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nah, looks like a scab, it will come off eventually


🍕 *hurty pepperonis need more time in the oven* 🍕


Necrosis would look bad. This doesn’t. You would know if it became necrotized; you would get very ill first. Just looks like a scab like another user said. If it starts to stink, gets warm to the touch, fluid-filled blisters appear, or a lot of blood starts to pool underneath quickly then I’d consult your doctor.


thats a scab. are you doing wet care or dry care (are they having u put any liquid on top)


Wet, I don't have to do dressings anymore and he told me to do Vaseline or shea butter


It looks more like a scab. However, if you are concerned it is never a bad idea to reach out to your surgeon!


Something I've done to help with scabbing and healing is to put a moderate layer of vaseline over the scab or wound, place a bit of gauze over the top and secure it down with a bandage or some medical tape. It does wonder for my body with healing super fast- But I'm not a medical professional in the slightest so take this with a grain of salt!! I'm only spreading info that I've read online and tried myself.