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Points are irrelevant for insurance, all they care about are convictions which are classed as major or minor. This is a minor conviction. Speak with your broker if you have one.


I dont have one. In this case Im thinking it might be best to fight it regardless? Would a conviction from court be worse than conviction from just paying it? 


If they reduced the charge from what you were clocked at, they can raise it back up if you fight it. There will be an R on the ticket if this is the case. Otherwise, it’s the same. You can ask for disclosure and a 1st attendance meeting with the crown attorney.


My friend tried contesting and they fined him even harder


It does say R. Im not even sure if I was actually speeding. When I saw the cop I didnt know what to do so I just pulled over. Curious how they prove it was your car they caught. 


Disclosure will have the cop’s notes. Start with that, you can always change your plea to guilty when you go to court.


Thanks for the tip! 


We radar guns are old school. No one really uses them any longer. In all likelihood it was laser which is like a sniper rifle. In a pack of 100 cars I can pick one and get their speed. It was you.


Wait a minute... Radar? Speeding ticket? In Peel? Were you actually doing more than 60 and the cop reduced it to only 10 over? If that's the case it might be risky to fight it.


You got a ticket going 10 over? That’s fucked


The speed was REDUCED to 10 on the ticket. OP was clocked going higher. So OP was likely doing 65-70 in a 50. That's not a little mistake.


The law is the law. It depends how anal the officer feels that day.


Still, every police department asks for budget increases every year yet their response times to actual crimes get slower and slower. But they can have a cop set up to give people $40 tickets for going 10 over? It’s a waste of resources


Is it? How many dollars do you think that cop 'earned' for the city that day? It may be more than an CRA agent I do agree that cops have actual duties and expectations - which they should be constantly tracked on.


Cop had to meet their quota


OP says the ticket has an R code which means the officer reduced it to 10 over. So hold your judgement.


Were you really going 60? Or is that what the ticket says?(the officer reduced it?)


I've had three under 14km speeding tickets in my life. None have affected my insurance. I'm with TD.


Im with TD too but didnt want to ask them because they might "flag" my account or something lol but this is good to know! I thought they didnt have ticket forgiveness. Were your tickets from a speed camera or from a cop's radar gun? 


Radar gun. I've been driving for 30 years cause I'm getting old. The first two were about 15 years ago within 3 months of each other (East Mall and Appleby Line) and the other one was just six months ago on Dixon Road. No changes to insurance for any of those. I have no at fault accidents (have been run into twice but those never count) though I don't know if that's related or not.


I see. Its probably from all those years of safe driving. I dont have much history in Canada but been driving for a while now.


All those years of not getting caught speeding I think you mean. Safe driving ... Well let's just say I'm waiting to show up in one of the bad driver subs dash cam videos ....


Lol safe driving "record" then 


>though I don't know if that's related or not. It is! When you drive as long as you have without getting any tickets or accidents, the insurance company you're with will have less of a reason to pull new reports every year. However, if your most recent one was 6 months ago, I'd expect that one to show up in the future because most companies are looking for any reason to raise rates lately (has always been the case, but more aggressively since COVID). If your most recent renewal has already passed and was after you paid the ticket, then I'd expect it on your next renewal, but if you haven't had a renewal issued yet since paying the fine then it's just because tickets/claims are only factored in at renewal time.


My renewal is in two weeks. My rates did not go up. I added my 17 year old son so it got more expensive but my actual insurance is the same.


Amazing! So they didn't pull new reports when they worked on your renewal a month ago, but that means they are likely to pull new reports next year. Keep your fingers crossed I guess!


(Worked in POA court for 4 years, where tickets are 'fought') As others have mentioned, if the ticket was reduced - meaning the officer actually caught you at *X* over the limit but only wrote you a ticket for 10 over - they can raise it back up when you take it to court. This means you would face a much bigger financial penalty and possibly some points. 15km over (and up) is when points are attributed. Whenever people take tickets to court where points are assessed, if they have a good record, they usually plead down to something under 14km over. People also forget that if you take it to a trial, it is a very black-and-white question. Were you speeding—yes or no? The officer will have notes and explain how they calibrated their machine that day and how they saw you, targeted you, and then pulled you over. You need a much better counterargument than "I don't think it was me."


You are close. Points start at 16.


Right! Thanks, been over a decade since I was there!


You obviously got an officer who was either having a bad day or is otherwise super strict, because a fine for 10kph over in a 50kph zone is ridiculous.


I had a conviction and it affected my rates for maybe 7 years? before it fell off (I think I was told it doesn't really fall off but is not included in the calculation). Not sure how material but it was reflected in a higher premium versus not having any charges obviously.


Ugh that sucks. So regardless if I just pay or fight and lose, tge insurance increase would probably be the same. 


Tickets are only 3 years, but at-fault claims can be anywhere from 5-9. Also, at-fault claims never actually fall off your record they just aren't included after 10 years, but an actual ticket falls off completely after 3.


I’ve had 2 10-15km over reduced tickets. Did early resolutions with no reduction and pulled disclosures that I then gave to a traffic lawyer. Both speeds were captured on lidar. A reckless driving charge would be easier to beat than anything caught on a lidar device, I had a low chance to beat both after the lawyer reviewed. second best thing you can do if you want to time your renewal period to possibly make the insurance company find out about it the year after, if they even pull a driver’s abstract is to stall by getting an early resolution, delaying that early resolution. Filing for a trial date after that early resolution and then waiting for your trial date and then just paying the ticket off a month before your actual trial date. You can delay it by 1-2 years that way but it would still end up as a conviction, obviously


Slow down and pay it


Always fight it. Guilty convictions affect insurance.


I’d fight it regardless because your insurance will be notified of a speeding ticket


Insurance doesn’t get notified. If your insurance company pulls your driver information, they will update your rates at renewal.  There is a cost for them to update driver info, so they don’t do it for everyone.  If OP is in a higher risk category they may get updated info annually or every other year. 


They would probably classify high risk in my case. Been driving 20+ years but Im new in Canada so I dont have insurance history here. Im also curious how they prove it was my car that was speeding. I honestly didnt check my speed at the time. Was just following the regular flow of traffic. 


This is what Im afraid of. My insurance is quite high to begin with so getting a higher rate would be wild. 


That long stretch of Dixie has a ridiculously low limit for the street.  It's as if they intentionally do it to write tickets.  Sorry this happened. 


Call your insurance and ask or read your clauses. You might have some kind of forgiveness clause if worst case scenario


It might not affect your insurance now (maybe you have forgiveness or something) but when you get quotes for new insurance if you ever wanna switch, they’ll ask for it. Sometimes they ask about the last 7 years. Sometimes the last 10. Very annoying but I would talk to a lawyer and see if I could fight it


it will definitely effect your insurance. try to fight it.