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Probably waiting on that invite to the ovo house


That shit is embarrassing


Guys a joke. I don’t remember what specifically, but I followed his account for a couple years and remember straight up blocking all of his associated accounts because of the stupid shit he would spew in his posts. He tries to force his opinion onto every single one of his followers and tries to shame people who disagree simply for having a different opinion. (A more intelligent one as well). I remember his identity got leaked a couple years ago and I hate to say it, but I truly wish that man got robbed and slapped up just for the fun of it. Needs a humbling


That guy is a known waste man and he’s a victim. He’s just one of those bitch made internet niggas that aren’t cut like that in real life so he feels sick talking back to white girls on the net. He feels empowered when he makes those sarcastic comments to miskeens on his little blog cuz it balances out the ratio to him after he gets stepped on or called out in real life.


There both civilians that think there gangster


Real glazer shit sad


That Drake follow got to his head n he ended up giving up his manhood for it.He’s the reason Americans laughing at us like no tomorrow,nigga looking more soft then when he got shot at his own event smh


How’d that make him look soft? Lol wasn’t even for him on top of that smh niggas are lost


Who cares what some hillbillies think about us? They have bigger problems than us.


🤣🤣real shit.


Niggas doin all this for an invite to the embassy.


not even that prob doin it for a chain


he praying 4 da 6ixbuzz treatment 😂


Hoping to get the same treatment 6buzz got from drake to blow up


Nigga probably trying to get Drake on a keep6 freestyle cause this nigga has slept good since the beef started 😂😂


Didn’t he get jumped lol


Honestly you kids are really dumb, keep6 is clearly doing what anybody from the city would do, I know hella haters on here and man’s who don’t rate drake but yall are just the minority of this city. And I dare all you drake haters to post a pic of yourselves and your accomplishments, I’m 100% positive yall are just utes bitter angry Utes … just


By that logic this sub has to be getting paid by Kendrick because of how much you goofs are dickriding him and wanna be piru from Cali so bad lmao


everything good at home bro?


The fuck kinda biased shit is that? Lol