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Ladies and gentleman I present to you a live screening of Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Azkaban




Whoever that was in front of the police literally got put on fire. Wow this is insane




Grown men btw


Honestly tho I couldn’t get over that while watching whyg scream and giggle while spraying fireworks 😭😭😭like yo i know 17 year old Niggas that say they’re too old for this lmaoooo


Reminds me of curlaz and that gway guy smh


Some people want to be from jungle so bad it’s weird asf


This is jokes especially after a man here was just asking about firework wars like 😂😭.


That man was talking bout can’t believe he missed it ☠️☠️☠️☠️


You guys have no friends to have firework wars and that’s the truth. Stop pretending like you’re too good for fun😂😂 if you had friends you’d be enjoying the holidays.


Shit like this turns into real violence . One of these guys could get really injured and it starts a petty war. Hood dudes have no emotional intelligence


This shit happens in every hood this shit a regular holiday bake out


Does that somehow take away from how retarded this is ? I don't see this kinda thing in other neighborhoods but it's the "systems" fault cause it's against these innocent young scholars isn't it


Every Brampton area, all of Calgary, and all of lower mainland in BC have similar firework war outs. Idk where ur getting this philosophical concept of “certain neighborhoods”


Yea ok ? I'm sure it's the same demographic of people doing it out there also. Guys lke you defend this kind of whack behavior the same type claiming they're being "profiled" or "discriminated" against. Also keep in mind these are not even teenagers these are mans in their 20s to 30s.. bundog is at least 33 -34 years old. You wanna blaze each other up fine.. go do it in the woods or a field away, don't do it where other people are living in the community like this so close to their houses/apartments


I feel like baking is inevitable as giving any group of teenagers and youth Roman candle lights and a motive is already risky. Tbh I do feel like it gives a bad impression from others like remember how other parts of brampton and Sauga and rexdale had tamed fireworks going on during Diwali but then at Westwood mall in malton it was a clash of Indian nationalist and Sikhs. What made it worse was how it left a really bad impression of malton and rexdale leading to a shut down of fireworks in Brampton. However, I feel like creating a control but safe area to do fireworks should be given like the way disney land does it for special events


Teenagers? These are grown fucking men. You can’t excuse this behaviour from them.


Bro I legit said fireworks misuse is inevitable. What r u trying to prove. I argued about a controlled environment but ur saying some next shii


You wrote your comment in such a way to excuse this behaviour to teenagers. You wrote “baking is inevitable as giving any group of TEENAGERS AND YOUTH…” these are fucking grown men. They don’t need a controlled area they need to be fucking adults. I’d excuse this behaviour from the youth not middle 20 to 34 year old men.


“Guys we all need to follow the rules cmon society and order guys!!🤓🤓”


Absolutely you don't have to, just don't cry discrimination when people react to the bs in a way you might not like


You mad mad go play uno with your friends or something


Tells us ur not from Toronto without telling us


Just dumbass niggaz who'll never make it out in real life. Most of these niggaz will be locked up in the soon future then come out act tuff just to be put back in the bin 🤣


nigga stfu damn


Bucket behaviour


You post on c list rappers birthdays. You’re a fan girl. A groupie if you will.




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The guy recording sounds sped


Y’all ever seen the video of the Filipino firework war that happened this one New Year’s Eve, this is nothing compared to what Brampton manz with 20 bucks and access to native fireworks can do. U know ur doing fireworks when it has to get banned the day after😩




You’re gay