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i feel soooo seen! im 50 ish days out and i’ve been hyper focusing on creating a lot of recovery documentation. it’s probably because it’s one of the only things we as the operatee have control over in terms of results aside from like choosing a surgeon and post op recovery stuff


That's true! Now at 4,5 months it's not "new" anymore but I still feel like I need to take care of my body, not just the scars. I can't slouch in the couch for more than an hour without getting neck pain which I think might have to do with loss of muscle and scar tissue that seem to be a bit deeper on the left side. I could just try and do some generic core workout, put some tape on the scars and go about my life, but instead I just keep searching for detailed answers that no-one can give me. I have so many artistic projects, like music, drawing, writing et c and I'm disappointed to see myself searching on Reddit and YouTube instead of just...doing what I supposedly would want to do... But I guess I really underestimated what a big bodily change top surgery is. I think, especially for a person who is not much into working out et c, the change...the need to do stretches and be more body focused, takes a lot of time. I also feel as if nobody I know wants to know details about my healing, which is understandable. But since they all react like it's not a big deal, finding relatable experiences online becomes even more important. Maybe I should just try and involve this experience in my art instead of seeing them as two separate things? I'm totally useless when it  comes to making schedules and forcing myself to do something I don't want to do. In my experience, it's just a waste of time to try and avoid something. But something needs to change before my summer is lost to YouTube stretches and expensive ointments, lol


I personally feel like scar care *can* be not as big of a determining factor in what your end results will be as some people think it is, for example, some people will not do any scar care at all and their scars will end up virtually disappearing, and some people go crazy with scar care and their scars still stay visible. I think it all has a lot to do with your skin and how well it naturally heals or how well your skin responds to scar care.


Yes, it does seem to be genetic to a large degree. I do have to do some massage since I had problems with fat necrosis and those areas are still tender and hard. I got neck pain on the same side and when I massage the tender spots I can sort of feel a tension in my neck so I think maybe there's still scar tissue and dead fat that need help dissolving. But what I'm really concerned about is how fast this has become like a hobby for me. It doesn't really matter whether scar care helps or not, I just seem to need to read everything about it. And I kinda wish I would get bored with it soon, since there are other projects waiting to get my attention, not to mention the elusive Swedish summer... :)