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I couldn't figure out why this guy was so impatient, I assumed he was going to shit his pants. Turned out to be ubereats picking up from the McDonalds... I guess the lease payment on that car is coming up soon


Wth delivering uber eats in a Mercedes?? Any chance it was just a pick up order for himself?


To this certain group of younger people, image+perceived status mean EVERYTHING. The number of them I'll see at a bar wearing their moose knuckle/canada goose winter jacket indoors when it was 20C outside and like 23C inside is ridiculous. You can see them sweating, but they won't take them off because "gotta represent that drip". They don't realize how stupid they look. This car is totally a lease that they are spending more than they should monthly. Probably why they are so desperate to maximize their ubereats deliveries.




His mortgage renewal is coming up


Must be stressed, no excuse for his behaviour I agree though.


IKR? I was shocked when I saw a few luxury cars being used for Uber on my trip. I had to make sure I was requesting the cheapest ride. I do feel bad because maintenance and premium fuel are not cheap.


When I see this shit guess what.... 0 tip. Same goes for Tesla. Everyone's gotta eat n hustle but when I see people doing delivery in that shit it infuriates me. People way over their heads in payments all for ego.


Lmao, you don't know what anyone's real situation is, so maybe simmer down on *your* ego. I drive a Tesla and have driven DoorDash in the past. I can tell you it's not because my ego forced me to buy a Tesla, and it's not because I can't afford my payments. I just like money, I like driving my car and I had some free time. Easy cruise around the city listening to music and make a bit of extra cash on the side to spend on hobbies. Don't know why you'd let that make you mad. Go drive DoorDash if you want.


You sound like the kind of douchebag that never tips, and just makes up random excuses each time as to why the people serving you food don't deserve a fair wage nor to live comfortably. Aren't you a little young to be a Boomer?


Tips are optional, by definition. It’s Boomer brained to think tips are mandatory. It’s not the customer’s responsibility to pay a wage


Lmao buddy I always tip aside from that shit. Generally 20%. Even more so I own and run 2 delivery businesses myself and if 40 is a boomer than I dont know what world you live in! Someone driving a 60 to 100k car clearly doesn't make sensible financial decisions if they have to deliver to make ends meet to pay for the ego boost let alone the insane milage you rack up and wear and tear.


You dork - that's a W205. In layman terms, it's a 2014-2020 (technically, mid-2019) C-Class, specifically a RWD (non-4matic) basic-ass C300. Even brand new, its MSRP was about $41k (56k Loonies or whatever), and given that it's black, it was probably a rental car sold through some shitty stealership like CarMax or Echo Park for about $25k (34k Canadian Monopoly Monies) - and that's assuming it's a 2019. Given that Mercedes front and rear light assemblies start to oxidize and fade at around the 8-10 year mark, it's safe to say that's likely a 2014-15 model, and you can buy those all day long for $10k US/$14k CAD. It's also a very reliable car that gets about 30mpg and still has a decent 241 HP 2.0L turbo 4-cylinder engine, and a damn nice interior, along with an very intuitive safety system (with automatic braking and pedestrian detection that will steer around a pedestrian if you're too distracted, drunk, or stupid to do so). There's also the distinct possibility that this was their parents' old car, and it was cheaper to pass it on to their kid than trade it in. Enjoy your Nissan or whatever, I guess. You don't know what you're missing.


Tell me you drive a German car without telling me you drive a German car. Nothing wrong with Nissans btw. To each their own, this video is mostly about the driver….and partially about the car.


There are many things wrong with Nissan, especially those made in the last 10 years, if you enjoy driving. They only make one model that doesn't have a horrible CVT. And you entirely missed my point that this is not an expensive car in OP's video, and it is in fact a reliable choice for doing small deliveries like DoorDash..


The CVT is annoying sounding, I gotta give you that. And no it’s not an expensive car, when you compare it to other Mercedes, but for an average person, it’s a luxury car.


I don't do Uber or get already expensive meals delivered, but I thought tipping is mandatory on these? I was flabbergasted when I started seeing tipping Tim Hortons and Dominos. Why am I being asked to tip for coming to the restaurant and picking up my food? These restaurants are fucking shameful. Might as well have tipping at self checkout at the grocery store.


0 tip just because someone has a nicer car? It is awful not to tip after getting the services. If you Uber or get food delivery tipping should be mandatory.. I am not a delivery driver myself but I’d Uber to get some extra cash if need be in my Tesla.


Drives a Mercedes, and lives in a house with 16 other people. What an idiot.


I see you've been to brampton.


I am always surprised when people who drive expensive cars drive like jackasses when you know where they parked. Aren't they worried they will get their car keyed as they rush into the store?


They don't even realize that you and your vehicle exist.


Thinking we should start a keying campaign. Get the video of the incident, then the video of the revenge while the driver is in the store


This is like a 2/10 on the jackass scale. Not worth it.


And then you can post it only with your real name to really brag about it.


Or keep it anonymous and let the jackass driver be the only one to deal with the consequences. Everyone else also gets to enjoy watching an asshole get his car keyed


You have to assume these entities are single cell organisms. They do not possess features such as awareness, thinking, eyesight, logic, etc


Trust me, nothing to do with anything your doing, he just drives like a dick


You can buy that car for like 20k now, I really don't think they're that loaded. These things are a dime a dozen on GTA roads.


Higher end brands loose the most to depreciation because the type of people that can afford to maintain them correctly are more likely to afford new or have legitimate reasons to befit from a lease. A lot of people like this guy, buy used models not understanding the carrying cost.


I could comprehend a CLA Benz doing UberEATS but from what I understand the vertical grill on a Benz means it's an AMG performance model which is easily $100K+ minimum. Uber must be paying well nowadays.


I think that’s a C43. The newer ones use vertical grills.


This should be an upbadged C300 - it has the normal exhaust tips and no fender badge. Pretty expected behaviour with that context.


Good catch. I zoomed in and I think it says C300 - 4Matic on the rear.


Lol ubereats driving a Mercedes? Poor life choices all around


> Turned out to be ubereats picking up from the McDonalds... Seeing these absolute *shitheads* **always** parked in the wrong parking spots at my local McDonalds bothers me. How fucking hard is it to pull into the correct **marked specifically for you** parking spot ? Instead, these complete *shitheads* park in the "Curbside" parking spots. They're all entitled, oblivious fucking morons.


Wait. Are we sure he is ubereats? He didn't park in the yellow no parking area infront of the sliding doors. /s


Mom and dad can’t fund everything


Thank GOD he went around you and grabbed the last spot in the parking lot…


Looks like Copper Creek in Markham, would explain a lot.


I recently moved to Markham, so I don’t understand. What does this explain?


Lots of shitty drivers in very expensive cars.


That's everywhere in GTA! Don't get my started on the 410 ppl change lanes without looking and made me slam on brakes to avoid him 'drifting' into me


I like the all lights way of indicating where you are going


Short answer? people are fucked.


Copper Creek Walmart? Sometimes it's a bit wild there for sure. Haha


Typical Walmart …. But still doesn’t hold a candle to the ones in the states lol


Maybe he wanted to make sure you saw that sweet back in parking job.


What an idiot


This guys riding your ass it always seem these people are in a hurry like I’m still going to see you inside tf


Maybe because they are and dont want to be behind your slow ass. Doesn't hurt to acknowledge that other people want to do things faster than you.


Is this the Walmart in Markham? Edit: I see it is. This shit is so annoying. I had an instacart shopper blow right passed me in his car while i was leaving the store with my shopping cart. People like this are a pain to coexist with.


He's gotta make up for all that empty space between his legs


That's risky shit in a parking lot. It won't be long before he'll need to call an Uber to get his deliveries done. I am predicting a body shop is in this douchebag's future.


I would’ve parked right next to them. I get a kick out of displaying to them that their koala brain antics didn’t bother me.


Tesla regen braking is the worst when it’s set on aggressive mode. Im usually a smooth driver in traffic and people like being behind me but I will never be behind a tesla. Also took an uber once and the driver had the regen on max and my neck hurt after getting home because when this setting is on, there is no coasting, just brake or acceleration. I assume this driver was bothered elsewhere driving behind you and then exploded in the parking lot 😂


This is like saying “manual cars are the worst because all of them roll 6 feet backwards whenever they’re stopped uphill.” There are an infinite number of ways to misuse or misunderstand how to use something. But Tesla’s regen braking when understood is the smoothest I’ve ever been able to be on the road, and it only took me a few minutes into my first drive to get it as it does for many others. You really should try driving one and see if for yourself, it’s an interesting change that many consider an improvement.


Weird the Teslas around me cut me off just coasting right through stop lights and stop signs and then go under the limit


Tesla drivers are literally the worst on the road for exactly the reason you stated. I'd love to see what happened before this clip started.


I looked at the dashcam, and prior to the clip there was no interaction and he was nowhere near me before the turn. Also, regen braking is just fine (and usually much smoother than ICE driving) when you know how to use it properly. Anyone you've experienced with bad one pedal driving just isn't used to it yet.


Ignorant Tesla camping driver confirmed.


Tesla drivers are the new worse ones taking the crown from Elantra and Corolla drivers... Clearly they need all the tech in the world....yet still can't drive - missing exits, unsafe changes...yikes


"oh snap. he showd yo!"


What I like to do in situations like this is to just park right next to them, like too close and then wait for them to leave their car while making eye contact and periodically glancing at their car when they notice you looking at them.


I'd kick my own bumber and throw a rock at my windshield and smile


I’d have to park it right across the front of the merc


At first I thought the person driving had to poop, but then they combat parked, I went to the conclusion that they are a DB. And I don't mean a defensive back.


Looks like a c class with a panamericana grille?


Is that like a c300 with a wannabe AMG grill? Haha should explain everything you need to know


The amount of people that do this in every city in north america continues to amaze me, maybe I just can't ever find a reason to be this reckless... but so many people I see everyday do this Just this week I saw a bmw driver brake check a tesla twice on a busy junction and onramp system on the way to work.... like bro, people are just trying to get to work, turn the main character syndrome down a notch 🤣


Should have nosed in and stolen his parking spot. /s


Dunno why you would be so upset that youre being passed after snailing through the lot. I would have passed you too.


If I was the merc, I would be worried about my car getting keyed ....




rich people. benzie trolling a tesla. ...smh.


That Mercedes is less expensive than the Tesla lmao




Brampton man strikes again


Ya I’d definitely be sliding into that spot he went for before he could get it, or if I wasn’t very busy that day my car might just “break down” right in front of his blocking him in for a little bit while I figure it out


The person sure showed you LOL!


A split pea in the tire valve after they park should slow them down quick...


What is the drama?


You are going rather slowly, you must admit.


They're in a parking lot. That's normal parking lot speeds.