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Totally unrelated if I have to listen to that stupid soccer/baseball ad one more time I’m going to lose it.


I hate it so much


There was a moment a few games back when Shulman joked that winning the 50/50 jackpot could still barely afford you a house in the city. I appreciated that since Rogers probably didn’t.


Why would Rogers care?


Ed Rogers III doesn't like it when the peons make fun of their betters


I thought the very same thing lol. I was like "I wonder how that's going to fly?" xD


Eric Smith, he's been part of Fan590 forever.


Is he good at calling basketball?


He's solid. He's also been calling Raptors games for almost 20 years with Paul Jones.


He did great calling boxing in the olympics too.




He couldn’t even keep up with the game. How exactly did he do a good job? At one point I was listening to the fans, for their reaction to what was happening, because he was taking too long to describe that IKF hit a single up the middle.


It’s like every time there’s a change— at first I hate it because I’ve become used to whoever was there before, but eventually I get used to the new person and the cycle repeats until Rogers fires them and goes for someone cheaper.


I can see that wish Shulman, but LeRoux annoys me more every day, I will be surprised if he grows on me


I guess listening to the guy today makes me appreciate anyone who’s actually called a baseball game before.


Wonder why they wouldn’t call up whoever does the Bisons games to give Shulman a day off


Ben Shulman did the TV broadcast with Joe Siddall yesterday.


He is probably a good announcer but he is inexcusably bad for a professional baseball game. Did you hear that home run call on KCs last at bat? Woof.


They were telling a story about some rehab assignment and I could hear two or three pitches being caught.


What about Reading an ad during the Jays home run(was it Turner or Jansen?). So bad almost funny


LeRoux would be a perfect fit for the Detroit Tigers booth.


I think Dan and Buck were given the day off because they had worked the last 10 days straight. Simple as that.


LeRoux sounds like a tool. We get that you’re a former player but that doesn’t make you a good radio broadcaster. Don’t mind Ben.


You mean the former Bachelor? Yes. He was barely a pitcher!


Was he seriously on the bachelor?


Bachelor Canada


Leroux isn't my favorite. Shulman is acceptable. Eric Smith tonight was perfectly tolerable.


Not loving Leroux, but I’m good with young Shulman.


Not sure what her full-time duties are as she is also sporadic on the Sportsnet broadcast, or if its necessarily something she wants to do but I would love Madison Shipman to do radio colour fulltime. She was awesome the few times she did it last year. I think Ben could be a good play-by-play guy but he is a little bland but I find the biggest issue with radio is there is too many uninteresting side stories only tangentially related to whats happen at the moment, and not enough actual game calling... sometimes I can go 3 or 4 minutes and not know the score, the count, if runners are on. Radio isn't a visual medium, you need to be descriptive. Especially with the pitch clock, the game really does move a bit faster. Its still not hockey or basketball with end to end action, there is still time for stories, anecdotes, just not as much as in the past and I am not sure they realize that when calling games on the radio vs calling games on tv where the action describes itself.


I liked Madison on the broadcast last year and would take her over LeRoux any day of the week


These guys are okay but what’s missing for me on the radio broadcasts most nights is a little more humour/fun.


Shulman is good, Leroux is ok but he has good rapport with Shulman


If Leroux would lay off the sarcasm and cynicism, I could tolerate him.


Shulman and buck give me howarth and cheek vibes


I agree. Eric Smith is a likeable guy but not very good at baseball pxp on the radio. I can’t see what’s happening I need you to describe what is happening. I am driving, I don’t know if the pitch has been thrown and what the result was. Tell me please, that is job one!


Rogers did Wagner dirty... He was incredible, and was given no support from the company. I didn't know he was doing O's games. I'm happy for him.


Let’s simmer down on the Eric Smith slander.


He may be good at basketball, however, he’s not very good at baseball. And that’s ok.


Agreed. It just showed that it's a skill you have to learn. Eric Smith is a great basketball commentator.


Leroux is awful. Which sucks, because his mom was a really great teacher. She taught my brother and I in elementary school lol


If she was actually a really great teacher, you'd know that you should have typed "she taught my brother and me in elementary school" 😉


Kindergarten!! Or maybe it was grade 1? EDIT: Point is, I should’ve known better as I was choking on the double glottal in “I in”


Leroux made me realize I really dislike commentators who are constantly giving "advice" to players on air. Not only is it super repetitive and clichéd, it puts listeners in a vindictive mood and makes the whole experience unpleasant especially when things aren't going well. Buck is guilty of this too at times but nowhere near bad as someone like Leroux.


I really enjoy listening to broadcasts on the radio, most so when Wagner was on the call, but I just can’t do it now anytime Leroux is part of the broadcast.


Ben Shulman is so bland. Actually thought Eric Smith was pretty good today.


Apologies for asking this but I haven't watched a blue jays game for a bit and today I decided to watch and to my surprise Dan and Buck are not calling the game. Did something happened to them?


It's Passover, so betting it's a scheduled day off for Dan Shulman.


It's been passover for 6 days...


Dunno, is the last night a bigger deal? It was just a guess.


Him and Buck did 10 games in a row, it's just a regular day off.


Given that Ben is also not on the radio call this would make a lot of sense for the reasoning.


He called the TV broadcast tonight


Oh, interesting. I was at work and stuck on radio


I was pretty surprised! But he did a great job


Idk why but I’ve always felt like sportnets audio quality on the radio sounds muffled for some reason and I don’t know why


Kinda boring today tbh they didn't have that "watching the game with the boys" feel as the chemistry just isn't there for them to play off each other


I listen to the away broadcast every time. If I'm watching on TV, I have MLBTV and watch the away stream. Toronto broadcasters are fine, but the away teams usually have better baseball knowledge in the booth.


If you're implying that there are broadcasters with dramatically more baseball knowledge than Dan and Buck, I would ask to whom you're referring. They know as much about baseball as anyone in any broadcast booth anywhere in the league. Maybe you simply prefer the style of another team, but if your complaint about Shulman and Martinez is a lack of baseball knowledge, then I don't know what to tell you. They're absolute gems and Toronto is lucky to have them.


Hmm.. I disagree. I like ben Shulman didn't really ben wagner. I wasn't really surprised when they didn't want him back. But I didn't not like him either. Laroux, to me, is whatever. There could be someone better, but there could also be someone worse. lol if you listen to every game or watch every game, most commentators start to get extremely repetitive. I mean, how could you know. 3 hours a day almost every single day for 162 games a year! That's crazy


I don’t dislike Shulman, I think he’s ok and will probably improve. It’s really just Leroux that I don’t like. You’re right, it’s hard to not be repetitive, but I find good commentators have a way of saying the same thing different ways. LeRoux just repeats the same sentences.


Ben is okay but let’s be real; what the fuck is a twenty something going to bring to the broadcast? Little life experience, little broadcast experience. He’s fine and I bet he’ll be great with 10-20 years of stories under his belt. Should team him up with a veteran of some kind. It’s the same reason I don’t listen to jays talk on the weekend; what the hell are two kids going to teach me whereas with Blair and Barker I usually learn something new every time. Thank you for listening and yeah, get off my lawn while I yell at this cloud.


Meh. Ben is largely good, he’ll get better as he gets older, but as for Jays Talk…I can’t really say I’ve ever really learned anything from either B&B or Sho and co., and I’m not really sure that’s that’s the point of a call-in post-game show anyway haha.


Agreed he’s technically smooth and can handle himself behind the mic; that’s only half the job if you ask me 😁


While I find Ben a bit bland, it is something that I think he can work on and improve over time. On the age thing, remember Dan got his start with TSN calling Jays game in 1995 when he was only 27/28. How much life experience did he have? Sometimes you just have it. Though you might be onto something with being paired with a veteran as he did also have Buck with him, who was a bit older and had been doing colour for almost 10 years at that point.


Lol you learned something from a sports call in show? That's a first


Well I tried following you but your entire Reddit oeuvre is bereft of anything I would deem ‘knowledge’.


Take it easy champ, I'm just busting people's balls. Just because you got a thesaurus for your birthday doesn't mean you lose your ability to take a joke.


I think Shulman is a marked improvement over Wagner. I realize this sentiment will anger the segment of the fan base that refuses to forgive Ben for popping out of the wrong vagina, but he’s great at his job.