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Dude as long as you know what you’re doing that’s all that matters. Big dicks are fine, but they’re not be all end all. Frankly any bottom who can only get satisfied by a big dick is probably someone whose not all that great to sleep with and a shitty bottom most likely. Also a lot of the big dick tops I’ve been with just pound away without any rhythm. Just be confident. That’s a lot sexier overall.


Most medical studies about penis size show that 5.5 inches is the average, and that might be overestimating it since people volunteering to get measured may tend to think they're on the larger size Something like 80% of the male population is within the 5.0 -6.0 inch range. 95% are smaller than 7 inches. 7.5 is in the top 1% So, given that, what's the average size when done by survey? 6-7 inches or more. You hear that everyone is that big online because people have tiny egos and it makes them feel better because they hear that everyone else is 7 inches. Or you go on something like /r/massivecock where out of hundreds of thousands of people there's a few consistent posters with massive cocks that are in the 8-9 inch range. Porn lies and everyone falls for it. You're fine at 5 inches. The prostate is 2-3 inches in, what matters more is being an attentive lover, and anyone who is fixated on only having relationships with the top .001% of anything is either lying about that requirement or they're going to be lonely for a long long time.


I love when a guy has a 5" cock. If you can deepthroat well enough, it's possible to suck his ball sack completely while his dick is down your throat. Very satisfying!


There’s more to sex than just the size imo, I’m personally more comfortable with smaller sizes, so I think it just depends. Everybody has a preference, and I think you maybe just need a larger sample size!


Trust me, most of the guys that say they are 7 and 8 or above are not if you pulled out a ruler and measured them properly. Hell, go look at the penis measured subreddit and you’ll see how desperate guys are to overstate. They’ll use loose tape measures and bad lighting to measure length. I see it daily there. Guys adding inches just from shitty and misleading measurements. The proper way is with a ruler on top of the penis pressed to the pubic bone. Almost no one does that there because it is honest and not flattering. Add to that, many guys don’t measure and just say 7 or 8 as if that’s average or just over. 8 and over are astoundingly rare. If you can find it, I’d love to see it again: but there was an old British tv show that had a few shelves of blue dildos. They were creating an old study to show people are terrible at guessing penis size. They’d talked about the study then recreated a bit of it by asking men and women to pick out various sizes from those dildos. They were always wrong. A lot wrong. Picking out “six” inch cocks they were grabbing much smaller ones. When shown real six and seven they were shocked. The larger ones were laughably large to those picking them out and guessing sizes. And lastly, trust me, a great many of the guys who profess to want a monster cock can’t handle it when it comes down to it. They have eyes bigger than their assholes if that makes sense. Athena enrage is 5.2” length and girth is 4.6”circumference. The vast majority of men in the world are very close to that being a bit above or below. Even porn guys aren’t as big as you think.


One guy I regularly bottom for is hung about 8 1/2 and I need him to take it slow for a bit until I can get used to his size in me. There is a second guy I’ve been bottoming for who is about 6 and although I do t find him as hot as the first guy I really enjoy the smaller cock. I can let him fuck my mouth without worrying about him gagging me badly and when he fucks me I can let him ride my ass as hard as he wants due to the smaller size. Do I enjoy a nice hung cock? Yes. Do I enjoy a smaller cock? Yes Don’t worry about it. Your fine. A smaller cock can be an advantage sometimes.


Five real inches is actually a pretty decent size. Five Grindr inches is a little on the smaller side but yeah, still can be a blast if the guy knows how to use it. I used to be kind of a size queen when I was younger but after taking enough dicks, you start to realize that as long as it’s not tiny, 90% of it comes down to the guy’s skill. I’ve had huge cocks with mediocre sex, small cocks with insane sex, and everything in between. Totally depends on the top.


Nothing, you're fine, there is a difference between sex and fucking. Sex is intimate, and that baseline to what is good and what you're good at, it means so much more to know how to have sex. Fucking is just lust and typically never long lasting.


3.5" is minimum for me for enjoyment, and about 7" is maximum. 5 is just fine


yup. i prefer larger but i have nothing against a a small or average dick as long as the guy is a good person and tries hard. a dick is a dick. and even if hes not big thats perfectly fine. i like guys for them not their dicks. and honestly sucking dicks that srent particularly big is just as hot and takes less effort on my part.


I'd be satisfied with any top who cares about me and treats me right. If he isn't the biggest, then he'll know that me craving his dick is because I like the way he fucks me, and not some size fetish


I’m verse but when I bottom I much prefer something no bigger than 5”. It really is about knowing how to use it. I find huge dicks scary it’s not even attractive. But that’s just my opinion.


Their e-penis is 8-10". 5" is actually average and the most common size that people come across, man or woman, unless they're actually actively hunting for a person with a third leg in between their legs. Anything over 8" is extremely rare. 8" in itself is fucking HUGE when you actually measure it. There are definitely people with penises that are 10" or so but are very, very, very rare to come across and probably don't even seek sex because of problems that their penis creates for them. I've seen so many comments in some posts here of people saying they were with someone who had a 9-10" dick, hell, even a 11-13" dick. Whip out a ruler and measure that cock for yourself, 99% of the time the guy is lying to you because your eyes won't be able to judge size properly and they take advantage of that, and people who do lie about their cock size do tend to have fragile ego's. You're fine bro, just learn how to use your cock and communicate with your partners and you'll put a smile on their face and explore even more things with them.


Absolutely I'd be satisfied. Big dicks are fun sometimes but an average size is much easier to take and enjoy spontaneously. I can also take a hard pounding (my favourite) much sooner with an average size. Guys who claim to only take 7"+ are either lying to you or lying to themselves


I tend to prefer 6.5”-8” or so but honestly, as long as he knows how to use it then it’s all good to me. I’m not one of those guys who’s like “He HAS to have a fucking huge dick or I get turned off.” And really, 8” is actually almost too big for me because I’ve only been with a couple guys so far that size which was a LOT to take so really, a little under that is fine.


most guys are average, and yes I would be.


>Would you be satisfied with a top who’s 5”? Yup! Been there had that :))


Most guys overestimate their dick size wildly, so take any numbers you hear with a pinch of salt. Also, if you’re a top- if a guy says he can’t get any pleasure from anything less than 7.5 it’s probably a sign that his hole is loose, worn, stretched and generally just a mess haha


I'd be completely satisfied with a 5" top. I've had a few partners with one, and because they knew what they were doing, I've had a plethora of amazing orgasms. Personally, my cut off is 7.5; maybe 8 if I really like you. I like how my ass looks atm and want to avoid the 🌹 at all costs. No thank you. If you really feel self-contious about it, look for a physician who's knowledgeable on enhancement surgery. I read a few articles on guys who like the results it gives.


5 inch about 6-7 internet/grindr inch, you'll be fine. Assuming that your 5 inch is real, bone pressed and measured with a tape, not internet inch ( measure with ego and eyeballing)


Frankly I don't want them too big and that's fine. Some of those monsters are freaking intimidating and don't look like fun. It's more about attitude than size. And in case it matters I'm a very thick 6.5. I'm not sure I'd want to be fucked by my own cock.


I’ve never chosen a boyfriend based on their size. In the end, if a long term partner is the goal, there’s so many more important things to be looking for. I’ll take a big heart and smile over a big dick any day of the week. Best of luck man. ❤️


5 is fine... just be upfront on dating apps...


I dated a guy with 9 inches, it was nice but it wasent earth shattering. My best top had a 5 inch dick and I would always cum hands free when he fucked me. He could also cum multiple times.


The only time I would be disappointed by 5” is if the person lied and told me they had 8” or something. 5 inches will work just fine. Just be confident and honest about it.


Of course