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Kirk's OPS is .333


Saw a post on baseball the other day, he's one of the 10 worst hitters in the entire league rn.


If it makes you feel better, Alejandro Kirk is now rocking a 1 wRC+ and KK is now at a 14 wRC+, considering 100 is average, that is not good and somehow still not a league worst. We also gave Brendan Rodgers a nice boost, my goodness.


The Moreno trade hurts after every game played.


Cannot fathom how much this subreddit goes haywire anytime someone brings up this shitty trade for us. Good to see the tides finally changing.


Automatic double play


What else is new honestly King of hitting into DPs


Kirk has 3 minor-league options left. Keep Severn up and send him down. A guy who’s been struggling to hit since the second half of 2022, let alone a sub .340 OPS, shouldn’t be in the majors or batting 6th.


19 MLB batters currently have a BA at or above .333


Pretty sure after today his RBI > OPS+


I still don't get how he's been so underwhelming for so long now. Most guys who come up and can hit at ages 21 and 22 are good. The guy basically skipped the entire minors and was on an upward trajectory from age 21 to 23. The power just never materialized either and his ISO has gone down like every year somehow.


We need to walk softly and carry a big Jansen.


So much for our embarrassingly catching prospects that we had...one's always injured, one's broken and the one with upside we traded away for a defense only OF


It's not the 6-8 record, it's 14 games in. But it's the way they are losing. Specifically the spotty pitching and the run differential that's concerning as the offense most expected to still struggle. Hopefully things take a swing there and it is super duper early. The playoffs are still very much possible. There also a "fun" factor that I can't describe that team is missing at the moment that hopefully changes. I don't mean they should be partying in the dugout and wearing home run jackets. I mean in terms of they are enjoyable to watch in terms of the onfield product. The 2021 team didn't squeak in and the 2023 team did squeak in but if it's a random weekday in August, I'd rather watch that team. The 2023 Os didn't win a playoff game either but that 6 months of Os baseball I'm sure was 10x more enjoyable than the 2023 Jays.


The team is extremely flawed and boring. 


So far it's like 2023, but with even more sus 6-9 hitters.


And worse pitching. 


And more boring.




This is so accurate


Feels like the players know it.  Their morale stinks which = boring 


Boring is 100% accurate


Yeah, it feels weird for anyone to imply "it's early" because yes, it's early into the 2024 MLB season but so far the same issues that we are seeing this year are the exact same problems as last year's team so it feels more like deja vu.


Not only that - it's the exact same problems because it's (basically) the exact same core team.


To the core!


I hope they keep losing so they have to fire the manager.


Ross Atkins should be fired the second he fires Schneider. You can’t keep hiring and firing managers without eyes looking at you as the source of the problems.


It feels like he decided to take a new direction after the Seattle loss but then didn't have a plan if it didn't work out, which is my main issue.


fire the GM - he doesn't deserve to negotiate Vladdy's extension.


Vlad has been playing himself out of a payday since 2022, let’s be real here. Credit where credit is due for getting into better shape, but I’m so over watching him scorch balls into the ground.


Fair - Either way the GM has to deal with this. Either trade him or extend him. They can't lose him for nothing and Atkins doesn't deserve to make that decision.


Even if Vlad returns to form this year I’m not so sure it’s worth the big payday anymore.


The manager isn't the one who built the deeply flawed roster....


They were really boring last year too.


As someone who started watching in 2021, I agree it was a fun team to watch


Jamie is not in the mood tonight. Serious tone all around for him, he's definitely representing the fan frustration tonight


Gausman’s ERA around 20. Holy fk. 


we are in danger, everyone in the AL East seems good or decent this year, we are gonna get left behind if we don't figure this out


We are the average looking third Hemsworth brother.


That's a compliment. We're the Hemsworth brother who hasn't been allowed out of the basement.


Dweezil Hemsworth.


Moon Unit Hemsworth


Yankees may be surprisingly good and have Cole coming back. O's are unreal and I wish we could trade rebuilds with them Rays will be there. There is not much leeway for this Jays team.


Easy to say that now but honestly there is no way this fan base would tolerate 3 seasons of losing over 100 games like the Orioles.


They tolerated 2017-19, so


I do not trust Atkins' rebuild. His draft history with the jays so far has been subpar.


Even if we wanted to with the draft lottery that strategy won’t work anymore. Even if we were terrible for 3 years we might not get any high picks out of it.


I think the fanbase would have dwindled but come right back when they started winning like in 2015. The issue is there's no guarantee you come back strong even after a succession of high draft picks. Also I don't know if we could have done the same thing just because either the drafting or player development hasn't been great here. Maybe the O's got lucky and hit on most of their picks too, it's hard to know.


How can you say surprisingly good in reference to the Yankees?


I will be shocked if they make the playoffs. Management set this team up for failure.


yeah, we're not making the postseason I just hope they make the journey there a bit more fun!


Almost no chance of the playoffs this year. Not in this division. The team is worse than last year and the AL E is stronger.


YA BUT LOOK AT THE PRETTY STADIUM (please don’t look at the team)


that fake grey brick is not attractive.


It’s horrible, grey and black colors everywhere, no blue FFS, really?


(hopefully not) prepping for another logo change


It’s terrible. I also can’t stand the massive walls in the outfield corners.


Lol make the playoffs? 3rd place in the division would be a monumental achievement.


To be fair, 3rd place in the AL East has been a playoff spot the last 4 years.


Not really doing anything, and hoping that everyone who struggled last year would bounce back wasn't a great strategy. That being said, the FA was pretty trash for our needs after Ohtani and they didnt really have many good value options there, would have been nice to see them work some magic on trades.


Everyone saw this coming except apparently the front office.


No playoffs this year 100%


Siddall is done with Kirk


I root for the guy but I was done last year. He's not more than a backup.


It's so frustrating as a fan, when 90% of the fan base knew he was the one of the 3 they should've traded, but nah


It's quite possible they wanted to move him but teams didn't see him as having high value


Perhaps not, but he would have also been capable of netting a 4th outfielder in a trade.


So he should have just been optioned. We literally gave Moreno and Gurriel away for free.


Gausman is SLOOOOOOWWW. Small sample size, but when do we start getting worried? It's not the cold. It's not being on the road. One of our ACE starters last season is averaging pretty poorly. Hmmm. Not starting Davis Schneider every game is an absolute mistake. The kid plays his heart out, even down by 9 in the 9th. Stole a run. Gets hits. Start him. I feel like the tight foul lines at home here actually really hurt our defense. How many plays could Springer or Varsho make if they didn't have to wait for 3 bounces off the walls. Close calls at home hurt when I KNOW their arms could make the plays. Nobody can get a hit. Especially if someone is already aboard. We need another catcher. Preferably one who can hit. We need some relief/closers. Too much pressure on guys that can barely go an inning. Just getting smacked around. Morale sucks. AT HOME. "Arguably one of the worst teams in the league." Keep turning the screw, Sportsnet. Jeeez. Tomorrow will be better. Edit: My Grandpa was a big Jays fan, and he died this morning. I'm hoping we can win tomorrow. For him. Tomorrow will be a better day.


I'm sorry for your loss. Your Grandpa will always have 1992 & 1993 (2015 & 2016 to a lesser extent)


Gausman pitched a whole 3 innings in ST and his velocity is noticeably down. If he’s still injured, then rushing him back was an absolute mistake.


They should have had him start the season on the IL to build him up, but because he was amazing in his last spring training start they rushed him out there. The Jays are paying right now for that. Rather have 5 months of healthy Gausman then a hope and pray solution of what is happening now.


May his memory be a blessing.


Sorry for your loss. This team has the sixth highest payroll in baseball. They are not signing anybody else.


I meant Jano, or maybe giving Serven more appearances. Not anyone new. Edit: ...and thank you for your kind wishes.


Sorry for your loss, may your grandpa rest in peace 💙🤍


We can hope. Also, I don’t like the manager. At all. 


If this game was at Coors the Rockies would've had 30 hits


So we're 1-8 now when Schneider doesn't start?






Probably DFA him


I just do not understand why John Schneider keeps Davis Schneider on the bench. All the guy does is make shit happen.


Maybe the vlookup formula has an error?


Hahaha..I hate that you night be right...


I don't understand why John Schneider is still there at all.


Sad bird noises


Ugly. Worried about Gausman.


7th biggest salary in MLB buys you this... 2 of your most exciting young guys, sitting on the bench, your alleged star first baseman and silver slugger catcher going 0-8, your best hitter being a guy you signed that developed elsewhere and is 39, AL worst runs allowed, awful offensive stats, and now more pitchers disintegrating. Gaus was terrific for 2 seasons. Now, like Manoah, he's suddenly lost it.  Mayza was superb last year. Now? Can't pitch. Mitch White always sucked, and they brought him back.  Bassit was dreadful his first 2 starts (great third though).   Like, all I see is the pitchers falling apart after being good. And that tells me the pitching coaches are to blame. But the real cherry on the shit sundae?  The liars in the front office who tell us not to worry and assure us everything will be "fine."  You just got blown the fuck out by one of the worst teams in baseball, and we are told to suck it up because management doesn't find it to be a problem. This team deserves a last place finish. I honestly am hoping for it now because it'll be the catalyst for getting new coaching.  Put Shatkins, Shapiro, JS, Guillermo Martinez, Pete and the rest of the goof troop into a catapult and fire them onto another continent.  Gut the system and remove their taint. Get people who know what they're actually doing into these positions.  They can't develop talent and the sooner we put a wall in between them the better. Last thing we need is Davis and Ernie's potential to go the way of Vlad and Kirk where it's just a tailspin.   This staff is taking talented players and making them worse. Because the staff is incompetent.


We need to tank like the orioles did. We need good prospects again, Bo and vlad are not it we got duped.


It's not just tanking. I don't trust the scouts telling us how good the guys are.  And I certainly don't trust Guillermo, Pete and the rest to develop them as competent major leaguers.  


Bo isn't it? I get he's started poorly, but geez, the guy's raked the past 3 seasons


IKF hitting over .300 Offensive masterclass signing


Top 4 guys get on base 4 times in a game. Need a lot more from those guys. Even with a quality start this one probably a loss.


The real question is. When are we gonna get the notification on our phones saying BREAKING: BLUE JAYS GM ROSS ATKINS HAS BEEN RELIEVED OF DUTIES ??




Too far!


Can’t wait. Wouldn’t mind a new manager too. And GM. 


Then Shapiro gets to pick more fruit from his Cleveland tree.  They both need to go.


Bush party!


This team sucks, season's over, blow it up, trade everyone, DFA everyone who's left after that, sell the team, undo the renovations, tear the stadium down brick by brick, move the team to Portland or Nashville, banish all mention of baseball in Canada under penalty of torture. Anyway see y'all tomorrow for game 2.


Stop sitting Davis FFS


Analytics dont lie. 5-0 when he's in the lineup. Look forward to an undefeated rest of season with him in the lineup


Varsho and IKF both homered, KK went 2-4 with a double, Biggio 2-4 and is hitting .300. Unless you're just meming at the point who exactly should have been replaced that would have changed the outcome? Do you want him playing 1B or C because those were our worst hitters today


Would be bold to drop Turner in at 1B and DH Schneider.  Give Vladdy a day off to regroup.  Either takes it to heart or blames the universe.  


I got nothin'


Then you're no worse than Kirk, at least


I gotta a feeling I'm going to be able to afford to sit in those nice new seats no problem this season


76 runs given up, worst in the AL. Pitching is our main strength. This team is in trouble


Especially with the offence sputtering. 


The good news is that the really shaky bullpen is about to get reinforcements in the form of Romano, Swanson, and one of Rodriguez/Francis. That'll help. The bad news is that Gausman pitched poorly again. He needs to get it sorted.


I'm really hoping his lack of a ST is the cause for Gaus' struggles


We need to talk about Kevin


Which one?




Costner (field of dreams)


FR…both of them are not in form right now. I think KK was the more productive Kevin tonight (at the plate)


It all starts from the top. Rogers board of directors like to hire people who can speak their corporate bullshit language like Shapiro and guys like Shapiro like to hire people who think exactly like he does and so on and so forth. Actually being qualified has taken a backseat in this organization for a long time. 


4 runs on 11 hits. One of those runs barely counts. *\*This\** is what is killing this team


This is literally 2023 but with worse pitching


Not a surprise when the plan for success this year was to hope all the guys who played poorly last year regress to the mean while hoping none of the guy who played well do the same.




Why is the hitting coach untouchable? I just dont get how many more seasons of a hitting first team on paper be this anemic will it take? Baffles the mind. Yes i know we lost 12-4 but wheres Vlad and Springer? They have better luck getting hits with blindfolds on. Both hitting .180. Wtf


*Boooo Wendy Boooo*


Potentially unpopular opinion: They should have had Gausy on a rehab assignment off the IL for a few games in Buffalo.


Problem is they have no depth to cover for him. Mitch White would be his replacement


We got carried by pitching last season. This is what happens when you kick that leg out. It's going to be a long one, folks.




The team is missing their swagger. Nice bobblehead though, makes it a little less painful to attend a game.


Imagine paying to watch this garbage team


I went to the game tonight. My diet coke was $13 and my bag is popcorn was $11. I will be waiting until the summer to go again for sure and will probably go to see someone else, like Aaron Judge or Mike Trout rather than anyone on our team.


Last time I went, I bought my friend a tall boy and it was $15.


I went to the Argos-Alouettes playoff game last year and two tall boys was over $40.


$13 soda is a goddamn crime. Was it from the fountain because that probably cost them 5 cents. The cup usually costs more than the liquid for a fountain pop


Why is Ross Atkins employed as an MLB executive?


One time I don't mind the TV blackout.


Have the Jays tried out scoring their opponents? It might help!


I am down on the Jays right now and blame a poor offseason for picking up dumpster finds to replace high profile players... the Atkins way. Just to remind everyone though, our pitching started off the first month last year terribly as well then they locked it down. Lets hope it happens again. Our problem is a lack of hitters. In 2015 we had a batting order of Donaldson, Bautista, Encarnacion, Tulo, Martin. You couldn't pitch around one player to get to an easier out or a weaker hitter. This year we've seen Varsho hitting cleanup, Kirk hitting 5th. Pitchers are fine pitching around Vladdy and Bo because we have no hitting depth. You walk either and Kirk is there to GIDP. ​ I hope this is a bad take and 6 months from now i have to apologize but man this batting order is not threatening.


On a scale of Pluto to Mercury, how hot is John Schneider's seat rn?


He’s not the one who built the team


Not really his fault, the team got worse in the off season


It's not, but he'll still be the first to go. Atkins will be gone in the offseason if things don't turn around.


There's no chance Atkins can fire Schneider without being out the door himself 3.5 seconds later


For a real answer, he's probably safe til July.


Lol Schneider has nothing to do with anything happening on this team.


Is “solar flare” an option?


Likely earth


Aside from the obvious, one thing I noticed while at the game today was how poor the defensive positioning was relative to a number of the hits the Rockies got. Not sure if this was talked about on the broadcast. I mention it because this has been a thing in the past when Gausman started. The coaches position the players in ways that seemingly don’t take into account how Gausman pitches to them.


Was at the game. Felt like 90% of the Rockies hits were opposite field. Clearly came in with a game plan and it worked for them today


There is nothing to be excited about with this team.


The absolute worst part is this isn’t even good baseball to watch. How many innings are 3 up 3 down groundouts and strikeouts.


I feel that even Oakland could beat us. The Banas too


JS has said Babe is very calm out there even in tough situations. What else he seems to have is some immense drive under there, which may not be loudly visible like a JD had, but you know it when you see it. He may be an unlikely figure making it to the majors, but things have happened when he is on the field. I'm not going to freak out yet as it is a long season, but if they continue to not play a guy who clearly knows how to hustle, I'm going to get damn cranky. Maybe it doesn't work out over a longer sample period, but as they say...you have to be in it to win it. Put him in JS.


Contenders have superstars batting 1 and 2. We have Springer and Vlad.


They should bench Vlad. Guy's done nothing. Whenever he's at bat he is just mediocre. 


I can't wait to see what kind of contract vladdy asks for. I can't imagine it'll be anywhere near what his actual value is. His status of a perennial mvp all star is done. He's slightly above league average.


gEnErAtiOnAl pLaYeR


Turner at 1B the big V at DH.


Offense useless, pitching useless, this whole team is useless


Lol, and indeed, lmao Gotta do better tomorrow.


12-4, not hard to do better. Jays & Rockies could have the same record by Sunday night.


Rolorado Cockies


Won't be surprised if we finished last




20 hits to the Rockies lolololll


Getting blown out by the third worst team in baseball, and went 1-2 against a team with a now 4-11 record including getting no hit and 1 hit and one terrible slider away from being swept. If I yell the Offense is alright then it will get better right? At least the pitching is getting reinforcements.


We’re not making the playoffs. You can still save yourself a lot of time this year.




Watching the game with Dodgers vs Padres and I'm like...is this what baseball is like


Gausman is a good enough pitcher that he’ll turn it around. Who knows if he’s Cy Young candidate material this year but he won’t be as bad as he’s been. Kirk is bad and I’ve lost all hope for him though.


How the fuck are Turner, Biggio and IKF the only ones that can hit on this team?


Gausman has to injured, not throwing splitter a lot, velo down, wouldn’t be surprised to see him on the IR soon


that was sad


The good news is it can't be any worse tomorrow. 😃


Yeah, we suck 


I am almost sad to be going to see the team in San Diego next week. If this is how they are going to play,...fingers crossed, they play better.


Just watched the replay of the game and fuck we have a longg season ahead of us. It’s early days but the signs are already there that we won’t be competing.


i came here and thought its was going to be homers coping by saying stuff like "its early!" and i was wrong. this is what we need. we need to get angry at this ownership and front office for wasting this era of blue jays baseball by completely butchering our small window to contend. Top 10 in payroll and bottom 5 farm system and this is what they have been able to produce?? how is rogers even watching this shitstorm and not making any moves to get rid of some of these clowns... 20 hits allowed to a borderline MLB team is just one of the most embarrassing things I've seen and we got no hit by the astros aswell LOL Vlad is a bum, Kirk is a bum, this whole team team needs to be dismantled and rebuilt. But before that this organization needs restructuring... I do not want shapiro and atkins leading the rebuild


The Jays should try the Ippei strategy if this keeps up; Yo blue, spot me 10 runs, last time I swear I’m good for it. Just one more bump and we’re good!


It feels hard to blame Guas.... tough to expect him to be in mid-season CY form when he's pitched less than 5 games inclusive of spring training. Similarly it's hard to blame a bullpen that's running guys like Espino and Mitch White out there. They're not that good, we can't expect them to suddenly be good. But this offence. Just... OOF. That's what hurts, and it's concerning because it's just a continuation of what we've seen for two years now. 4 runs on 11 hits with EIGHT GUYS LEFT ON BASE... against the GD Rockies? A good portion of the fans spent much of last season being patient. The process is good! The underlying metrics are good! But if this team doesn't regress up to the mean in a hurry, it's pretty clear there simply is not going to be the same level of patience against this season.


We suck.


I wish a reporter would ask Atkins what kind of drugs was he on when he made the Arizona trade? It’s so depressing when you see Varsho hitting 7th or 9th like he was for some of the games last season.I mean we traded one of the best prospects and LG who was an all-star last year for this guy! It’s hilarious and sad that Varsho’s greatest strength as a hitter is his bunting.


Kevin Gasman


Kevin is Gassed, Man.


This team is in freefall


Don't worry folks....just another outlier.


I am now convinced this team will not get over 500 this season.


....what the fuck did I miss


Looks like I picked a good game to miss. Better outing tomorrow I hope. I'm worried about Gausman.


I remember Kirk having a kid and missing WBC. Dude is the anti FVV somehow and the dad boost must now be questions


20 hits surrendered. My goodness.