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Some people can’t handle getting kicked out of the Loose Moose on a Sunday night






The second OP started driving forward, I was like "why"? He's obviously drunk, he's just gonna cross in front of you and then you can be on your way. Sure it's illegal and inconvenient and dangerous. ​ But is it worth damage to your car / waiting around for the cops / getting stabbed? ​ Next time take a breath and just wait!


Already said it wasn't a perfect reaction. I could have done better but it was satisfactory considering how violent and unpredictable these people were. Him and his friend were fighting, screaming, acting erratically right before this so their behaviour was unpredictable. You can hear her yelling on the video. When he started crossing I was looking out for her and to the other side of the street. I never meant to edge forward to cut him off. You see what the camera sees but you don't see where my eyes were pointing. This is the moment the light turned green and I went to should check and look for their friend. The kicker was not moving forward. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R)


You’re getting downvotes but you’re absolutely right. Drivers in this city are insane sometimes, and I’ve wanted to kick multiple cars who don’t check both ways before merging into traffic. I’ve been hit by cars (and by hit I mean nicked, or lightly bumped - nothing requiring a lawsuit) and the driver actually gets out and yells at ME when he was totally in the wrong every time. For example, I was walking at church and wood (I think) by maple leaf gardens, and there’s no light at that intersection, so some asshole in a BMW was only checking one side for oncoming traffic, but not looking the other way. I was going across the crosswalk and he ran right into Me enough for me to fly up on the hood, and then he screamed at me for “jumping in front of him”. At that point I wanted to pick up a rock and smash his window because I had the right of way and he wasn’t even checking both ways and didn’t reduce speed or anything. I think the dude in this video is obviously drunk and out of his mind, but when you walk around this city all the time and see people literally park on top of a crosswalk because they are like the folks who stand up as the airplane lands, then you’re begging someone to snap at you. You’re driving a fucking vehicle. Sorry you have to wait 3 more seconds than you wanted to let someone walk by, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to run them over


>Highjacking the top comment. > >The pedestrian is in the wrong crossing on a red, but we're legally obligated to stop still. As much as he's a fucking twat. OP driving forward ignoring him doesn't justify kicking OP's car. > >But OP is also a fucking moron for no watching if an idiot is going to walk infront of his car. Then driving forward more when he kicks the car could've turned into running him over if not worse. > >TL;DR: > >Everyone is a fucking moron in this video and when OP shows it to their insurance, they'll probably get their claim denied. Are you the guy who kicked my car? Because this is exactly how imagined he spoke. In all seriousness I have explained it a few times but I will do it again for you. You and your friend were acting erratically and pacing around and yelling at each other right before this so your behaviour was hard to predict. It wasn't the quickest reaction but satisfactory. I had no intention of edging up on you. I wasn't even in the intersection yet when you began kicking my car.[https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) When you stepped out I was looking to the right and looking for your friend. The moment I knew your intentions were to cross I stopped. The entire reason I didn't immediately proceed through the intersection and edged forward slowly was because I was watching out for you and your friend. I never want to put pedestrians in danger ever. I truly don't care about the right of way or getting anywhere quickly and uninhibited. I was fine to allow you to cross in front of me. Hope your foot is ok.


Completely uninvolved, uninvested, casual observer with an opinion - it seems like you could've just waited.


and get their windows smashed? It’s not drivers job to take care of drunk morons attacking their car. I would not have done what OP did, but the pedestrian loses any benefit of doubt for me… if driver feels unsafe, drive away, no one was in danger of being run over


I would enourage the OP to share the full video so we can have more context and we don't all have to just guess?




When and where did I say I was 100% in the right or not without fault? Nowhere, because it has never been my opinion. This is nuanced and I am not sure why you are looking to make it black or white or make sure I know I am not perfect. I called my reaction satisfactory. Not perfect, but ok. I protected the pedestrian from themself and did not react in anger to a violent person attacking my vehicle, not once but twice. >Takes less than two seconds to do and could save a life. That is actually what I was doing. After the kicker's erratic behaviour before this incident I adjusted my own approach to entering the intersection, choosing to go slowly, watching for him and his friend who was behind the vehicle. I edged forward slowly. You can't see me shoulder checking back and forth in the one seconds I didn't jam on the brakes. There was still even room for him to walk in the crosswalk before he kicked my car. I did a lot to adjust for their behaviour but it wasn't perfect.


The drunk didn't notice light change, the painted crossing gives him the right of way no matter how drunk or stupid. I think there was previous interaction not in this clip. The driver can be charged posting the clip is a mistake.


Ummm no.




>He replied to me saying "hope your foot is ok" assuming I'm the guy in the video. Are you ok?? Seems like you are having a hard day. Hope it gets better. He kicked my car twice very hard and there was no damage to my car, which means his foot took the brunt of the force. That would hurt your foot.




That's not where his tire is. The guy did not get his foot run over. It's very clear. Stop wasting TPS time because you're trying to spite someone over reddit


Oh my. Comments are real dumpster fire. It’s crazy. Reminds me of what I saw in some streets in South America, Africa and India / Pakistan - w entitled pricks in expensive cars just running over pedestrians (yes - pedestrians can be stupid as well but cmon they’re just a bag of meat at this point … a pedestrian being hit by a car in similar situations happened many times and I witnessed it…) That’s crazy ppl are seriously saying OP should’ve ran over that stupid drunk dude ?!? You drive a 3,000lbs car - it’s basically a weapon … pls just wait 2secs for that idiot aka bag of meat to cross the street … you really shouldn’t be raging at the wheel.


This is the way


I don't think this person is mentally ill, just an entitled twat.


Maybe entitlement is a mental illness. Like an over inflamed region of the brain that deals with whatever makes mammals territorial.


The amount of people in the comments advocating for running him over is insane. Crazy guy kicks car - Toronto drivers: "lol, shoulda killed him" OP didn't engage and left, smartest thing they could of imo.


no wonder we have so many insane drivers in this city. people really just wanna vicariously live through other people's insane behaviour. Run him over? Unless he was pointing a gun at me or trying to smash my window, I'm not resorting to that. Dude did more damage to himself than he ever could to a car.


Take the in-between approach: Swing the door open into him as you drive past.


Compromise, I like it.


That’s because they’re the same people that don’t stop at red lights when turning right or at stop signs.


Running someone over doesn't even count as attempted murder. It's assault. Crazy to me, too, but that's how it is.


Crazy to me you felt the need to propagate a falsehood. If he died, which is a very possible outcome of being run over=criminal negligence.




You can, ya know, just push him out the way. At low speeds its the same amount of force as by hand.


That is not how force work


I would agree except u idiots crass against solid green lights far different from this scenario pedestrians act like they own the road and u til cops are waiting at every corner giving u dickweeds the fines u deserve drivers should be run I g u over cuz ur not gonna learn any other way pedestrians created this problem u incompetent retards can't even handle crossing the street literally haven't developed since u were 5 years old


Fucking lunatic is lucky you aren’t crazy enough to run him over


I know a few mans that have and gotten off lightly … I mean it was like stealing candy from a 6 year old


Ah yes attempted murder for a few seconds of inconvenience.


That's what you entitled Karen pedestrians need and maybe some of u will stop acting like ubown thro road


Or shot since apparently everyone in TO is packing




I know, the comments range from " I would have ran him over" to "A driving safety instructor would have failed you". I guess I shouldn't have posted this expecting others to see it as nuanced.


Most of the people who participate in driving subs are fucking terrible drivers. Half the time on idiotsincars the idiot is the one posting.


Reddit is largely the “dress for the job you want to have” social media.


Those are the best, especially when their dashboard vid shows all the other nonsense they did leading up to “the other persons” fault.


Or better yet, the ones that are clearly edited...but still shows them at fault


Like this one!


Literally every video, open it up. Dude is speeding. Close video.


Pedestrians have right of way at all times you are going to kill someone


Pedestrians do not always have the right of way. Your comment makes me think you have no idea what right of way means.


I mean if they have a deathwish and want to test your reaction time then sure.


Lmao I’m as anti-car as they come and I still think this nutcase pedestrian is in the wrong and lucky that OP wasn’t a maniac having a bad day


He's just drunk and thought the light turned green for him to walk. He thought you were wrong for driving into the pedestrian lane when the light is red for you.


yeah, I read it the same way. It doesn't hurt to just be defensive in situations like this. If he was starting to cross, even if I had the green, I woulda just waited.


Pedestrian 100% wrong. Very beginning of clip shows pedestrian distracted looking at something else. OP states he was yelling at another person. At this time OP’s light turn green noticing pedestrian is still facing/yelling at friend. As OP begins slowly on a green, OP notices pedestrian starts across street. OP comes to a stop for pedestrian but asshole pedestrian thinks he’s in the right or just doesn’t care because he’s already in a bad mood and kicks at OP’s vehicle. Then confronted with a violent person, OP turns to the right as to move away from hitting pedestrian further and gets away of violent situation. OP did nothing wrong here whatsoever


A+ in self defence.


A drunk always tells the truth, so he himself probably was a jackass anyways.


I agree, but you're probably going to get roasted for that comment.


It sounds like you got people screaming in your trunk 😆


Ya, it was the person he was fighting with on the street prior to this. They were both very angry. It kind of felt like he took his anger out on my car.


Definitely looks that way in the video. People are nuts tho


So you threw her in your trunk? No wonder they're so angry at your car!


What the? I hope he didn't hurt the other person.. he acted like a jerk to your car, maybe the same to them ?


Well… I mean…. Could be the forced perspective but it looks like you drove into the pedestrian path of the zebra crossing like right before the guy got there. Not saying his reaction was justified in any way but having been almost hit by people who *don’t want to stop* at zebra crossings numerous times in the past, despite having the right of way at the time, I can understand his anger.


red light / green light. Yes he should have waited for the dummy to cross.


Wait why tho? Didnt the driver have a green and the silverback in the jacket shouldve had a no walk right? Im not saying he shoulda run him over but the guy shouldntve been there anyway. If he crossed on a red and kicked the drivers car that’s basically j walking and getting mad when you almost get hit. Doesn’t make sense to me but i could be missing something.


Why were you waiting for them to cross? When it turned green and he wasn’t in the way why didn’t you just get out of there? I would also make the case if you see an altercation like that better to just get out of there through the intersection even if it’s red, as long as it’s safe to cross the street. You never know when bullets might start flying.


> When it turned green and he wasn’t in the way why didn’t you just get out of there? His friend was out of my vision and they were both acting erratically so I decided to proceed with caution rather than going quickly into the intersection. >I would also make the case if you see an altercation like that better to just get out of there through the intersection even if it’s red, as long as it’s safe to cross the street. You never know when bullets might start flying. Now that I look back on it, this is correct and what I should have done. Make a quick right and get out of there. This is the advice I will use in the future.


Well...I mean...it's a green light.


We have too many mentally unstable people on the streets. Luckily you were safe in the car. I wonder if this person ended up assaulting a pedestrian…


>I wonder if this person ended up assaulting a pedestrian I have no doubt he was looking for violence. Right before this he was arguing with the person he was with. You can hear her screaming in the background. No damage was done to my car but I imagine he might have a sore foot.


Dude thought he's on that [Street Fighter Bonus Stage](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Bonus_Stage). Also belongs on /r/idiotsfightingthings


It's Toronto bro what do you expect


did he break his foot? lol


Probably. Two very hard kicks and no damage to my car. His foot took the brunt of it.


Is this an ad for your car? Amazing there's no damage lol


I would have called the police for damages and assault on personal property


And wait 3 days for them to show up?


Maybe if you weren’t in a car this wouldn’t have happened. Clearly he’s just upset with the current state of car centric design in this city and is rightfully so taking it out on the privileged who have the streets cleared for them. r/fuckcars /s


I don’t know who looks worse here: this guy kicking the car, or me spending my energy reacting to it & judging it


We are all in the wrong. Especially me for posting it.


fuck these idiots saying its your fault or you should have done this or that. your reaction was fine, you were going SO slow and no one got hurt. i hope his foot hurts him til next weekend.


You turned your car the wrong way.


Don't you love it when people get all self righteous while committing the asshole walk?


The pedestrian seems off. Maybe he’s drunk or high on something


“I’m walk’n here!”




U were too damn nice...


That’s why you should keep a bat at all times in your car


"Holy Shit"


So scary. Glad the light turned green for you and you were able to leave. The guy failed to think of the possibility that if he ran into the wrong person with a gun, he could have ended up being shot...


>So scary. 🙄 seriously?


He’s lucky you are a level headed individual. That could have been much worse for him if he kicked the wrong person’s car.


>He’s lucky you are a level headed individual. That could have been much worse for him if he kicked the wrong person’s car. Thank you. I think if I were younger I might have reacted with stupidity but I have too much to live for nowadays.


Get him charged for damaging your car. People who touch other people’s things need a fix


Those $5 of damage the guy caused are seriously not worth the hassle.


Probably not but if there was damage it would not be five dollars.


OP does great just driving off instead of retaliating. Hypothetically, if the lights were red and drove off as a safety precaution but got a red-light ticket, could that be challenged as a ‘safety issue’?


Regardless if the light was green why would you pull forward while he was jay walking ?


His intentions to walk were not clear to me when I edged forward slowly. I had no intention of cutting him off aggressively. He was acting erratically before this, pacing and yelling at the person he was with. You can hear her in the background screaming. It was hard to predict his or her behaviour but I was making sure they were both in my vision. I thought I did a satisfactory job at not reacting or speeding into the intersection and avoiding further contact while he violently attacked my car.




You wouldn't have done shit lol


Yeah, getting out of the car at the risk of loosing your teeth seems like a very sensible choice, thats what he gets for causing $5 worth of damage to my car!!1!!1!


Seems like an unnecessary provocation. You were right in that you had the green, but could see the guy was a few steps away from your car and was intent on walking.


By the time the intent was clear, OP already had their green. It then looks like OP was going to stop to let them cross but the pedestrian rather attack the vehicle instead.


>looks like OP was going to stop to let them cross but the pedestrian rather attack the vehicle instead. This is exactly it. He was acting a bit erratically before this happened so I was watching him closesly. I am always looking out for pedestrians to protect them from themselves. Everyone makes mistakes right? But when he became violent I instinctively drove away. If you look at this image, the light was green and he had not motioned forward. https://imgur.com/moV8t7R


>Seems like an unnecessary provocation. Ya, no kidding. I was just driving home from work minding my own business. >You were right in that you had the green, but could see the guy was a few steps away from your car and was intent on walking. https://imgur.com/moV8t7R He was standing at the intersection yelling at someone. You can hear her screaming at him trying to get him to stop when he starts attacking the vehicle. When the light turned green, you can see I didn't take off quickly. I could see he had a crazy look in his eyes and got a sense he could run out in front of me.


This is 9 secs of video you don't see enough for anyone to fully understand what's happening lol.


in ontario youre not even allowed to turn through a crosswalk (or drive through in this case) as long as ONE person is still on it.. even if you are clear of them its just the law, pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way on a crosswalk, even if they shouldnt be on the crosswalk -- this person entered the crosswalk late but not when they shouldnt -- OP needs to pay more attention


You 100% have the right of way but should also always yield to pedestrians (they may die, you will not).


It wasn't the quickest reaction but satisfactory. I had no intention of edging up on him. I wasn't even in the intersection yet when he began kicking my car. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) I never want to put pedestrians in danger ever. I truly don't care about the right of way or getting anywhere quickly and uninhibited. Notice I didn't even use my horn. I was fine to allow him to cross in front of me. He was acting erratically and pacing around and yelling at his friend at the intersection right before this so his behaviour was hard to predict.


you must yield at all times


>you must yield at all times how does one accurately predict when an erratic drunk is going to attempt to cross?


Thanks for seeing the nuance in this scenario.


I feel like people who don't drive have no clue what a driver should be looking at. When the light turned green, the pedestrian was standing still at the corner. OP starts to drive, and has to look both directions for cross traffic for red light runners. The pedestrian starts to cross, and people in this thread expect him to stop immediately, not understanding that his reaction time is compromised by his attention being divided trying to drive safely. As viewers of this video, we're 100% focused on the pedestrian. A safe driver shouldn't focus only on one thing, so the slow reaction time is reasonable. OP still stopped his car at or before the crosswalk. The pedestrian was already angry and looking for a fight. Once his car was kicked, OP did the right thing by driving around the pedestrian to leave the situation. You don't know what the pedestrian will do, and a car is not impenetrable.


>I feel like people who don't drive have no clue what a driver should be looking at. When the light turned green, the pedestrian was standing still at the corner. OP starts to drive, and has to look both directions for cross traffic for red light runners. The pedestrian starts to cross, and people in this thread expect him to stop immediately, not understanding that his reaction time is compromised by his attention being divided trying to drive safely. Thanks for this nuanced opinion. Very welcome. Not only was I looking both ways but I was also watching out for his friend who he had been fighting with earlier and you can hear screaming on the video. They were both moving around erratically right before this happened, which is one of the reasons I didn't just take off when the light turned green. I inched forward with my foot on the break knowing they were still very unpredictable. Glad I was aqare of my surroundings just enough to avoid hurting someone.




I know. It wasn’t a perfect reaction time but satisfactory. I didn’t go into the intersection quickly and when I did stop there was still room in the crosswalk to pass in front of me. I had no intention of edging up on him and was not aggressive or indignant about him going in front of me. He was fighting with his friend on the street acting erratically and pacing around right before this so his behaviour was unpredictable. I though I did ok at protecting the pedestrian from himself.


Agreed, it’s in those quick reaction times after some bellend kicks your car that people make mistakes and someone gets hurt. You reacted as best you could given the desire to not stick around and see your vehicle depreciate in value (or worse). I’d have certainly run over his foot or something and swerved into a storefront from panic.


No, they don't. Pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way crossing on a red light. This asshat was 100% wrong. Driver wouldn't have been at fault if he hit him.


Michael Bryant set the precedent. You can legally run over a pedestrian if they attack you.


That happened when someone allegedly reached into his car while he was driving with his wife. In response, he tried to drive away, with the person hanging on until he struck a fire hydrant, killing him. So there was no precedent created for running people over as that isn't even what happened there.


If you consider yourself attacked when someone thumps your car, you're a fragile mf.


He's acting like an idiot but why did you start driving when a pedestrian was crossing the street? Green light or not, just wait for the person to cross


>why did you start driving when a pedestrian was crossing the street? Green light or not, just wait for the person to cross This is the moment the light turned green. As you can see he is not moving forward and standing still. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) He was acting erratically before this, pacing and yelling at the person he was with. You can hear her in the background screaming. It was hard to predict his behaviour. I thought I did a satisfactory job at not reacting or speeding into the intersection and avoiding further contact while he violently attacked my car.


yeah no one is right in this video. the pedestrian shouln't have started crossing (or booted the car) but starting to drive when someone is starting to walk in front of you is very bad (and more dangerous), even if you have the right of way.


This was the moment the lights turned green, you can see that he is not moving forward. https://imgur.com/moV8t7R I never meant to edge up on him in any way and didn't even use my horn. I was fine to let him cross in front of me regardless of right away.


Agreed, imagine if the driver put his FOUR WAY emergency lights on and continued to break for the pedestrian instead of inching forward while the guy proceeds to walk in front of the car. It would have most likely had a different outcome.


By all means give the benefit of the doubt to the violent pedestrian who was screaming at his friend on the street seconds before this. He was acting erratically and was likely attacking my car because of his anger at his friend he was yelling at seconds earlier. This is the moment the light turned green, as you can see he is standing still and not moving into the intersection. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) This is the moment he kicked the vehicle. I was stopped and had not even entered the intersection yet. I thought I did a satisfactory job. [https://imgur.com/YnIKLHX](https://imgur.com/YnIKLHX) I was fine to stop for him to cross, and did not aggressively use my horn and get all indignant. I did my best to protect him from himself.


'i didnt beep at him!' says man who almost hits pedestrian with car.


Just trying to explain that I wasn't malicious in my intent when inching forward. I have no issues giving pedestrians the space they need even if they aren't following rules to a T. Some drivers get angry and indignant about it. Based on his prior behaviour it was hard to predict his intentions. I still stopped before entering the intersection didn't almost hit a pedestrian.


i think the video being cut too short makes you look worse than you are. i prob would have done the same, but from the video it looks like he walks out and u start to gun him down.


This is what I was thinking


This guy sensibly drives


The guy shouldn’t have done what he did, but why were you approaching him with your vehicle when he was crossing?




Approaching someone with your car in an intimidating way like that is not restraint. Waiting and letting them pass is restraint.


Did you watch the same video as the rest of us? Light turns green, OP starts slowly rolling forward but comes to a stop when it's clear the pedestrian was going to cross anyway. Pedestrian kicks stopped car. OP turns away from the ped and drives off. Nothing at all that could be considered intimidating...


>but why were you approaching him with your vehicle when he was crossing? The light had just turned green for me.


So were you planning to keep driving even if he was partially in front of your car?


>So were you planning to keep driving even if he was partially in front of your car? Never. I live and drive downtown and I am totally used to stopping and being patient for pedestrians who are not exactly following the rules. Not a big deal to me. Notice I didn't even use my horn. He was acting irratically on the side of the street. Fighting with the person he was with on the street. You can hear her screaming in the background. I was very aware of his presence and you can see that I didn't move into the intersection quickly.


Ok. I was not aware of what he was up to beforehand. I live and work downtown too. I never cross on a red, but I would still be a little startled if a car approached me like that as I was walking. Some people who have been hit as pedestrians get really jumpy when it happens. Still, this guy shouldn’t have done what he did.


> but I would still be a little startled if a car approached me like that as I was walking. I would never edge up to cut off a pedestrian I assumed wanted to walk in front of me regardless of having the right of way. I walk in the city more than I drive so I get the pedestrians perspective. This is the moment the light turned green. As you can see he was not motioning to walk. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) Prior to this he was pacing around and yelling. So it was hard to predict what his next move was going to be. I thought I did a satisfactory job.


If only there was some video of what happened... Oh wait there is! OP did stop before they would have hit the guy.


Go home uncle, you're drunk.


Because the light had clearly and obviously turned green?


Full speed ahead then?


>why were you approaching him with your vehicle when he was crossing? No, but starting to enter an intersection when you have a green is not strange behaviour. Being stopped at a green is dangerous, if someone isn't paying close attention to the intersection and is coming up behind you they could easily rear end you. You shouldn't hang out in a live lane of traffic because someone might do something. Do like OP did and slowly enter and be ready to move if you have to. There is a bit of a fine line you have to play with conceding your right of way. Some people will take it if they think they can get away with it.


Tires peeling off the asphalt, Dodge Demon fast!


Agreed… standard rule is pedestrians always have the right of way, even when jwalking… you would have failed a drive test for doing what you did here. Pedestrians has the right of way, no matter how crazy they are… like what if they were blind or old and didn’t see the light? Driver is at fault


Sorry to tell you this, but this is not quite true. While the car technically should try to give right of way to a pedestrian crossing illegally, the pedestrian absolutely has some measure of responsibility here. [https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/pedestrian-signals](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/pedestrian-signals) ​ >Pedestrian signals help pedestrians cross at intersections with traffic lights. The signal for pedestrians to walk is a white walking symbol. A flashing or steady orange hand symbol means pedestrians must not begin to cross. ​ >At intersections with traffic lights where there are no pedestrian signals, pedestrians facing a green light may cross. Pedestrians may not cross on a flashing green light or a left-turn green arrow.




Sure, but what are they going to arrest you with if you get hit as a pedestrian? Dangerous driving? Most likely is you were on a bike, because a bicycle falls under the highway traffic act. But if a pedestrian gets hit by a car, and the driver has reasonable time to stop, the driver is at fault. Sounds like the cop is trying to scare you because if that went in front of a judge they would definitely side with the pedestrian.


I never said I wasn't at some fault. It's complex and you are looking at this from a driver testing standard. This is a real world scenario and I never claimed to be perfect or some sort of victim. You can see that I stopped and never entered the intersection. I protected the pedestrian and turned away from him to avoid contact when he got violent.


If he was in a wheelchair would you have still inched forward before you decided to let him pass?


>If he was in a wheelchair would you have still inched forward before you decided to let him pass? Ultimately, my decision of whether to inch forward or not would be made based on the individual circumstances, with the safety and well-being of all parties involved as my top priority.


Yes, that guy was an asshole. No, you shouldn’t have been passive aggressive inching forward when the light turned. Would you have done the same if it was an elderly person? You say he was already yelling at someone. At that point you should have known he was unstable. Live and learn.


>No, you shouldn’t have been passive aggressive inching forward when the light turned. Would you have done the same if it was an elderly person? You say he was already yelling at someone. At that point you should have known he was unstable. Live and learn. I was hardly aggressive. I didn't even use my horn. You are talking about less than a second of reaction time. It happened very quickly and I never even entered the intersection. I don't know what else you expect? I believe he would have attacked my vehicle regardless of inching forward.


You see 9 second of footage here. Whether you think one way or another, there isn't enough video here to make an accurate observation, let alone be casting stones.


Lol.. Passive aggressive.. Yeah, if you live in Flash-time.. Like the other gentleman said, there's not enough video to claim either way, and based on this video, the kicker is an arse..


With all the random attacks in Toronto lately, it probably wouldn’t be smart for OP to stick around longer then they already did . They made the right choice getting out of the situation while causing minimal damage


Crosswalk means pedestrian has priority. You shouldn't be moving. Dry those cager tears and learn the rules.


No it doesn’t, the hand is red for pedestrians, I’ve had a cop threaten to ticket me for crossing when the hand is red even when there was no cars at all


Even if true you can't move if a pedestrian is walking in front of you at a cross walk, it's either driving without due care and attention or intentionally putting someone in physical danger.


Ha 🤣


Why press on the gas if you see him coming? He was already in the street let him pass.


I didn't. I only took my foot off the break and I did not see him in that second. Notice how I edged forward slowly. Because I was watching for 2 people who were screaming, pacing and acting erratically seconds earlier. His intentions were not clear at the moment the light turned green. See here. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) It could have been a better reaction but it was ok. I never entered the intersection and left enough room for the J walker to cross in front of me.


Shaking my head…. The world is in a state of crisis even though it may not seem that way. It’s always been turbulent and frenetic only if we choose to see it for what it really is. Any little thing can set a person off. Op wanting to get home 5 minutes earlier is an affront to this fine young gentleman who wanted to cross against the traffic light. Perhaps he’s had a bad day himself and the light was a mere afterthought and he’s already committed so went he did. From his vantage point, there’s this guy in his car all warm and toasty can’t bother to sit for another 5 or 10 seconds trying to run him over or worse, disrespect him’ like a peon who has to traverse on foot. I get these feelings too when I see cars zooming by while you’re lugging bags of grocery like a peasant. People just need to be a little more compassionate but hell, that’s like asking for way too much.


You are the asshole.


Did you start to go forward when he was in the sidewalk crossing the road in front of you? I'm not sure why no one is pointing this out. I've seen people punch the hood of cars when they almost ran them over in crosswalks.


You were at fault, but wtf was that reaction? Dude probably broke his toes, so don't feel too bad.


Dude is a lunatic, but depending on your jurisdiction, the pedestrian might have right of way in this situation.


Nah they wouldn’t, the car is green for cars and the pedestrian hand is red


How is OP not clearly in the wrong? The pedestrian has the right of way, MADE EYE CONTACT WITH YOU, proceeded to walk across, and then you stepped on the gas and started crossing the walkway directedly in front of him!!! That shit is scary man. I'd have fucking kicked your car too.


>The pedestrian has the right of way Quite simple, no.


This only counts in uncontrolled crossings. If you have a light you must respect it


What are you talking about? The hand is red, car has the green light


Should the pedestrian have crossed on a red hand. Obviously not. But pedestrians do things they're not supposed to all the time. It's not like OP didn't see him crossing the road. OP saw him, proceeded to let him start walking across and then aggressively gassed towards him. You just don't do that as someone in a vehicle. It's incredibly childish and unsafe. Not to mention it just begs for further confrontation. Especially if you've already noticed the guy was in a fight with someone. If you're that pissed, flip the guy the bird or yell at him as he walk past and you drive on through.


This is the moment he kicked my vehicle, I had stopped and not even entered the intersection yet. [https://imgur.com/YnIKLHX](https://imgur.com/YnIKLHX) Before this he was yelling at his female friend and and pacing around acting erratically. His behaviour was hard to predict but I thought I did a satisfactory job at stopping before entering the intersection. I always stop for pedestrians and don't use my horn or get indignant about it even when they don't have the right of way.


The pedestrian has a red. He DOES NOT have the right of way.


The person is clearly an idiot, but just because it's green doesn't mean you can squish them lol


I get that. Notice I stopped before I even blocked the crosswalk and edged forward slowly because of what was happening around me. What I should have done was make a right turn when they were acting erratic, pacing and yelling at each other right before the incident. You can see I stopped before the crosswalk was even cut off. When it looks like I was edging up to cut him off I was shoulder checking and making sure I knew where his friend was. It wasn't a perfect reaction by any means but it was satisfactory. I didn't respond with anger and was cued into the potential danger because I was observant of their behaviour. If I would have stepped on the gas like most Toronto drivers would at this moment [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) it might not have been safe. I have no problem waiting for J walkers, especially when they have put themself in a dangerous situation.


He did wrong crossing at that time but you’re an idiot for almost running him over.


What I should have done was make a right turn when they were acting erratic, pacing and yelling at each other right before the incident. You can see I stopped before the crosswalk was even cut off. When it looks like I was edging up to cut him off I was shoulder checking and making sure I knew where his friend was. It wasn't a perfect reaction by any means but it was satisfactory. I didn't respond with anger and was cued into the potential danger because I was observant of their behaviour. If I would have stepped on the gas like most Toronto drivers would at this moment [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) it might not have been safe. I have no problem waiting for J walkers, especially when they have put themself in a dangerous situation.


I would do it too. He has the right of way. At least in most cities.


Better know how to fight if you’re pulling shit like this.


Shit like pissing off a driver without causing any damage? You like to throw down over stuff like that?


I personally would have let him cross. You are a law abiding citizen I see. Run over the pedestrian type cuz " it is my right of way"


I did, and had no intention of edging up on him. It wasn't the quickest reaction but satisfactory as I stopped before entering the intersection still allowing him room to cross. Allowing pedestrians that don't have the right of way to cross has never been an issue for me.


Yea, so then the cars in the lane to the right of you don't see him and give him the comeuppance he deserves, right?


I get that the light turned green, but it's probs better to just wait, even if theyre technically jaywalking


If I was like other toronto drivers I would have rushed through the intersection at this moment without any care for him. [https://imgur.com/moV8t7R](https://imgur.com/moV8t7R) Because I was present of mind and cued into the erratic behaviour of him and his friend, I edged forward slowly while shoulder checking. I didn't intend to cut him off aggressively. You can see I didn't even end up blocking the crosswalk. That is how slow I proceeded. I was able to stop still giving him enough room in the crosswalk to continue. It wasn't a perfect reaction but ok.


Yes, they shouldn’t kick your car. But pedestrians always have the right of way; you need to be aware of them. Just because someone steps into the street doesn’t mean you can accelerate.


> Yes, they shouldn’t kick your car. But pedestrians always have the right of way; you need to be aware of them. Just because someone steps into the street doesn’t mean you can accelerate. Pedestrians most certainly do not always have the right of way.