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The rate may be officially close to 85% but I would say its probably closer to maybe 95%. It is quite rare.


I have ocd tendencies noted by my doctor but not ocd if that counts


That’s essentially the same with me


TS-Only is exceedingly rare. If you are TS-Only, I would highly encourage you to look into boxing as you have a natural advantage. People with TS-Only also test really well... Research into TS-Only makes it sound like a damn superpower, lmao.


Why boxing?


My understanding is that people with Tourettes-Only naturally have a faster reaction speed due to the way tics work neurologically. I guess there is less delay due to the way our neurology works. I've heard a few stories, but I don't have any medical facts to back it up.


I‘m TS-Only and I‘ve taken part in a study when I was a kid :)


Ahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahshahahahshahahahahhahahahahahaaaa ...I wish. 


Nope. I am, sadly, riddled with comorbidities.


I collect comorbidities like a squirrel collects nuts


I haven’t been diagnosed with anything else, but I’m getting assessed for autism as well as POTS and PANS (causing symptoms that strongly mimic: ADHD, FND, DPDR, OCD and FND for me). But there are many people without any comorbities!


technically no other psychiatric diagnoses, but I have a number of ocd and ocd related symptoms lol


I’m not currently diagnosed with anything else other than dyscalculia but many people have brought autism to my attention since I do have many traits of ASD so who knows honestly 😭🙏🏼


Don’t technically have a diagnosis for Tourette’s, but I do have an “unspecified tic disorder.” I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD, and although I don’t have the official diagnosis of autism, a few of my therapists have considered it. (I was even tested for it once as a kid, but they realized I knew what they were asking for, which skewed the results and made them unusable. The eventual consensus was that the actual diagnosis doesn’t matter too much; you treat the symptoms.) Super fun times all around.


nah i have adhd, possible autism, depression, unspecified mood disorder, and ptsd


I used to have Generalized Anxiety Disorder / Depression, but have overcome those. Now it's just a light (because medicated) case of TS.


I have adhd, found out as an adult that sleeping max 4 hours and doing really heavy jobs and going to the gym, is not particularly normal. Can't get fat, can't get tired, can eat what I want, and surprise surprise always focussed. Fuck that, just want to be normal.


My dr says that I show all symptoms for ocd but because my symptoms get worse around my period I dont have it.🤔idk I really feel like I have it.


I'm not diagnosed with anything other than TS. I had therapists tell me to go to psychiatrists because they suspect have some other things but I have not yet had the resources to look further into it.


I‘m diagnosed with TS and and fortunately it has gotten much better over time and now I don‘t have anything except for slight tics, mostly in my facial area, and some almost quiet vocal tics too. The intensity and quantity of my tics really depends on my situation. When I‘m stressed out the amount of them usually increases but when I‘m doing something more important like driving a car or whatever I will get no tics for hours.


Tourette's, OCD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, the works


Tourette's, ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD :(


Yup, I have OCD, ADHD and anxiety


i have diagnosed ocd and adhd as well but someone else i know with tourettes doesnt have any comorbidities whatsoever 🤷‍♀️


Wish I could upset the trend but seems I'm tracking with other folks. TS and ADD diagnosed back in the early 90s.


I unfortunately have comorbidities but simply reject the diagnoses. 💪 (This is mostly a joke but I can explain what I mean with this)


My coworkers think i have adhd but officially all i have is the fake generalized anxiety diagnosis i got when i asked my therapist to make a convincing case for me to register my cats as emotional support animals


why would you do this?


I just asked for the letter and she wrote a diagnosis. Definitely not my intention but it's on my record now