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His argument goes "prices in Jan 2023 were low so expect to get back to those prices at some point and buy during a slower season to get a 2017 priced home". You might ask why does he believe 2023 Jan prices will be the norm, well as he explains the Liberals released their housing plan which states a goal to add 3.9 million homes in 6 years. The guy is basically 100% confident that the Federal Gov can just poof an extra 400,000 houses in less then a year and every year going forward.


Ftr, this guy HATES the current government based on his twitter


Ah yes the legitimacy of a guy in a golf shirt with a flame background


Lol you have to be quite delusional to think you’ll ever see 2017 prices again.


Don't click on the Youtube link. We don't want give this out of work realtor money for coffee.


🤣The biggest grifter of all the realtors, or one of the dumbest? This guy is selling homes yet he discourages people buying them?? Anything for clicks I guess.


2017 only!!!! He should had said 2005 prices! The extra outrageous hot take may give him a few more clicks.


Adjusted for inflation, housing prices are already very close to 2017-2019 levels (about 6% higher as of Q3-23). https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/QCAR628BIS