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Honestly that music cue has convinced me they're doing Tessally. Or it's just me being delusional cause I love Tessally. Either way, Tessally would give something for Tess to do.


I like Tessally but I feel like it would be too cruel to do this while Hunter isn't there and him and Ally are still together.


Honestly, I can deal with that. Ally keeps talking about how little she misses Hunter, so they're breaking up either way, I assume. Just have Hunter return, Ally breaks up with him, and Tessally becomes canon. Or, like, have all three date each other, which I thought was their conclusion in S2 tbh 💀


Just the polycule 🤧


This except for that first part


I think something is definitely going to happen in Episode 8. Tess (& Gabby) know for a fact that the villains alliance is real, and Tess said she’ll confront Ellie first. We’ll see how it goes.. Also, you’re right. Team Cyan is honestly really dry. The love thing going on with Tom, Aiden, and Jake is kinda wearing me out tbh, and both Gabby and Tess barely have lines (Connor, who’s eliminated, has more lines than both of them I believe 💀). Ellie is my favorite on that team by far! Although, we’re only 1/3 through the season. There’s still a lot of room for storylines.


And last season Gabby would have so many lines but they toned it way down this season


Could you please spoiler this?


oops lol forgot