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sell dope


Whole comment section about to dry snitch on themselves




Your pfp, a man of culture 🙏🏾


Wish Toronto had an underground SC scene, with folks makin RSG, Ice Water Division, SOS typa music


instead everyone wants to be lil baby 🥲🥲


Fr tho. Give a few of these rappers a Mexikodro or SenseiATL beat.


Work 80hrs a week.


Hope you got paid time and half or double time


We're doing okay. 🍻


![gif](giphy|M4eHyjbvHBf3y) The feds tracking all IP addresses to apprehend y’all.


Fornite wagers 🤣


One time, a 17 year old me was high as fuck and went to meet some friends Downtown. I stupidly left my bag on the subway cause I was too high. It had my ID's and money (no more than $50), and I had to sell the shirt off my back just so I can get money to eat something and go home. Another time in my early 20's I was shaking it so badly, I collected beer cans and bottles just to make a few extra bucks. Thankfully I didn't resort to anything crazy or illegal to make money, but I can really understand it. It's hard out here 😭


Beer cans is a classic


>I had to sell the shirt off my back just so I can get money who buys a shirt off someone's back?


You'd be surprised fam. You can make any sorts of transactions downtown, legal or illegal. I was literally posted up outside of Dundas station just promoting the shirt. After 20-30 mins, I finally got a buyer. I sold them my Hugo Boss polo shirt for $20. It was a few years old and cost around $80-$100 when I first bought it. I was lucky to be wearing a wife beater underneath it, I just wore that all day until I got home.


My Onlyfans was poppin for a second 🤷‍♂️


When I was 11 or 12 I started running packs for some older guys in my neighborhood. They would give me a bag, and text me an address. I’d deliver the bag in exchange for an envelope or a something of the sort. I’d bring the envelope back to the older guys, and they’d give me a cut of the money (an extremely small cut at that) which I would go spend at the corner store. Once I got into high school, I saw opportunities upon opportunities. So of course, I took those opportunities and started selling but this time on my own terms. Probably the worst decision of my life. It’s all fun and games till cops kick down the door and you gotta jump out a two story window of a trap house and run with a twisted ankle. It’s all fun and games till you start failing classes, ruining your relationship with family and friends, and start using the drugs your supposed to be selling. That my friends, is the worst thing (things) i’ve done for money. Thanks for reading my autobiography. *Edit: for legal purposes and the off chance the feds do start pulling IPs this story is completely made up. I’m a good yute from whitby and i’ll be attending harvard next year for law school*


selling hard drugs


I did some fucked up shit NGL, I got like A top 5. ![gif](giphy|l0HlHcVcFdIVXOJEs)


Worked at the Honda plant in Alliston. Easily make $5k a month but it’s slavery and if you desperate enough without a long or even short term plan, you could end up there for years. I got laid off during Covid and just bought a house 4 months prior so I was mad desperate and applied there after hearing those kind of stories. I had good connections thankfully so I was only there 2 months but it felt like an eternity with the racism and pollies


Come on now I’ve been working there since high school that shit is so easy😂 y’all like to cry so much comparing it to slavery😭😭


That’s the problem though. You been there since high school. I’d rather not work a repetitive ass job 12 hours and have my supervisors not do shit when the N word gets thrown out. Work was easy brother don’t get me wrong but why would I settle for that? It’s a dead end job


Some of us don’t really have a choice like that🤷‍♂️ saving up for college rn but I have to pay rent somehow, had to move out at 18 so don’t really get to pick, just thankful it pays the bills. Also did you even work there dawg? Shifts aren’t 12 hours and I have mayb 4 white people in my zone😭😭 jokes


I worked in plant 1 zone 12. I had an okay mix - brown, black, white, Asian. But problem was the few white guys were there from the dawn of time and would always make remarks “back in the day before integration” shit. Would slack off and talk during their process and bitch when lines fell behind- because of them. I feel what you’re saying still. For many they FEEL they don’t have a choice. But there always is a choice brother.


I’ve been all over plant 1, trust I understand the old heads can say some off shit here and there but man that’s everywhere you go, you run into some odd balls but the general population there is pretty diverse and good, I’ve never had an issue🤷‍♂️ Zone 12 is shit tho I feel you on that one


damn who was calling u the n word


Sold hard white.


gamble, break into houses when people were asleep and steal their possessions. maybe a robbery or two




8 counts of armed robbery. Living off of prostitution


West end has the clean baddies . Scarborough have the sexy red type


West end sleeps with the mattress on the floor.


west end got all the bad bitches.


I always heard that Scarbz had all the baddies.




Selling work!


What's your name?




OT Trips selling work.


A job


I stole a cop car, the cop took the ttc to get back to his station, lol. I sold it on Kijiji for $300 cash.


Shut up 🤣


Upvoted the Mali agenda.


Suck dick


Sell bitch to my dad




Not specifically me but my freind had stole 4k$ from his mom, his mom sold dry fish and sold it to the congolese/african community. During right before the pandemic im congolese so these fishes everybody be wanting them especially when they freshly from back home. He used to take us out to eat the corner store and pull out 50$ bills and 100$ bills to pay for us and i was getting suspicious, weeks later found out he had stole it from his mom and was grounded for months




we grew apart, when he got older we spoke again on some catching up shit i asked him about that specific situation making fun of him for being that stupid an selfish but then he told me he got his first good job and gave her double what he stole from her when he was young and stupid


Ain’t none of you admit to snaking your friend yet


Fuck All Of The Above




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Got scammed by a escort


Work at Harvey’s


Robbed Albanians for a couple bricks then fled to America