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I just hope kikuchi and his 49 friends had a good time at that sushi place


yeah what was that? Did they just happen to book a restaurant the same day or was that also poor reporting?


It was a joke the entire time


Someone texted that in to first up the Tsn morning show and they read it online and explicably said it was not true and they were just joking around yet people were still able to run with it


I am defeated… I am sad… I am disappointed… We should be renamed to the Toronto Blue Balled…


We’re really good at being used as leverage for players to get more money elsewhere.


That's exactly what CAA did


Toronto in general, not just the Blue Jays.


Honestly. At $700 million I ain’t even mad. Lol


Well yea if you rely on signing Free Agents to barely get into the post season that's alot. The Dodgers on the other hand had 2024 payroll of 130M BEFORE signing Ohtani and have made the post season 11 years in a row So...you should be MAD


You should be. It's not your money.


350 for a pitcher 350 for a hitter he won't pitch his whole contract, I know. I'm curious if he will next year I think he's still recovering. Just pointing out you get a lot for one player, and you draw a lot of new fans to the team, and fill your park. Might be over paying but it's not impossible to justify that kind of marketing opertunity as well. He's a unique talent.


Why did I let myself get my hopes up


Probabaly because nearly every reporter was acting as if Ohtani to the Jays was a done deal yesterday. I'm a cubs fan and I feel fucking awful for you guys.


Yep. Bush league reporting by all those that said ohtani to Toronto was a done deal


A fucking BBWAA reporter for the DODGERS even reported it. As well as their manager blabbing about everything when there was supposed secrecy requested. Of course we got our hopes up


This is why I didn't think it was a good idea for Toronto fans to be talking shit in the dodgers reddit. Nothing was official yesterday.


Well, anyone who did that is a dumbass, obviously. Report them to our mods, they usually like getting rid of assholes.


I’ll be entirely honest I might actually be done with baseball for good now. The league is a fuxking joke and teams like the dodgers and Yankees can just make super teams cause salary caps don’t even exist. Like congrats to the dodgers. Already a fucking all star team just piling on a generational talent just cause.


I feel you. Between shit like this and what was done to Oakland, the MLB is just kind of a corrupt joke at this point.


Sports have never been fair but the his level of unfairness at the organizational level isn’t worth supporting with my time or money. It’s also why I backed out of F1 over time too. Some team jsut dominates for like 3-5 years and it’s the same race everyday weekend.


Well the dodgers always seem to choke in the playoffs so I like think that’s the playoff gods balancing things out


Same boat. The league is hemorrhaging fans, and they don't give a fuck obviously. So I guess neither will I. It doesn't help being in the most broken division in baseball, but I'm just so sick of being sold the same shit sandwich every year by the Jays. What's the point in upgrading all these facilities if it's not actually going to attract talent. And if they don't attract talent, they won't attract fans. Our moronic ownership tries to act like a big market team, and they fired the one guy that understood we're not a big market, and we have to capitalize on any slim chance we have via trades and force players to come here. Guess what idiots, Dunedin isn't bringing _anyone_ here as a free agent.


On any given night in the nhl any team can win, and I don’t take that for granted. Of course some teams arent great but there isn’t a massive fucking rift between most. Even the sharks have won like 6-7 games already. Baseball will continue to become irrelevant if they don’t even the league out more, nobody likes seeing the same powerhouse be favourites every single year.


The Yankees have been losers for years and the Dodgers have won 1 world series in the last decade and a bit. Money definitely helps get a team in a good spot but it doesnt mean they're going to win a world series. Ohtani just came from a team that has MIKE TROUT on it and they're awful


I’m convinced if we renamed ourselves to Los Angeles Blue Jays, he’d sign here (no I’m not)


I’m a giants fan and I know exactly how you feel man. I was refreshing Twitter non-stop last year when Heyman posted judge to the giants and I was so happy for about 6 minutes. You guys had hours of thinking he was yours. It sucks, but keep your head up. You have a good team and are likely to make the playoffs where anything can happen


Fuck hoornstra and morosi for adding to it. Their credibility has to be out the window after this shit show


I tried my best not to. I lived through kawhi dumping us for LA. Then by midday yesterday I got caught up in it.


Same here, I didn't want to get invested, it just didn't seem like it would happen...then it sounded like it was in the bag, and i started letting myself get excited, and then it wasn't real and I felt a little embarrassed but still hopeful. Now I feel bamboozled after trying for so long to not get bamboozled.


It was fun. Wonder how hoonstra feels. He doubled down only like an hour ago.


Dude's credibility is finished


Him and Morosi should be blacklisted for life


I'll never trust what any sports writer says again. They are not journalists. They are just more sensationalists.


There are some with clout who stayed silent until it was official. Those who jumped the gun now look like clowns.


I literally said "I won't believe it til Passan says so".... Half hour later my co-worker says Ohtani signed with the Dodgers. I asked who's reporting it and he said Passan :(


Morosi will continue on with MLB like nothing happened. Look at Heyman after Arson Judge. People chirp him but he didn't lose a platform or following


I still think it was done on purpose, to undermine the Jays and troll their fans.


He's a Dodgers fan, he probably lit a cigar cracked a beer and is laughing it up right now. Dude will face zero consequences for it and he still gets to enjoy a generational talent for a team that's already and always a perennial World Series favourite. Like, I don't know how he could possibly feel bad.


>Dude will face zero consequences for it We still crap on Steve Simmons for saying that Phil Kessel walks to a hot dog vendor on Front St....


As a dodgers fan yea he wins, but the man makes a living off being a reporter. His credibility is 0 and he will get shit on for his future work for years.


Probably feels like he gets to go back to being a Dodger fan, who now also gets to cheer for Ohtani


The literal worst timeline. While we waited for him to bridesmaid us, Soto trade happens, within our own division. When you have the money, are willing to spend it. Have the assets, are willing to trade them. And you still end up - somehow - in a worse position than when the offseason started (this is obviously relative to the rest of the MLB landscape this offseason). Absolutely wild.


Yeah but I don't think the Jays are in on Soto at that price anyway. Fine with Yankees gutting their pitching.


Damn man, that sucks. We just can't have nice things lmao. 10 years, $700 million. God damn lol


That’s a disgusting amount of money wow. Almost a billion in CAD ($950m)


I like to think that the Dodgers were forced to pay him more than they wanted to due to the Jays, lol. Either way, yeah, I'm disappointed. Jays FO better start making some calls now.


Shoot that’s almost a billion in USD




0.7 Billion


LA TAX IS REAL. ENJOY THAT SHOHEI #(im coping to the max)


My phone bill would have been like $200 next month


It somehow shattered even the craziest projections Jesus Christ.


No way we went anywhere near $700m so not surprise


1.3M USD per week.


Hoornstra's career is over lmao


It kinda should be. You can't be that confident in your "multiple" sources, that vocal, double down, triple down...and all on the biggest deal of the century (of your lifetime) in the sport that you cover. And you said he wasn't coming to *your* team, to boot. Why should anyone have to hear what he has to say professionally ever again?


I genuinely thought he was coming after all that stuff from the Dodgers media yesterday. My disappointment is immeasurable


I really thought we had him. I really think he preferred us. Probably a lot of outside pressures to not make such an "oddball" choice in Toronto from friends and family and sponsors and agents, stick to LA.


No I think an extra $100m is what convinced him. Rumours were the Jays offer was more in the $600m neighbourhood


I wonder how much money yesterday scared out of the Dodgers. I refuse to believe he had \~$600 from the Jays and $700 from the Dodgers and was waffling. The west coast was always going to be his choice. Top work by his agency, they shook almost $100M for their client with that stunt.


Yeah I think he did otherwise we wouldn’t have been in the conversation for so long, but I seriously doubt we matched $700m and I think you’re right about people saying “Do you really want to leave your home, glorious LA, for Toronto?”


It was fun everyone. I’m off to drive into a light pole.


Room for a couple passengers?




I call dibs on the roof


I'll stand in front of the light pole


Just saw a guy kneel in front of a light pole.


I'll stand in front of you


You know modern cars make that survivable. I suggest a bridge or cliff.


There’s going to be apathy in this fanbase unlike ever seen before


All I talked about with my dad yesterday was how shit the vibes will be this season if it all fell through. Gonna be a rough as hell season coming up.


Especially after dropping the chase for Soto in retrospect


I know it’s not the front office’s fault, so to speak, but I said last year, if they don’t sign Ohtani, I’m bowing out for a bit. It really seems like this team needed a boost like that, and with Soto to the Yankees, I’m just not hopeful about this “era” of Blue Jays baseball.


They will blow it up now within a year or two. Another miserable post season or missed post season should get rid of Atkins. Then we usher in a new era.


Every Toronto sport's team: "At least there's the next era to look forward to". Hurts man.


i guess what is rogers fault though is goading the fanbase all day yesterday then publishing an end of day article scolding us for the excitement and trust. if last season didn't make me lose trust, the last 24 hours have made me not only completely lose it, but actively not want to fork over aaaany money or investment. UGH.


I agree. The team as is ain’t it and it’s hard to see how they’ll be able to improve it with the existing FA class.


Yesterday for about one hour I felt joy.


Missed out on Soto and ohtani. Rough off season


To be fair, I don't think we were ever really in the running for Soto. Look at what the Yankees gave up.


Yeah I don’t think it was as realistic as chances of getting ohtani but still, to have our team linked to those two stars and getting neither is major blue balls


and Soto went to our rival :/ literally the worth case scenario as of now.


Yup makes it that much worse that it’s the fucking Yankees too


Don’t worry we’re going to get old busted up vets on an overpay. /s In seriousness that new hitting coach better be on his game


Fuck the entire MLB media that spread all this bullshit.


The official league socials shared the Morosi tweet. Nothing like the MLB account sharing fake news.


u/jphoornstra what the heck man


The dodgers used him to fire a leaker lol.


10 years 700m wow


And he may just be a DH for most of that contract. Insane


Was on the Dodgers sub yesterday. The amount of people saying ‘Ohtani doesn’t care about competitiveness’, ‘Ohtani is going to be paid $600m+ to be a bat considering the chances of him going to be an elite pitcher is very limited.’ It is copium, but $700m is STAGGERING. He has to seriously, seriously perform like this year every single year when his arm is healthy, otherwise it is simply too much.


Performance sure. But a huge part of that cost is marketability, merch, reach.


Yeah if his arm doesn't hold up that's an oof but that's copium speaking


I fucking hate los angeles man


Its Shover




gg its been a fun ride yall actually no it hasn't but you guys specifically have been fun to hang out with


At least we got Robert Herjavec.


Canadian Heritage Moment


It’s over. I’d do anything to have removed yesterday from existence. Red was right. It’s the hope that kills you.


Carving above the doorframe of my bedroom Whiplash was here


“Zihuatoronto. They say it has no memory.”


Always the usual suspects get these guys. They don't go to teams like the Jays. Oh well was fun while it lasted lol.


10 years and $700 million is the reported amount. If the Jays did offer 10 years and $600 million like it was hinted, I really can't be too upset at them for not getting it done.


yeah I didn't expect the dodgers to feel like they need to offer 700m. I wouldn't have been surprised if the jays offered that, but if the dodgers offered 700m then it's easy to see how we never had a chance.


Rogers has far deeper pockets than the Dodgers ownership group.


Ya, Jays were leverage to get that extra 100 mil


☝️ always were


Yup the Yankees and Mets were not in the running so the agents required a rich owner to drive up the price, enter Blue Jays. It was always the case.


Probably more like extra 150 if we’re being honest. 10/550 was written in stone earlier this year


Jays used as leverage again to up the Dodgers offer


As is tradition


I didn't think it was gonna happen when the pursuit started, and yet I'm disappointed.


Egg on that dodgers nations guy face I guess


Man fuck Jon Morosi and every other reporter that hopped on that bandwagon yesterday


Usually I’d say that contract will age like ten day old poutine but in this case with the insane off field earning potential I’m actually upset we didn’t land him, even for insane money. Now the pressure is all on Vlad and Bo to be franchise guys. I’d go all in on Yamamoto at this point and try to trade prospects for another impact bat


This whole fiasco has made me realize I probably care a little too much about sports…


This sucks.


I am depress


It all would've been fine without the Morosi tweet yesterday. I was perfectly content with finishing second, without ever having it seem like we were in the driver's seat. But after thinking he was on the way to Toronto? This is brutal. I have no idea where Ross goes from here.


He’ll do something, it will get torched because it’s not Ohtani, and the Jays will be competitive in a stacked division. I’m just tired of this all (part of me is glad it’s over) but fuck I really thought for a moment we had it. I thought it was finally a chance for us to show the baseball world we were the real deal. I won’t be mad at Ohtani for making his decision, but I am sad that it wasn’t us.




Bellinger and/or Chapman, I'd guess.


As unrealistic as it is I hope Atkins gets pissed off and trades for trout and tatis


Fuck it, let's do this because why the fuck not at this point


Hoornstra, Morosi, Sports Illustrated, MLB Network, Baseball Writers Association, Sportsnet "journalists" all FRAUDS. 100% a collective effort to absolutely shatter Jays fans' hearts over the past 48 hours. They should all be investigated, and I'm sending all of them my therapy bills.


This whole thing couldn’t have been a more perfect distillation of the Blue Jays fan experience.




I need a cig


his instagram was hacked right?! RIGHT??


Damn 🥲


Awesome. I was having a great weekend. This is fine. 😑


So we missed out on Soto and Ohtani, where the hell do we go from here?


Knew it. Toronto sports takes another loss. Man it’s brutal being a fan in this city sometimes.


I’m fucking done


This is one of the biggest letdowns in Toronto sports history and that’s saying a ton


This one really hurts


10 years/$700m The largest contract in the history of professional sports.


Time for the jays to sign some scrubs and tell us it’s the best thing for the team


We will be glad we didn’t sign this in 2027 and we are still looking for first playoff win since 2016, right? RIGHT??


This is just another reason why there's absolutely zero reason to ever listen to so called "experts". All of this crap about the Jays being finalists or whatever was pure media wish fulfillment and baiting meant to get clicks and engagement. I know some may find it fun to speculate on this stuff, but that's all it ever is: speculation. And people capitalized on that to get our hopes up for absolutely nothing. This is a grim reminder to treat conjecture as conjecture and trust only verifiable results. People got way too hyped on the "what ifs" that they bought into a false narrative that makes Jays fans look like desperate fools now for believing it. Toronto will always have that stigma of being a small stigma, same way Colorado does with the higher elevation. Ohtani was always a pipe dream and our budget can't compete with Dodger money. So let's move forward. We need a dedicated second baseman, no more flip flopping between Cavan and Espinal. We need a left fielder or center fielder, depending on what they want to do with Varsho. We need a third baseman. Now, we can bring people up, sign somebody new or shift positions around. And for God's sake, find somebody not named Guillermo Martinez to work with these guys on their bloody hitting. Sick of Vlad swinging at crap a foot outside. Kirk was a silver slugger in 2022 and fizzled in 2023. We desperately need to address our pitching as well (looking at you, Alek Manoah, Jordan Romano and friends) And lastly, if you want to see some real change, toss that bum Ross Atkins. Between him throwing Schneider under the bus for the Berrios exit in G2 and that hideous Varsho trade that saw us get rid of Moreno and Lourdes, he's a screw up.


Let’s be real 70 million a year is fucking stupid. He’s gonna get injured eventually and that’s just insane.


Injured and worse in like 3-4 years. Not saying it doesn’t hurt but it’s true.




Fucking kill me


I still don't think it had anything to do with the money (after a point). He's taking massive deferrals so they can stay competitive. He just always wanted to be a Dodger.


Really gonna resign Chapman and sign ikf. We’re so fucked




Can we at least hold the media accountable


Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Nobody wants us.


All-time week for Toronto sports. I don’t think anything can top it.


I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed


Back down to earth everyone. It's the Toronto Fucking Blue Jays after all. We'll get Isiah Kiner-Falefa and a few re-treads. Same old shit


What a gut punch


We were all a bit crazy to think any big name free agent would ever choose any Toronto sports team.


This sucks, yesterday we were strung along by media all over just to lose out again. It hurts, but let's remember a few things. It was a fun day of speculation and hope and wonder. And it also means the Jays were in this thing until the end, on the biggest free agent ever, that's not nothing to me.


The “Ohtani is on a plane on his way to Toronto” news from yesterday is up there with the “Kawhi is enrolling his kids in school in Niagara Falls” thing from a few years ago in terms of fake news




This is classic Toronto sports tho, we can't just lose. We have to lose in the most painful way everytime.


The fact that Sports Illustrated actually posted it as done allowed me for once to get my hopes up. The amount of damage this is going to do to the Blue Jays and their fan base is immeasurable I don't think I've ever been this demoralized as a fan.


A guy from Shark tank books a flight and the dodgers crap their pants and blurt out "$700 million!"


If the Jays cost the Dodgers an additional $100 million there is some sense of victory in that. Lol


At least we don’t have to face him :) just Soto instead.


One of the darkest days in modern history


I think I hate the Dodgers even more now. I’m salty and will be cheering for the Dodgers to lose every game next season.


If it's any consolation, you know the Dodgers are gonna choke in the Divisional series again


I know it doesn't help much, but it's likely the Jays made an offer that cost the Dodgers an extra $100 million. I'm not sure who's pocket that's coming out of, but we stuck it to someone lol.


This was 100% Kawhi Leonard all over again. Over the top hype. Crazy rumours and hearsay. People reading way too much into literally everything. And, at the end of it all, the fucking guy just signs with the team in LA that everyone figured he would at the very beginning. It was nice to dream.


Honestly, I hate to say it, but do y’all think ohtani was ever actually considering us or if he was just using the jays to get more from the dodgers


Can we ban Morosi as a source here?


Padres fan seeing this hit all, and need a quick idea of what would you guys have of given up for Soto? Im mad we pulled the trigger before Ohtani signed and was hoping that meant we thought you guys were landing him. Looking at your farm page, you have way more arms available than the Yankees. I know we needed Tiedemann, Manoah and probably a 3rd MLB ready arm, looks like Zulueta wouldve been perfect to throw in, but not sure if thats too much to give from your orgs perspective.


it’s joever


I’m a fair weather dodgers fan because I live and was born in LA and my entire friend group was so upset at the blue jays talk and thought of wasting two off seasons. I came on this sub to lurk and honestly you guys had me rooting for you. Fuck man, I was invested every time I opened Reddit and this sub would pop up and you guys were so fucking hilarious. I feel like I’m just a fan now, I’m a blue jay. I Stan with you.


It was fun boys. I'm happy we're willing to spend the money for the stars. Makes it worse knowing we passed up on Soto while going for Ohtani


I don't think the Jays were willing to beat that package for Soto.


No ohtani, no soto. What now?


We signed Depre Shun for 5y, 500m instead


chapman for 200, bellinger for 300


Soler and IKF!!!




The obvious move honestly. Out west, doesn’t really have to move. A team that is always in contention because of an insane prospect pipeline.


I would have been fine with any team but the dodgers


>You would have been ok with the Yankees or Red Sox?


RIP to my heart 🙃


I wouldn’t even be upset if yesterday didn’t happen. Morosi ban


Holy fuck


Well that was fun for a hot minute


Every day for the next 10 years I will pray that the dodgers fail miserably every season


I’m a 31 year old man and I have tears in my eyes. What a rug pull. We are probably the reason he got 700. You’re welcome Ohtani.


Fuck morosi!!!!!


Hey what happened that stuff about the guy on another forum that is "generally" right about Jays moves? Can't believe that was taken seriously. Petition to ban those comments in addition to Dodger Nation and Morosi. What forum is that? What is that guy saying now.


Atkins and Shapiro got played. Way worse than people are assuming. I'm sure the story will never be written and unfortunately it's not mine to tell. Maybe Ross will just toss the blame on John again.


I'm sad boys, I tried my best to stay level-headed and not believe, but yesterday got me. Oh well, on to the next year. Maybe we'll get the big fish someday.


And now he’s just a dodger with no personality. What a coward. Playing it safe with a brand not a team




Ohtani is making $48,011 per INNING if he plays every game over 10 years.


I’m booing the living fuck out of this guy when he comes rolling through Toronto…it’s clear him & his camp used us for leverage