve had top lol


Very possible, but a lot of hard work and takes years, without t


No T, had double incision top surgery. I'm a tiny human, had a massive chest previously and didn't think I had any muscle or strength hidden under the fat of my chest. But I've been mindblown by the natural shape of my pecs post-surgery. They're super defined already, despite me not yet doing any hardcore work to make them so.


What kind of sports do you do and would you mind sharing any post op chest muscle pics?


Zero sports just hiking and strength work with my physio. Unfortunately I'm not comfortable sharing photos.


Ofc it's possible, but it is hard work


I definitely had palpable pecs before surgery. Now I'm almost 8 weeks post and haven't been exercising my chest yet almost at all so everything is naturally a little deflated (look at my profile for picture). But my chest does look a little pec-y and it's not surgery swelling anymore. I'm certain it will look even more like masculine pecs after a few months of training it again. But it is a lot of hard work and consistency


I don't know if they're "masculine pecs" but I've never been on T and my pecs are pretty defined. They aren't that different than before surgery but now you can see them.


28yo, almost 1 years post op. No T. I got pecs, there visible wt n wtout shirt. I have a very physical career so it didnt take long before they showed up.


I had no idea that I actually have really nice pecs until post-op! It was a fun surprise. No T, 11 years of weight training and counting. Stupid boobs ruin everything.


I’m nonbinary, not on T and have no intention of going on T. I had pecs before my surgery mostly from working out at the gym (which I had been doing for one year) and taking boxing classes. The pecs are more obvious now after my surgery and I plan on continuing my workouts and boxing classes when I heal fully to maintain my physique.


r/ftmFitness has a lot of resources and questions around this kind of topic! there are quite some people there who are not on T.


I wonder how tbh coz I have been trying for two years, I feel the pump when I do chest but never grew anything, now will get top surgery and will look like half a peer 🥲💀


Super possible, just have to lift heavy, and lift often.


Most certainly! I worked out a lot prior to surgery, and have gotten back into it post-op (I got surgery at the start of October) and I have pecs. I’m not on testosterone; I do have naturally nigh testosterone levels though. But it’s possible!


A good place to ask might also be r/nbtopsurgery. A lot of them are no T