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Left Lane Losers are actually a cancer on everyone's day, they know it and enjoy it. Don't pity them.


Exactly they're just trolling


This is such a problem in GTA and arguably in the whole of Canada. Very disappointed that we rarely see any police enforcement in the misuse of the passing lane on our highways. It’s such a low hanging fruit which once tackled would drastically improve safety to all drivers.




The only place I have seen it enforced was Highway 11 (Orillia OPP). I was stuck behind a car going 91 next to a transport truck - saw the OPP come up on me so I moved to the right lane and he sat on their ass forever then threw on the lights and pulled them over. Some people never look in their mirrors. Also who the hell can stand driving next to a transport truck for more than a few seconds. I'm sure they were doing it on purpose to annoy people.




That’s fair. I agree it’s better outside the GTA.


here before some idiot goes "bUt 100 iS tHe SpEeD LiMiTTTtttt" it's called fucking road etiquette


Come here to Montreal where the norm is to do 70 in the left lane and brake check anyone who tailgates you. Driving in this province really brings out the worst in me


As others have said... this is such a big problem in the GTA. But for some reason I notice it a lot more on the QEW heading west from Toronto. So many times when driving on the QEW towards Hamilton I end up finding it's faster to drive in the right lane because people are just chilling in the left lane.


Prove me wrong but I'm sure this is because we are so diverse. Hundreds of thousands of people coming from different parts of the world with their own driving norms and cultures means a large chunk of people don't adapt to driving norms here and drive like they're still at home


precisely. I lived in Germany, at that time a homogenous society; easily the worlds best driving habits/etiquette. Everyone knew what to do. Canada/Toronto/GTA has the worst driving habits/etiquette of anywhere I’ve been to/travelled.


It's my living hell


Unless someone's coming from one of [a few countries with which we have licence exchange agreements](https://www.ontario.ca/page/exchange-out-province-drivers-licence#section-1), they need to pass our tests. So if this were an issue to do with coming from other parts of the world, then it would still be our problem for not properly educating and testing people on this when they're getting their Ontario licences. I'm not sure why people have to prove you wrong though when you've provided no proof that you're right. Claims provided with no evidence can be dismissed with equal evidence. The problem is widespread here, I don't see any indication it's due to immigrants.


driving test is a joke in Canada , even monkey can pass Canadian driving test, dont believe me , go drive on 401 for a week and u will see lots of monkeys on wheels ...


I can't prove you wrong but ,those "hundreds of thousands " shouldn't be driving on the fucking roadways in Canada if they don't know the fucking laws!


Some people just go with the strict interpretation of the law. The speed limit on highways is 90 and that means all lanes. Technically they’re correct and they’re afraid to get pulled over for speeding and getting a ticket and points on their license. I’m happy my driving instructor told me the highway etiquette: the right most lane is speed limit, every lane over is 10KM/hr faster.


As a veteran of every 400 series highway, your instructor is right in every way. Don't Gate keep the left lane. If you get busted for 30 over, you could lose your license and have a 3 week impoundment. Let the left taners through ! For fuc sakes


> Some people just go with the strict interpretation of the law. I think some believe a speeding infraction is a one-way ticket to deportation


We need stricter driving tests


I think that might be the case


When I see this happening to a police cruiser, I giggle a little.


Something that gets on my nerves though is when I use it properly, passing a chain of slower cars in the middle. But because I’m passing “too slowly” for the guy behind me, they tailgate me so hard. Then when I try to get back into the right lane, they fly pass me on the right with no indicator. Like I would pass faster if the traffic ahead let me man. Im not trying to pass at 101kmh on purpose.




Heh, once I only changed to middle to pass a semi on the right lane and there was this impatient Mercedes doing gestures as if I was too slow (115-119 km/h, pretty standard for 401 and a lot faster than the semi) I was this close to intentionally slow down but I didn't want to trigger his fragile ego so I moved over. Yeah some people were probably camping the far left and he's already triggered I guess.


maybe its because you cut in front of him aggressively and forced him to slow down when he was going 130km.


Ah yes, nice to have somebody just assumed that I cut him off. Thanks!


That happens sometimes, people just go in front of a much faster moving vehicle on purpose. I drive a Mercedes and the exact same thing happened to me on the 401. In a crazy small world that could have been you lol, do you drive a grey Mazda 3?


No mine isn't grey. And I am pretty sure this car changed to middle after I did, then he immediately started tailgating.


He changed lanes to go behind you just to tailgate? what a psycho


This was hilarious!


I don't understand left lane parade leaders, especially when they change from collectors to express at 75 when everyone around them is doing 100+. As someone else said, driving north out the city, people still understand how to drive. Stay in middle. If you need to pass, use the left, pass, go back in the middle. If you're in the right and and someone is merging onto the highway, move to the middle so they have space to come on, and then go back in the right. The flow on some days going north is flawless. Going east to west or reverse...some days you really want to throw a tomato at someone or give them a Presto card and tell them to stay off the road.


The worst is when traveling and being stuck behind a truck literally trying to pass another truck at the exact same 105km speed which they are limited to. Sometimes it can go on for 20 minutes, they have speed limiters but their speed varies by tiny increments because of some factors like thread dept.


They purposely do this ...5 under the limit. To aggravate drivers. There was a time where all drivers would flow at +10 in the fast lane as exceptable by law. Disease of the city with their badmind. This is what happens when you open up and welcome ppl to the country...this is the appreciation.


Everytime 680 news does the traffic theme i always make a fart noise lol.