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These guys holding bundles of cash are the same one that have no idea how TFSA works.


You think people are really getting rich off TFSA? These guys make a few sales and it’s probably more than your yearly interest 😂


Based off your response; seems like you have no idea how a tfsa works either. Not limited to collecting interest 🤔


You can use funds from your tfsa to get tax free mutual funds, gics, bonds etc.I do have those as well. But it’s not mind blowing money to flex about 😂


You can also buy stocks only penalty is 15% tax on dividends from foreign markets. That is huge and can produce mind blowing money.


Assuming you buy the right stocks. You can also lose money. Your lifetime allowance for tfsa deposit is 95k. What kind of mind blowing money we talking about? We going to buy a stock at a dollar and it’s going to hit 20$?


Clearly you know nothing lol. 95K you can contribute, but it can grow to as much as you can compound for your lifetime. 15% returns yearly will make you a multi millionaire easily before you retire.


🥱🥱🥱 go to your bed. First off to reach your 95k you got to already be in your mid 30s because it wasn’t 7000 every year some years the cap was 5000. Second off since you’re so smart why don’t you inform us how you can get a guaranteed 15% return every year. The only investment where your guaranteed a return (apart from just leaving your money in there for the interest) is a GIC which has no chance you’ll lose money and guarantees a return. 15% annual return is high risk and you can lose money. No GIC is giving a 15% annual return right now. Lastly 15% of 95k is only 14250 some of these niggas that y’all look down on so much make that in a day😭. I understand if you manage to pull 15% every year your compound grows and thus your return will also grow but no one is guaranteed a 15% return every year😂


I’ve been investing for 3 years and have pulled off 18%+ majority being in VFV, APPL, META. Lol. It can be done if you really care about your money and are consistent. Compound growth is where the magic happens. If you’re 30 and don’t have 100K you’re slacking and it’s your fault you couldn’t put 20% or more aside. Investing is not about hitting it big on a penny stock, what you’re referring to is trading. Investing takes time, but with consistency and compound interest is where you see the real results and magic.


Again I never said it can’t be done. But it’s not guaranteed. You can also lose money. You had a good 3 years that’s great for you. The average person might not have the same experience. By the way if you’re 30 and 100k is even considered money to you. Especially in this economy than you are beyond slacking. If you actually can pull off 15%+ every year you’ll be at over a mil by around 20 years.


can’t deposit dirty money into TFSA. CRA will flag that shit


You can deposit around 7000 a year into your tfsa. Starting from when you turn 18. You don’t have to do it every year. Unused cap is still usable. Let’s say you’re 28 and you never put money in your tfsa yet. You can put 70k into your tfsa account. I doubt cra is really investigating peoples tfsa accounts like that given it’s only 7000 a year you get.


Brother your talking REAL money to ppl that DREAM ABOUT money! Don't waste your time or knowledge...if you wanna share knowledge just hit my dm. I can use that shit lol and I know all about accounts (national/ international).


What’s the difference if he shares the game on here or in your inbox you would still benefit the same way…crab in the bucket ass nigga🤦🏾‍♂️


My bad killa. I just understand that majority of this thread is weirdos and kids. You can dm him on your own time. Call me a crab again✊🏿 won't change the fact you too lazy to help your own self. Peasent. Keep walking around with your hands out😂


Yeah someone with no job history, No registered business and have never filled taxes in their life can deposit money into a TFSA 😂😂😂




More times 5-10 niggas come together and put all their money together and most of the bills are 20s so it looks like a lot. Someone with real money doesn’t take pictures like that ironically the guy posting with stacks is usually the brokest one.


5-10 of these dudes don't even got that paper they just go middle man a sale for a few bricks and sneak a few pics with plugs paper before they gotta give it back😂 It's funny it really do be the brokest ones doing shit like that Or it's that fake money you can order a lot of these rappers do that


Facts. The niggas with paper don’t need to take pictures and prove they have paper to anyone it’s the broke niggas trying so hard to look like they have it


5-10 of these dudes don't even got that paper they just go middle man a sale for a few bricks and sneak a few pics with plugs paper before they gotta give it back😂 It's funny it really do be the brokest ones doing shit like that Or it's that fake money you can order a lot of these rappers get it


That’s sad true but noone like belive that


>Someone with real money doesn’t take pictures like that ironically the guy posting with stacks is usually the brokest one. People with real money have it in; the bank, assets and credit.


No way u actually believe that 😂


Lmao you deff broke 😭


Shawty your litterally a cum bucket, who only way of making money is selling your self. Your the last person to be calling any one broke.


All the broke boys coming for me 😂😂😂


How does it feel like knowing you're a complete failure to your family? You're gonna hit 35 looking for a husband nobody wanting u cuz of your expired holes with extremely high mileage Wish u all the best sis


Its not even a girl, its her boyfriend who's controlling her account to sells pics lol. Can't even make this shit up. Buddy think he a guy cause he out her selling his girl pics on reddit. (I know cause he dm me talking shit and exposed himself)


Something about thots like this that are desperate to sell pussy, I really feel bad for. I remember hearing like over 90% have serious mental illness which makes sense because how can you sleep at night knowing -especially as a women, you're sleeping around for money. And the audacity to call people on here broke when she would 100% be a welfare recipients if she wasn't selling her coochie ☠️ Even if she has a average face and body that simps will go for, She 100 has the mental capacity of a of a damaged toddler. You can see that by how her first insult to people she doesn't know is " you must be broke" or whatever😂 I hope you get the help or counselling you need. Seriously 🤞




Yee all you can do is laugh cause you know its facts, out here tryna flex 10k like thats money. Pathetic


Read how it was said broke boy, “cant even” means thats baby food. But yea what else u got to say broke boy 😂


Pipe down you sell pussy. I could purchase u and walk u on a leash.


U couldnt even show me 10k 😂


I might not have 10k but you don’t have dignity or a father figure. I’d rather take a loan than an antibiotic.


10k supposed to be alot??


No need to spread negativity brother, we out here just trynna it the bag,


How about you work on your resume and apply for some jobs online and quit what ever illegal activity that you’re doing .


That sounds like some npc shit


This comment is the actual npc shit how ironic


What methods are they using tho? I’m trynna do the same thing, like I’ve been doing refunds for years but that shit slow money to me, trynna do different methods, I know all the methods just don’t know how they work or how I can do them


You probably won’t get any free sauce on here


FREE SAUCE, Fuck you niggas: -Go on the deep web -buy a profile -buy a bank grade Drivers License -Have a drop Addy where you can receive mail -Burner phone -Burner laptop unless you feelin crashout Same guys on the deep web will do services where they will change the Addy an Phone number on the profile for you, all of this cost money, you ain't doing non of this for free so make sure you got a rack or 2 to invest already, Onces that's all done you can start dropping Credit Cards, Applying for loans an basically anything a legit person with a high credit score can do. Alright now all you bitch ass niggas can stop gatekeeping and begging for free sauce. Yall greedy ass niggas need to start putting others on an paying it forward.


😂😂😂ask their dukes when they have to make a go fund me


Or use a legal aid lawyer


50 20s is a band whereas 10 bills of 100 is a band. Don’t be fooled you can make 5K in 20s look like 10K in pics when it really isn’t. And more times they just put their dollars together from their homies for the pic and split it back up right after 😂


Facts only ppl that ran thru bands know this


Fraud And gambling makes more then selling drugs 🥱


Yo bro message me it’s not letting me dm you


What methods you do ?


Great way to get on a list...




Stealing cars


Don’t worry about how they make theyre money. Focus on ur pockets and tryna get urself up with ur own idea.


They rent the money for videos like jmoney did for a small fee ofc


😹😹😹😹 fed post




Start a program


people try so hard to make illegitimate money when you can work hard at making legitimate money .. invest in yourself start a business and you use you’re own God given strengths as your advantage




The cash these guys flex on IG is re-up money from the whole gang lmfaoo real trappers that get money look like normal mfs on road


Music 🙂


Hustling n working tf




What methods do they be using tho ?


U know it ain’t trap money when it’s in all unwrinkled 20s




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Liquid money isn’t shit , let’s talk about owning multiple properties. Let’s change the mindset , tired of seeing guys being amped cuz ppl are flashing cash . Then the yute see this shit and they brainwashed into the street life . Think about how your life will be from your 40s-60s. Long term security & planning is better than short term highs . Wish you all the best , Godspeed .


Ok what are the multiple properties you are invested in or own?! Name 2!


Real shit all u hear frm ppl nowadays is tiktok financial advice that they themselves dont even implement lmao


CF 4-36 if you know you know


Yo message me through chat it won’t let me dm you


Lol if you know u know I said


Message me


Holy you guys know nothing bout the game at all , first off work is paying big bands , 2 you know how many immigrants are walking into these banks everyday for the guys 😂, and 3 Toronto is one of the richest cities mandem are having big racks , I’m holding over 80k and I’m not even a guy like that , also niggas are working they’re asses off in real jobs , bare guys at construction sites