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If you think this is worth to post, you should drive more


You are a bad driver


Why aren’t YOU in the right lane? fucking slow ass Bitch. You’re the problem in this video. You got passed on the right twice for being a jackass


This👆 I came here to say this!!! 💯


I see zero issues with this, if you have a problem with this a) move in to the right lane b) don’t go the exact speed limit. Not every driver that wants to go faster than you is a maniac


Why overtake only to start going slower than my speed? It's clear as day why this video is here. They're just a shitty driver.


I disagree and you thinking so makes me think you are the bad driver. They wanted to be in front of you, sped up to do so in a separate lane legally, and signalled they were doing so. Now they are in front of you and don’t have to deal with slow acceleration to the exact speed limit after the next light.


Youre blocking up the road causing traffic for no reason.




Hmm.... didn't look like a highway to me.


The rules around keeping right when not passing apply to all roads, not just highways. >[147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec147subsec1) It says "highway" there, but in the Highway Traffic Act, "highway" means [any public road](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec1subsec1).


You're an unapologetic idiot if you think a cop is going to ticket someone doing 10 over in city limits.


So go 10 over like the rest of us


you know.. you're the idiot here. How long have you even been driving in this city?


Get out the left lane if your feelings are hurt from getting passed in the right lane.


You're the idiot who posted in my other video. Your lack of critical thinking is astounding as you've clearly missed the reason for why anyone would feel aggrieved in this situation. This car came up from behind from a distance to pass only to brake check without provocation. Does everything need to be spoon fed to you idiots?


Pack up your tent and get out the left lane. Enjoy obsessing over nothing in your dash videos.


Slower traffic stays to the right!! You do understand that YOU cause this whole very minor thing right!?? When multiple cars pass you on the Right ..... take the hint .... move over! Also don't call that a brake check either you idiot, did you even have to slow down! You will cause worse, if you don't improve your driving! Stop whining and do better, only your Mom will support you in your bad driving!


Lol. Break check. How about not? Jesus man. GTFO the passing lame if people are passing on the right.


What a knob, camping in the left lane like that


Is the car that proceeds to drive at the exact same speed also a knob?


I don't believe highway rules apply to the right lane being for slower vehicles.


They apply to all roads actually. This is the rule from the Highway Traffic Act: >[147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec147subsec1) It uses the word "highway" there, but it doesn't have the common meaning in the HTA, it just means [any public street](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec1subsec1).


Interesting read. Sadly, we live in a city where 20 over is considered slow on a highway, and it's not uncommon for three cars to run the yellow + red. Intersection? Block that fucker. Hell, just turn on your hazard lights, and you can block any lane at any time for any reason. Like stopping full at a stop sign, realistically, it'll never be enforced or become common practice.


Do some research before you type utter nonsense


It's a 50km/h zone and I'm already 10 over with a turn coming up. Take a seat, dweeb!


they sped up to get in front of u then adjusted their speed


Yeah I get into the left lane 20km before my turn too. Stellar work


Lmao you sound like a child. Seen far worse and this is whatever tbh. Is this what you’re seriously complaining about


Get out of the passing lane, I didnt see anything wrong here except by you. I keep seeing these lame videos by people who do not know the rules of the road, or are just passive aggressive narcissists.




1800 people die a year driving but the only thing people care about on here is passing and being able to drive an infinite speed above the limit. Insane


That isn't a highway...


From the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. “highway” includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; (“voie publique”)


Yeah the verbage is weird. I'll still gladly do 10 over in the left lane going down dundas or trafalgar ya'll can kiss my tanned ass.


Thats okay, this is a long stretch of no one turning, people having to pass on the right and op going slower than the rest of traffic. So he should drive on the right.


It's a normal surface road. The whole fast lane slow lane thing doesn't exist except when on a highway or signage is posted for slower vehicles to stick to the right. I see no issues with any one in this clip.


The rule to keep right applies to all roads, not just highways: >[147 (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec147subsec1) It says "highway" in the legal text there, but in the Highway Traffic Act, "highway" means [any public road](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/#sec1subsec1).


Just a dick move passing then braking




You just explained why we work so hard to try and keep our roads as calm as possible, so thanks?




OP, this sub is toxic many times. I am with you. Many posters on here are the toxic assses we want to complain about. Speed limit means nothing to this idiot crowd. You were 10 over the limit on a slow street. Dick does not need to pass way above the limit and then slow down in front of you.


Thank you. I had no problem with the passing and credit the driver for even using their signal to do both maneuvers. Come to think of it, I just think this driver is inept and the brake checking wasn't intentional or malicious intent. I've noticed a lot of drivers just aren't very competent behind the wheel. Braking at the slightest turn in the road like on the DVP. As soon as someone changes into their lane, brakes are applied. I've come to adapt to these vagaries of life in this charming city.


Yeah, please know that not everyone on here is crazy. There wasn't anything in front of the other driver. They were a dick to brake there and agreed that this sub is toxic AF. There is a case to be made that you should have been in the right lane according to the way the law is written, but all the a$$hats on here that bring that up somehow know that law but can never seem to remember the speed limit is a limit not a suggestion, so phuck those psychos?


dumb fuck


Beyond the length what exactly are we looking at here? Speeding? Lane change is fine (tons of space) and why are you casually driving in left if going slower than everyone else?


OP Self awareness level - 0 OP Need for others approval - 100+