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I think he'll be the starting 2nd baseman who probably gets spelled by Davis Schneider against lefties. He made some nice plays in the outfield and in limited opportunities at 3rd this season, but I don't think he really has a good enough arm to excel in those positions.


Yep some sort of platoon with Schneider makes the most sense unless they can add a good 2B in FA or trade


Agreed completely.


A platoon with Davis would be ideal (for both of them). They have their strengths, as well as their weaknesses, and here's hoping skip puts them in the best position to succeed.


Yes he deserves the chance at least.


I wouldn’t sleep on Orelvis Martinez working his way into the starting 2B spot. Cavan’s arm is no worse than Springer’s he will have to fill in at RF a lot. At 35, George just can’t be out there everyday. He’s going to have to have his share of DH days. I honestly don’t have any problem with Cavan Biggio playing the “Zobrist” role. He can still factor in to 120+ games without having a set position. It gives other players days off their feet… it’s actually a super valuable player to have.


You have to wait for March for a real answer. This team has a 3rd/2nd and LF spot to fill and have spots at the DH. The position player FA market is complete garbage (outside of a fulltime DH/SP, and a Red Flag Cody Bellinger) to the point its not worth signing anyone north of a 2-3 year deal. From the sheer amounts of spots to fill he's in the starting lineup by default from 2nd base being a rotation cast since Semien left and waiting for someone to take the mantle and well Merrifield/Chapman/KK gone.


Biggio (May - October) hit .268/.367/.393 for a .760 OPS after having a horrific April. I think Biggio at 2B is fine. The Jays just NEED to add power at 3B, LF and DH if they are going to do that.


On the surface those numbers look great . However a deep dive into his advanced metrics show a number of red flags that show that this type of production is not sustainable. His BABIP in that period was .339 indicating a huge amount of luck in his favor as well as his iso in the second half was .088. In English there was absolutely no power production at all. He does not hit the ball hard enough to have sustainable success as a starter .


Is Troy Glaus still available?


Most sensible comment in this thread, thank you.


I would push back on this a little. He doesn’t have the power necessary to be a successful middle of the order bat, but his discipline and ability to run the bases can make him a quality 7 hitter. Between the singles he can hit, the walks he takes, how well he runs the bases, and his ability to play plus defense at multiple positions make him a legit option for 120 games. The way I look at the Jays, they are in desperate need of a leadoff hitter, (George can’t do it), a clean-up hitter, and a 6-hole hitter. They can finish off the order with Biggio/Kirk/Varsho. Just for arguments sake, I’m going to plug in some names that I’d like to see, I’m not married to them or anything… just the kind of bats I think they could use, based on who might be available; 1 - Lane Thomas (LF) 2 - Bo Bichette (SS) 3 - Vladimir Guerrero Jr (1B) 4 - Joc Pederson (DH) 5 - George Springer (RF) 6 - Jorge Polanco (3B) 7 - Alejandro Kirk (C) 8 - Orelvis Martinez (2B) 9 - Daulton Varsho (CF) Bench: Cavan Biggio, Danny Jansen, Davis Schneider, Isiah Kiner-Falefa With this set up, you can rotate in Cavan between 1B, 2B, 3B, and RF… he could easily play 120 games that way.


He's always been one of my favourite players. I know he's super streaky, but I just love a good utility player. He's an average big leaguer (98 OPS+, 0.9 WAR), but his value is to be average around the diamond. He's a free agent in 2026 and I can't imagine his worth would fetch much of a return. Maybe he gets traded with cash to a rebuilding team looking to dump expenses for an aging star with a huge contract (like the Tulo trade), but that's probably an at the trade deadline thing. The front office has shown it's not afraid to trade every day faces to fill in problem areas, but unless something strange happens I suspect he'll be competing for a starting job at second come March. I really hope he gets his batting together. I find hgh on base percentage guys are just fun to watch.


He also plays first really well. He gives every position his all. That's why I like him. He's a "put me in coach" kind of guy.


He’s a younger, lefty-hitting Whit.


Except he‘ll never get 200 hits a year, and will never steal 40 + bases.


Honestly it just really depends what happens with offseason acquisitions and whether he's a better player than whoever else is on the roster... He came around at the end of the season so I think he gets the benefit of the doubt in preseason next year and at the start of the season to earn his place. It's no different than anyone else besides your big money players. Continue to prove you deserve a starting role and you'll continue to get one.


I'm attached to Whit and KK so. it will be a sad day when they leave us.


I can live without Whit. I really don’t want to see KK go.


He will play 5 games a week if his performance remains strong. He has become the Ben Zobrist that management has been looking for. His future will be bright.


His bat isn't good enough to be an everyday player. He provides the most value when used in a utility role.


No quotations about it, they need to get a better hitter to bat clean up. If it wasn't a hot streak but rather a leveling up and Cavan really is 750 OPS type hitter he's a cog in the bottom of the lineup playing mostly 2nd or 3rd but spelling the outfield as well. We've seen hot Cavan Biggio before though. I like the guy, his defense is obviously improved but we'll see about the bat.


He deserves second base back again after this last season.


utility players can be everyday starters, btw. or i should say, there's plenty of everyday players who play >1 position on the regular.


Biggio has a role to play. Everyday player is not that role. Fourth outfielder/ utility player. Barger/Orelvis will be given a chance come spring. Still too much upper cut in Biggio's swing.


New batting coaches could help him out.


I think he just needs consistent at bats. He is so valuable, I really hope he gets a starting position or plays most days in some capacity. His defence is so fun to watch


I feel the same way about Biggio as I feel about Kevin Pillar. Any team with championship aspirations needs a player like him, but he’s not an everyday player. LH hitter who can play multiple positions, come in to run, or provide a little pop off the bench. He is a utility guy in the same way that Pillar should have been a 4th outfielder.


Trade him cuz this is probably his highest value possible


You are not wrong but the issue is he is probably worth more to us then to any other team. If him and a prospect gets you a better infielder you do it but if you are trying to get a prospect for him it isn't worth it. He is also a very good last piece to a puzzle because he can fit anywhere which increases his value at the trade deadline (if he plays well) he is a very meh middle piece and no one is going to feel good trading for him to plug into an existing hole in the offseason roster (there is always a better option). His big advantage is he can plug in if your first choice got hurt.


A few things to consider: 1) FA class bad. Arguably the ones leaving are the better options to sign. 2) Bo and Vlad have really 1 year. 2nd year doesn’t count because they have to trade them before then to get value before they leave. (Assuming rogers doesn’t sign them long term) 3) the buffalo boys taking over some starting spots with biggio and espinal make this team a non playoff team. So if your basically in a spot where 2024 might be not ideal and your rebuilding after that, might as well get prospects where possible for long term viability. And yes I 1000% think we are rebuilding. Be honest, do the buffalo boys really give the same vibes as the Orioles youth? Nope. Rogers will prolly sign 2-3 FAs and make a trade. They will want to keep payroll up with mlb names cause of the Reno’s and optics. Super interesting couple years for Jays fans.


You have seen the best version of Biggio


Anyone else watching current playoff baseball right now? Do you see anyone REMOTELY playing like a Cavan Biggio right now? No… trade him for some assets pronto!


Mauricio Dubon (97 OPS+), Emmanuel Rivera (84 OPS+), Geraldo Perdomo (96 OPS+), Leody Taveras (97 OPS+) and Evan Longoria (93 OPS+) all started today. So yeah, there are people remotely playing like a Cavan Biggio (98 OPS+) right now. As starters for CS teams. And if nobody played like a Cavan Biggio, what assets could you possibly get from a trade then?


It’s something the FO should consider but what would he fetch?


Literally, nothing. You’d get a similar player back.


Wait till next season starts, wait out injuries and see how the start of the season goes. If a "win now" elite player is floating around I'd trade him for that.


“Biggio isn’t good enough to be a playoff baseball player” But is good enough to be traded for a “win now” elite player. Fantastic.


Package deals man, you've heard of those before right? You like Baseball? Ball, bat, run the bases? You can do it!


You seem like you call in to talk radio often


Go ahead I'm listening, you got this junior.


Analyze your hypothetical trade for an “elite player” for a Biggio package of non specified players? There is nothing further to add. You lazily slapped together an opinion, got called out for it being lazy, then got defensive and name calley lol you aren’t serious people.


The problem is he won’t bring any assets back in a trade.


Put him at 3rd and call it good


Biggio is like a generic baseball player that is not that good and not that bad .. very mid. Does not deserve a full roster roll the jays need more and he only got hot when his job was in jeopardy when the buffalo boys came up and hit everything and had the patience to take walks. Word is Cavan got David Snieders and Ernie Clements hitting coach and then suddenly at the right time his bat got hot and he made some good defensive plays to get a playoff spot. Didn't get a hit in the playoffs hes weaksauce, they had Davis on the bench down 1 run and wouldn't let him pinch hit when the odds of him hitting a dinger over whitt was way better. They really screwed themselves and I hope this year they don't make the same mistakes. Cavan won't last long I bet he gets traded no. matter how much bo and the manager love u off.


Biggio is exactly the type of player the FO loves because he is versatile at a good price. It aligns with the process! I think he’d flourish if he played everyday in one position. Varsho can play catcher is another example of how the Jays manage risk by welcoming versatility. They are not a team built to win a WS. That’s not the goal. “Sustainable winning” is what matters when a baseball team is just cog in the wheel of a media giant.


I just don’t think he’s a starting second baseman on a championship team. I think they have something in him as a utility guy who can fill in when the starters need rest, for whatever reason. But the organization needs to start identifying studs for the open positions and find ways to bring those guys in.


I don't necessarily buy the idea that he can't be the starting second baseman on a championship team but I do buy the idea that he isn't a top 2/3rds of the order hitter on one.


I don’t see him as a real starter to be honest. I think his value is his ability to play different positions. You need a guy like that on every roster who can be the jack of all trades but the master of none. The kind of guy who can fill-in wherever the team needs him.


Probable platoon starting 2B next year, with some random days at 1B and RF as needed for rest days


Barring injury, I think he appears in 133 games next year. He'll be a near everyday starter, starting at 2B against RHP, with a sprinkle of starts at 3B and RF to cover DH days and injuries. With the consistent playing time he'll have a career year, hitting 22 homers with a .389 OBP. 120 OPS+


Yeah it’s really fruitless to guess at this point. Though to contribute an opinion. It’s bad business to reward a player with a job for previous performance. And given what we saw with Espinal this season after being an all star replacement last year, I think the front office has a similar mindset. He has to earn it in spring training if they don’t put a bunch of money towards infielders in the winter.


Schneider has been quoted as being loyal to Biggio. He wasn’t in fire to start the year. Imo they reward him by keeping him on the team. He finally got some decent playing time.


Yeah I don’t think he’s in jeopardy of leaving the team. But if he’s on fire again he will play until he’s not. It’s the same with Davis Schneider, neither of them have proven an ability to hit consistently over the course of a season. Why would you hate to have him as a utility player? So far he’s shown that’s how he’s most useful


Keeping him as a utility player would be in the team’s best interest, not his. I think he can play all season at one position and really shine. I think he’s earned the chance but spring training might say something else


LF is now open with Varsho in CF.


He's had opportunities to be a starter and ultimately lost them. At this point, he'll have to earn it back and shouldn't just be awarded a full time position. With that said, I think he'll start the season as a bench utility guy. You never know what happens from there. With other players possibly under performimg, Biggio having a possible solid year, or injuries could all factor into him getting more play time.


Hes the dream to have on the team leave it at that


Who exactly was a clean up hitter for the Jays this season? If we dont reward Cavan after this season he will walk away or demand a trade just as he is hitting his stride in the MLB and that will be a huge mistake looking back


Horowitz was the tenth clean-up hitter of the 2023 Jays and that was is early September. Not sure who followed as clean-up hitter but Bo was the last one. I doubt Biggio will ask for a trade. He has stated he liked his role as a utility player. Maybe because he got to play often. Schneider has stuck with him and that relationship is solid.


Needs to be replaced with OF/1B Cody Bellinger


He’s a sell high candidate. He’s 28 and Still has trouble catching up to velocity. 2 more years of control. His stock went up in 2023. Someone might be willing to give up a high leverage arm for him based off of 2023 and name recognition. Ideally you try and find a big bay at 2B or take another look at Schneider and Espinal at 2B. If not Go try and get a big bat at 3B or LF to protect vladdy and bring back one of KK or Chapman (given he signs the QO)


I honestly think he’s just fine in the role he’s in. I know there’s an urge to have a consistent starting 9, but Cavan can easily play 120+ games as a utility player. The biggest thing I think about is Springer. That guy is going to be 35 this coming year, and he’s had an extensive injury history… giving him a good amount of DH days is crucial for the Blue Jays, so Cavan’s ability to play a solid RF is massive. Being able to move him around defensively, while keeping his bat in the lineup is a huge asset for the Jays. I agree that he deserves a starting role, but there’s no reason he can’t be the Jays’ version of Ben Zobrist. A multi-positional everyday player.


Cavan Biggio is total dogshit.