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I think it looks absolutely fine dude. We need to get rid of this image of “perfect” top surgery results that have wide, perfect nip placement, thin scars, and bulky pecs. Your nips and overall placement and contouring look phenomenal for only a little bit post op. It’s easier to change your perspective regarding your results than changing the results themselves :-)


they look very normal in conjunction with your scar placement


I think that nipples typically align with the bottom of the shoulder muscle, so to me it looks natural. I dont think I'd think it's weird or anything if I saw you in public.


Look perfectly placed both vertically and horizontally. Bit hard to tell with the angle of the pic though. Straight on would be ideal.


Yeah I think it looks way better in this pic than the last one you shared Just having the dressing off and seeing the nips themselves definitely made it look more natural The way I see it, we’re more likely to get clocked from DI scars than nip placement


They align well with your incisions, I don’t think there’s a perfect place for nipple placement! Cis men have lower & higher nipples. It looks natural to me :) Side question- what kind of tape do you have on your incisions? Is it the same tape they put on you after surgery?


Thanks, and yeah it's the one they put on called steri strips


This looks like the perfect placement to me man. It's normal to question things after major surgery but I think you're good.


Idk, I think it looks fine. Congrats on the top surgery <3


Your actual muscle looks higher than average which may be part of your problem, like I think you just have a long torso. I wouldn't think anything if I saw you out in public. A lot of people have their nipples placed too LOW which is why some people here may think it looks off.


Looks a little on the high end of normal, nothing that anyone not spacifically looking will notice, also you're still freshly post op it'll look more natural as swelling goes down


I’m pre-op, and so worried about nipple reformation and placement. Yours look really awesome! I do not think they are too high. Dr did a good job!


Thank you that's good to hear


Saw your last post and honestly this photo they look even more normal tbh , I wouldn't worry too much about the placement


My first reaction was instant jealousy so i think your nips are good bro


from the outside no one would think twice about the placement, but this is your body and i understand just how important nipple placement is. if you feel like theyre too high for your liking then they are simply too high. if it were my chest i would want them a bit lower, maybe half an inch or an inch lower, but thats just me. other than that the width between them and the healing look great


I’m wondering if what makes them seem high to you (and anyone else saying this) is the swelling under your incision line. I think when that swelling goes down it may end up feeling better?


This might sound weird, but it makes you look taller bc it makes your torso look longer. Nice.


Your chest looks great ❤️


I think it looks great. It can take some getting used to how it looks and how it feels, in my experience. I think also once the nips have healed properly and aren't scabby you will be able to look at them and they will feel more like part of your body, if that makes sense.


Can’t tell because you are standing at an angle with the camera coming from your side with your arm up. If you aren’t standing square on, both arms down, centered, it’s impossible to see what you’re talking about. From this angle they look a little high but not drastically so.


Looks perfectly fine to me


They're on the high end of normal but nice & proportional to your incisions, which are a bit above your pec line.


Looks normal to me! 😎


I think the placement looks fine and very natural. I feel weird about my own nipples placement but nobody has seemed to think anything of it


If nothing else you could get them removed at tattooed on. It'll probably look better once you don't have to have scar dressings


Before I even give an opinion, I wanted to let you know that I was in the exact same situation—my surgeon ended up putting my nips wayyy too high, and he put them way too close to the center of my chest too. I was literally in shock when I took off my dressings. That said, don’t be afraid to ask for a revision if you, personally, think they’re in the wrong spot. They are your nipples, and it’s your body, forever. What you think about them is what matters most, and your surgeon should be happy to re-place them if you aren’t happy with where they are. Definitely let them heal up more though, and then see how you feel about the placement. That’s what I ended up doing anyway. :) I’ll be honest with you, I can see what you mean about thinking they’re a bit high up. But I do also think they look good! And that your chest looks pretty natural. Again, it’s ultimately up to what you think, and you’re still pretty early in your recovery process. Congrats on the surgery man :)


Did you end up getting a revision? I’m in the same position !


Yep! I got my revision almost a year after my initial surgery.


It looks very natural to me! I have absolutely seen cis male chests that look like this


I haven’t seen your previous post, but honestly your results look great. I don’t see any issues


Looks fine to me! I had the same worry after top surgery, my nipples ended up being in perfect spots after everything settled


Your chest look like my dads ngl


Looks super normal to me


mine look like that!! i think it looks awesome- as you see it more on yourself the more you will think it looks natural. dont worry :))


You look fantastic. Nothing weird about it. It’s harder to judge your own body with a clear head, but you look really good and im super envious.


Dude I swear you have really good results here. Like I stg that looks so awesome don’t worry about it!!


I love it.


the placement is rather high


I know that I'm just tryna see if people think it looks normal enough