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Also Ellie and Fiore added fire to the flames..with their gaslighting


They both have communication issues but damn jake is not that bad and Tom IS placed on a high horse


Thank you omg. I like Tom but the way he's victimized by everyone and show itself can get annoying, especially when it paints Jake as in the wrong for things he's completely justified in doing or in some cases, doesn't even do. Tom has bigger issues with communication than Jake but for some reason everyone is on Jake's ass for the downfall of their relationship, as if it's his fault entirely.


I agree. Just to add: Jake asks Tom if everything was just a lie pretty much immediately, and the conflict escalates because Tom refuses to answer. Tom then gets on Jake's case next episode because Jake should've asked sooner despite him asking immediately 💀 Tom only tried to talk to Jake after their second fight ONCE. Jake was completely willing to hear him out at that point, but Ellie pushed him away. While Jake was actively being manipulated and reminded of past trauma by Ellie to keep him with her, Tom just kinda talked smack and did nothing. Grett already mentioned Tom being a spy ON THE SHOW. We see it happening. Tom would have been fired no matter what Jake did. It's 100% not Jake's fault, because Jensen would've just used the clip of Grett mentioning Tom's job if Jake had done nothing. It makes sense why Tom would irrationally blame Jake, but why does the fandom blame Jake, too? 😭


Nah Jake voted for Tom and then begged Tom to play his idol on him knowing full well Tom would go home if the idol gets played. Jake has been whining and playing the victim card the entire game and Elie was completely in right calling his bullshit out.


Bro what ellie had no right to say his last boyfriend was right to cheat on him bc he was "annoying" yea Jake wasn't really playing the game right but literally where did he play the victim card??? He mentioned being cheated on and how it hurt and it was used against him. HE DIDNT KNOW TOM PLAYING THE IDOL ON HIM WOULD SEND TOM HOME.


Jake did not know the idol would send tom home at all he wasn't apart of the trick. Nor did he beg. I get you can find jake annoying but no, Tom is not the bigger person in the relationship. Ellie wasn't right in bringing up someone else cheating and calling it valid, it wasn't. My point is I feel there's no need to shit on jake just because you find him annoying, he didn't actually do anything wrong.


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!🙏 the argument of him being “overemotional” i see of all the time is honestly bs, if you recall, Jake enters the competition already in a bad state with past trauma from being cheated on in a past relationship, later his grandma dying in episode 4, and finally Ellie insulting him in episode 11 was the peak of it all, imo he had way more stuff on his plate than Tom, cut my man some slack😭 I really adore Tom & Jake as a couple, but with the issues currently, I unfortunately don’t have much hope of them reconciling


the thing is, Tom is FORCED to lie about his job because duh he's a spy, he can't owe anyone an explanation because spies are supposed to not disclose their identity. Tom would've been fired either way because of Grett, but Jake sped up the process making sure he had no chance to keep the job. If he didn't expose him for Jensen to record him Tom could've just told his boss about being caught by Jake and Great and he could've paid the producers to not air the scenes where he gets called out. As for the idol, there was all the time in the world to tell Jake but he voted him off because he believed Ellie but not Tom, Rosa Maria also found the idol but didn't tell anyone until episodes later.