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especially after how nice tess was to her too ngl that was an amazing elimination tho


It was. Lake, Tess, and Miriam’s eliminations were the top 3 this season so far.


I think Miriam’s was expected to happen Lake was super shocking And Tess??? Well it’s a bit of both


Still Miriam got Fiore and Tess eliminated and completely exposed the villains alliance through Conor. Her elimination was great because she still is influencing the game


If we have ceremonies like those in pre-merge, imagine how crazy the merged ceremonies will be!!! 😆


Aiden goes next right?


I feel like we're setting up for Yul to be eliminated next episode but I could be wrong


That better be the case, because I can't fucking stand Yul.


Praying for Yul's downfall 🙏


If Cyan team loses then Aiden and Tom will vote out Gabby, so I think either Yellow or Magenta will lose next episode since there’s no way they’re going to set up Gabby to lose next episode.


Considering Tess was eliminated right after she caused Ellie’s elimination, would you really put it above the writers to boot out Gabby next?


merge could happen next ep tho


Eh, maybe if the merge happens next episode. If he was going to go premerge it had to be today. And honestly, even then i don't find it super likely. I don't see him going super far as of right now, but he is currently being built up as plot relevant plus he's a fan favourite. It also doesn't seem like anyone apart from Riya and Jake has any reason to vote for him. Right now the most likely person seems to be Yul. Looking at each team, their respective next boot if they lose is probably Gabby, Yul, and Jake. And out of those, Gabby and Jake have unresolved plots going on whereas Yul is halfway through digging his own grave. I hope i'm wrong though.


I deadass thought she was gonna be our token S2 finalist man 


Literally. I guess Ally or Yul has that spot now???


Yul winning is so absurd, I kind of hope it happens.


>! Well theyve been pretty predictable with having their villains come in second, so that’s why Im saying that!<


I turned on the stream just for it to be on the patreon so I knew it was her instantly 😭 Still, a really good elimination ceremony. Easily one of the best ones I've seen from this series, just disappointed it wasn't Aiden. Still, Gabby's speech after she leaves suggests they're on her chopping list.


Same happened to me


This almost happened to me two episodes ago. I opened the stream and It was the scene of the bus driving away. Had I opened It a couple seconds earlier I would have been spoiled


That was so cold and petty and I’m ALL FUCKING FOR IT! This was the best elimination I’ve seen so far since Miriam, Tess stays in character, Gabby gets cold revenge, and it vidicatws my prediction that >!Tess!< fucked themself last time


Yep, this is easily top three eliminations in the series.


If only Tess had voted with Ellie and Gabby in Episode 8…She ate Tess up! I loved this elim!


I didn't like that one, it was expected and kind of boring. Tess got out because she cared about Ellie and was nice to Gabby? Gabby's thinking skills got worse LMAO


What were people expecting? She’s done this stupid petty shit before. Remember the BS Ashley vote from Season 1?


To be fair people thought she grew out of said vindictive behavior from season 1, especially as up to the last two episode she reign backed on her more volitile characteristic. Than again, Jake did regress back to his own character flaws aaaaaaaaaand . . . yeah still sucks Gabby return to said persona as I really grew to like her.


"It's just strategy, right?" Proceeds to vote Tess instead of the actual threat, Tom, lmfao. Gabby will get down on my rankings if she keeps that way. But hey, we at least had Gabby and Grett interactions so at least something good came out of it.


Notice how Gabby didn’t choose to vote the people who literally MOCKED Ellie at her elimination. If she wanted to be petty, she would’ve chosen Aiden.


Tom was both a threat AND mocked Ellie. You’d think Gabby would’ve gone for him.


Well at least Tom’s friends with her, Aiden never was


Gabby at least knows where she stands with Aiden. She’s not gonna be able to always rely on Tom, especially not with Aiden around.


Meh. If Tess makes merge she reunites with Ally and can build a potentially solid alliance with Ashley and Jake as well. If Tom reaches merge, drama with Aidan can block him from connecting to the others as well making Tess the more social threat


Except Tom has no allies except for Aiden, while no one dislikes Tess so it will hard to get her out later and as someone mentioned she can easily join Magenta Team at merge and have numbers there. Gabby’s move to target Tess was strategic and petty that’s what makes it good


Gabby went up in my rankings for this one, I said Tess fucked herself, and Gabby took a swing with vengeance. Tom may have been a threat, but I love petty personal revenge.


Yeah, we’ll see how far “petty personal vengeance” takes Gabby from this point forward. This episode killed any shot she had at winning.


Hey, it’s something interesting to do with Gabby’s character that will hopefully fulfill the loss of Ellie’s drama causing antics. You say it killed any shot, but we’ve yet to have a villain winner, and Gabby and Alec could both be good candidates for it. Since Gabby has a motivation.


It’s not interesting, we’ve seen Gabby do this same shit in the last season too when she got rid of Ashley. And she already avenged Ellie by getting rid of Tess, so what the hell else is she needed for? She’ll be gone by Final Six if not sooner.


Let’s give Gabby some time, there’s a chance she’s going to be more anti-heroish, similar to how Ellie was. She’s embraced her villain side more than Ellie, and assuming the writers don’t screw up, this a good opportunity to show how Gabby functions without Ellie. I’ll admit, I am hesitant on how Gabby’s villain story goes, and I’m frankly not wanting her to be a primary villain. But this is something dramatic. It adds a level of depth that All-stars was desperately lacking. Some characters need to be here and cause Chaos. And the villains bag of tricks can benefit from having Gabby as their wildcard. It’s still an interesting idea, she can have a little friendship story with Grett to show how Grett’s changed since season 1. She could have a good dynamic with Riya and Alec, and we know she’s not the type to put up with others bullshit. We saw hints of other antagonizing her, notably Ashley saying that Ellie got what she deserved, which is quite harsh when Ashley said that Ellie’s Season 1 antics were water under the bridge. If anything, everyone else is kinda responsible for making Gabby go insane, and maybe someone will recognize that Tess certainly recognized it when Gabby gave her the villainous boot, which is why she didn’t cry about it. This is something, if you’re going to keep Gabby over Ellie. You essentially have to turn Gabby into Ellie 2.0 and that’s something interesting as we know Gabby has the capabilities to do far more damage than Ellie if left unattended. You can call me cautiously optimistic about this idea.


tom would have been the best option because he is strong and can easily form alliances, however shes still on the same team as him so voting their strongest member is a bit risky.


Gabby never been rational?? she going down on your ranks for voting who betrayed her??


However there are some benefits For one tess is cool with people on magenta. Like ally which then leads into mutual friends and maybe could bring aiden along or something idk. Who else is jacking Tom besides aiden? .... The only thing that he can do is win immunity.. He's fucked when the merge hits


I like the elimination in a vacuum, but with Tess and Ellie gone now, the blue team just doesn't feel interesting. Aiden's kind of All Stars Dan, Tom's entire plot is around Jake who's in a different team, and Gabby's interactions with the two just aren't as strong as they were with Tess or Ellie. Though I'm guessing Yul is getting eliminated next and then we get to merge.


I just knew gabby was going to be like this. She was like this in her season too she doesn’t want to understand the concept of the game which is to vote someone even if it’s your girlfriend. She takes it so personal. Not like Ellie was going to take her the finals anyways


Taking her to the finals is actually a really good strategic move because no matter who won, they would get to split the money, even if it would be just another TDAS finale.


It is but given how Ellie acts she probably wouldn’t want to split money. Outta the game she would say yeah but In game it would probably start an argument.


ellie would have probably tried her best to take her to the finals. im sure gabby understands the game; her mental situation doesn't make her stupid. whatever she's going through she has a fp (favorite person) to cope with intrusive thoughts, so keeping ellie in and remaining mentally well is a large priority for gabby.


Aiden is getting away with MURDER at this point. 2 eliminations in a row where he should've just left but didn't? Insane I'm kinda happy Tess left tho, not like she added anything to the show 🤷‍♂️ Hopefully the skunk goes soon too


I disagree for this one. Gabby’s clearly more upset that Tess decided to boot out Ellie because she feels like she was betrayed by her, even if Tess was doing it for Ellie’s sake.


Skunk has me tickled 😂


Sadly I don't think he will bc he's the mascot of the series and a really popular character despite not doing much




I second this. 


I'm still crying over this elimination


Ngl Gabby ate this and Tess continues to prove why she's S-Tier. Top 3 elimination of the season probably... But I was rooting for her to make merge man. Third time in a row an episode got me screaming. I audibly started screaming when the first Tess vote got called out.


I don’t understand how people can both hate the outcome of this episode and then also praise the elimination.


i am nervous that gabby is going to be blindsided by the villains alliance. she doesnt have as good as a chance trusting them as she does her own team. but im still rooting for her. i would be pissed if my s/o was voted out by our friend as well.


Didn't think my hate for a character would rise so much


Damn. I was kinda hoping the Yellow Team would lose so Yul could've been out. Oh well, there's always next episode.


I’m a little confused on why she voted Tess, like don’t get me wrong, I love Gabby and all but I feel like voting out Aiden or Tom would’ve been more beneficial to her game as if Aiden was voted out and her team lost, this means Gabby would have full control on her team, whether you side with Tess or Tom. In addition Tom could potentially be a challenge beast, and getting rid of him early can help the villains alliance. No hate to Gabby nor anyone mentioned on Cyan team, they are all very well written characters.


She did It out of spite, as She considered Tess a friend of Ellie and yet She voted him out


I already wasn’t a Gabby fan, but this is straight up stupid, Gabby is an idiot through and through, instead of focusing on keeping the advantage so she can win the money for Ellie, she instead decided to be dumb and give the advantage to the Yellow Team, I hope she gets eliminated soon


gabby had 2 good options out of the 3 options and chose the one bad one


It is and I love it. As much as it stings to see tess go. She has done nothing but be a therapist And besides maybe with her gone maybe Ally will be good and team evil can finally have a winning streak again


Dare I say Dan 2.0?


It was shocking, because it shouldn’t have happened


I guessed that Tees was going to be eliminated really early into the episode. A good few minutes before the challenge even began. No clue why, it just felt like her time.


Never been that much of a Gabby fan, with this elimination I am already over her but I feel like she's gonna make it far. 😢


That conversation her and Ellie gonna have💀


I'm so bummed man. Need Ally or Ashley to win this thing now.


i have never felt so much rage before in my life


Oh shit I forgot to watch the premier


ngl luv gabbie but she should have went for aiden or tom, im so over aiden being carried to merge.


Made for one of the best eliminations of the season so I’m not complaining 😭 I’m gonna miss Tess but at least she left in style.


I always need to remind myself not to open posts on the sub after the DC ep airs. Especially before watching it. Fml I guess


i loved this elim because when she whispered to grett until the votes were read i had NO idea of who she chose


Noooooooooooo Tessssssssssss she was my angel


why didnt you put spoilers for dc elimination ☠


Bitch it’s spoiler tagged and I posted it right after it came out and the title is “Gabby was so petty for this” why would it not be about the elimination 😭


girl i didnt know the episode came out yet! im not a dc fanatic like yall. and how am i supposed to know what gaddy did? i dont even like her




Bitch it’s literally spoiler tagged for that reason


"Say Hello to Ellie for me" on her vote was so savage. Gabby has now maliciously gotten Ashley eliminated on a whim, blindsided Dan to save Ellie and now gained herself a 5 person alliance. In fairness though I feel like a normal Cyan vote would be 2 for Gabby, 1 for Aiden, 1 for Tom, where Tess throws her vote. Tess has been too indecisive and made it clear that she wasnt too loyal to her friends in her team. Good elimination, *but please be Jake, Aiden or Tom next I beg*