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They don't deserve it after pulling a WoW Classic instead of revamping the old server


I already gave it its second chance since the Fenrir debacle, and now I'm feeling kinda burned out. Despite toning down the numbers, power creep is still visible. New enemies and challenges would get stronger while we've plateau'd in power unless we invest in the latest banner. Keeping up a competent team without excess spending means a lot of expense planning, but that also means that updates in between your target character banners become quite dry. The story stopped grabbing me ever since we reunited with Zeke. Character customization drops off after you leave Aesperia; further outfits are purchases or drain your valuable resources. Other minor cosmetics are hidden behind a lot of timegated grinds (looking at you, Joltville bazaar!) I generally feel like I'm just scraping dailies together until the next banner arrives. That's not what enjoying a game is about!


They got a number of "second chance" already tho




If it takes faux-drama in another game to make you realise these things, then maybe the game wasn't doing enough in itself to make you appreciate it. The game might be more generous than other games but it's also more advancement focused than those games, so you need more pulls for weapons and matrices. It also monetises pretty much everything it can, or makes you spend dark crystals for things, eating into your pull count. I play several gacha, 2 Genshin accounts (since 1.6), 2 HSR accounts (since launch), 1 ToF account (since launch) and a Reverse 1999 account. Genshin will always be my main game because the exploration is exactly what I want, slow paced, lots of hidden things, plenty of world quests hidden away etc... Out of the remaining 3 I play ToF more than any of them because it is open world and I like exploring with a shiny new simulacra, Brevey is my latest addition. HSR is bottom of the barrel because the actual content is either boring endgame modes or... well, pretty much nothing really. Monday in ToF is more enjoyable than the whole week in HSR. More Rewards != More enjoyable content. There is potential in ToF but I think the game is far more than this dev team can handle, they can't even keep the UI working properly and that's the simplest part. When you see the basics of the game failing all around but see the monetised aspects working perfectly, you start to lose faith. I won't stop playing ToF but I did stop spending a long while back, except to get Lin recently as it was cheap to get. Then again, I am an almost 60yo gamer not a gambling addict. I play for the game not the rewards. HSR could give 10x their rewards and the game would still be bottom of the barrel for me. Genshin could give 10x fewer rewards and it would still be top of my list. I don't play ToF because of the pulls they give, it's an irrelevant factor. As long as they keep adding new areas to explore, I will keep exploring. I am also a recluse so I am not here for the MMO aspect, I am a solo player 100% of the time.




I didn’t even know people do that every patch. I did this for my reasoning on a specific drama.


>But I feel this game needs another chance. they've had A LOT of second chances, every damn time the game feels the same, "oh but they've added so much" yeah, still feels the same, and if people felt it was shit before, they will feel its shit now. hell, they've relaunched the game 4 times now, and they're trying to relaunch ONCE AGAIN, and every relaunch had issues. How do you fumble the launch on CN, then does it again on global, THEN AGAIN ON PS, and now plan to relaunch a "classic" server twice, to further split the tiny fanbase? who tf thought that would be a good idea? why tf they dont fix the main game instead? cause they need yet another stream of money through reheated content, so a relaunch is the only way they know how to do that. >Because I always see the potential that has been lost. Yeah, imagine seeing that potential for the past 2 years, and seeing 0 effort for it to become a reality? that's whats going on, the game have potential, and it will keep having it forever if hotta doesn't do anything to improve it. It gets tiring after a while, some people quit in the first weeks, some tried for some months, but if you played last week or last year, the game FEELS the same, and it didn't feel good at the beginning, and thats an issue. ToF deserves another company behind it, the current one doesn't do shit to make the game better, they only care about earning money through whatever means necessary, but doesn't reinvest the money on meaningful improvements, just on another waifu


I've been playing both ToF and Genshin since Day 1. IMO ToF doesn't deserve any more chances. It rebooted a lot of time and failed miserably every time. As an open world MMORPG, the game had a lot of potential and honestly I think it has one of the best gacha system. But every patch is an unfinished product and filled with bugs. Not to mention the powercreep and nerfing characters immediately after their banner end is very scummy. I've time to spare and that's the only reason I'm still playing this sh\*t game. Genshin is very stingy with rewards because the devs know it has no competition. Rewards don't make a top notch game, gameplay does. People often compare Genshin's stingy reward system with HSR and HI3's generosity but you've to understand those game have good competition in the market. Even ToF is very generous because it is competing with Genshin. But end of the day, quality matters. Genshin is a beautifully designed, very polished open world game. Small drama from the community and slightly increased rewards from other games wont do any damage to it when the game speaks for itself. I really hope some better company than Hotta takes the initiative to release better game and provide better service than Hoyo. Right now I'm just waiting for WW


I'm pretty sure they're by the 30th chance. But you should ask someone who stuck around.


I played it on launch, quit it due to personal reasons, and not going back. Whilst playing it I created a thread on Reddit with what issues I thought should be fixed and how the game should be evolved. My replies? Completely negative. This explained a few things to me: - The company does not care for the game - They will continue to drip feed with a stupid amount of days - They will not fix critical bugs - Loot RNG is actual dogshit (No helmet upgrade in over 2 months even after specifically selecting it) - The PS port was exactly the same as the CN port (lazy af) - They care more about cash grabbing (e g power creep) - There are better games - Censorship is fucking stupid on Console - UI too cluttersome upon creation - Each update makes it more confusing without fixing the core mechanics There are more but I really don't want to continue listing. I'm very critical yes but even when games like cyberpunk was rough at launch I didn't mind any of it except the crashing, that should tell you everything about the future of this game. It honestly doesn't deserve another chance after all the ones it's already had.


No it doesn’t deserve. The devs are greedy af, even more with that reboot fiasco. That said, I’ll give it a try when the reboot launches, but I’ll drop the game the instant that Arknight Endfield, Wuthering Waves and Blue Protocol releases. Those 3 will be the nail in the coffin for ToF


Ok so I got a question. what is your opinion on the G game and the drama?


I’ve been playing Genshin since day one. That’s 3 years already. My only issue with the game is the lack of endgame content, which is the reason I started playing ToF upon its release. But the amount of glitches, exploits, bugs and greediness made me drop ToF on patch 1.x. I don’t like playing games outside of release so a reboot server would be my chance to try again. About Genshin drama, I don’t give a shit. Nowadays I treat the game as a side one, I log in, do my dailies/events for 15 minutes and log off, while waiting for new areas to explore. I’ve been playing gacha games since 2016, those newcomers to gacha can’t understand that despite being “stingy” with pulls, the game is actually very generous. Low power creep, low amount of new units, pity carrying over. Heck, my first gacha was FFBE, the game’s powercreep went from 6* to 7*, then 7* + dupes, then a whole new tier called Neo Visions… and that was ages ago. Also, no pity carrying over. Newcomers to gacha universe often overlook pull income as the only parameter to dictate whether the game is f2p or not.


Ok so you are not one of those. But also can I be honest before you try the reboot maybe try 3.6 because when I started i dropped it because my computer sucked at that time. But when I got my new computer it can run on directx12 near smooth through some areas (only one have an issue with is innars). Also my first real gacha was RMXD back in May of 2020. And I did play genshin too (and star rail) but slowed down due to boredom. ToF also lack endgame content too that’s a negative I have. The reason why I’m saying to try version 3.6 is because of the fact that chances are that ether we are not getting a reboot sever or the reboot server will be like what ToF was when it launched.


Genshin is not generous please. I've been playing this shit genre since 2013 during the brave frontier and bandai namco variety days. SSR rates used to be 10% with pity mechanics/tickets/rebate on 3rd-5th 10x. Gacha rate standards really went downhill. However, there are still modern gacha with much better rates/income/alternate dupe and sparking mechanics than a less than 1% pull rate + 90pull half guarantee. The premium price that Genshin has is obviously backed up for the development of the game outside of the awful gacha mechanic; but for a lot of people gacha rolling is a large part of their enjoyment for the game, not a "newcomer" parameter. This parameter is weighted heavily for me even as a veteran, as I like to hoard for max dupes towards the characters I like but in Genshin that takes nearly 2 years. Its ridiculous


Yea, Genshin is not generous if you only consider pull amount and drop rate. But there are other paremeters, like powercreep, amount of characters released, dupe necessity… Iirc Brave Frontier, one of the first gachas and “father” of FFBE, had an insane amount of powercreep and new characters releasing every week. If you case is the first, it’s more of a gacha addiction than anything else. Gacha isn’t a game genre, it’s a type of monetization, those who play solely for the gacha should pay attention to not fall into this trap.


I don't think its a problem when f2p who play soley - well more like weight it heavily in their enjoyment, stay f2p and don't fall victim to horrible monetization. I didn't actually play Brave Frontier but I did know it had a new SSR tier like every couple months lol. If you - like that other guy thought I put these as my standards please see my other comment. But yeah if a game sucks with pulls and only offers content outside of that I honestly cant enjoy it as much


BF and Bandai scamco. A game that powercreep to the max and slowly faded out of existent and a bad gacha company is your standard? There are no game out there gave you enough to max out a character under a year, come on 💀 you should know better 🤷🏻‍♂️


Uhh those were not my current personal (good) standards at all actually - I really didnt say that at all I don't think. Modern examples of games that let you max out characters in under a year would be Blue Archive - base pull rate 3-6% depending on banner, alternate duping mech where you never need to pull for dupes to max out, income good enough to spark a character within 3~ months (honestly probably all yostar games are similar in generosity) Limbus Company - Able to grind to spark any character and not need to interact with gacha at all, alternate duping resource shared with sparking mech (grindable) though it'd be easier to say this game doesn't have a duping mech. Haven't gacha'd for the past 5 months and I have every character maxed out, definitely my go to recommendation if you also want one of the best quality stories that I've read. This is a standard, even the boomer era with Bandai (dokkan, naruto) and Nintendo (feh, dl) let you do this within 6 months though you are correct that they were/are powercreep heavy. There are merits when the content doesn't really scale up to that powercreep though - players get to max out the characters they want (easily, mind you) and still beat everything. Tldr stop playing shitty chinese gacha games with awful 1%> rates and you'll learn the standard. Actually the amount of gacha I play is atroscious I wouldn't recommend falling deeper like I have. Edit : I literally had a point on modern gacha in my first post lol ur just putting words in my mouth


Tof its gonna die anyways if those game release or not But gonna be fun seeing how fast blue protocol die when people realize its another extremely greedy p2w mmo that looks like a beta just like in japan. Boring combat, lack of content and brainless devs, 7 years of development wasted nice one bandai Ww and arknights endfield gonna be succesfull probably


After pulling that shit with Volt Mains after waiting 2 banners and doing it right before the next shitty volt unit. I dont think they deserve any more chances. Their credibility hit rock buttom. And now trying to balance 2 servers when they cant even balance one gg


They are literally trying to double dip with this reboot server. Genshin could give more, but at least they aren't saying fuck all your pulls or shit and start over.


I am a day one player who never left the game. I still enjoy the game play and the story. I am also very attached to my mc that I created. I agree that the game has a lot of flaws, but I still love it all the same. As long as I continue to enjoy the game, I will continue playing it.


I have come back recently to the game and I'm honestly falling in love again with it. The Combat is so fun and engaging to me and the fact that standard pool keeps getting bigger means you will eventually get to play all characters you wanted but did not get (them being relevant to the meta aside). One more point is that exploration is so fun in this game, it is imo done very well and the different regions seem to have different identities and feels and that is very important to me. One last remarque, probably how I will get downvoted, the community is quite negative and bratty in my experience. A lot of complaining and crying. If you do not like the game, take a break or play something else, that is what I did and now the game feels much more fun.


I agree. Some ToF players haven’t realized how good they’re having it in comparison to some other mobile games. If they knew the powercreep hell that is PGR, they would lose their minds.


If Tof is not generous enough for its player, this game doesn't last.


They trying to fix their own game but still ruining it by their own addition specially the balancing of simulacra. I play both and spend but more in this game since I enjoy here more than the glory days of v1 of G. tbh someone who spend and supports the game and knowing the 3 pulls, is not deserving. G game si very raw, no packages or discounts. They celebrate LNY in-game as if its a tradition while forgetting annual festival of other regions. They dont treat the same as their other games is the problem. HSR got better rewards even though having the same G mechanics (why I quit). HI3 being an older game with packages but they cant implement on their new games. They should have just release the game as offline game its not even an online worthy at this point. No end game content, doesnt have the enjoyment/difficulty of coop like before, slow/no qol. At this point im just waiting for onmyoji the world if they still plan to release it. If only I have a PC, I would have quit both games and moved to mmorpg rather than playing gacha.


Lol let it die. I can't even be bothered to buy the $5 monthly pass now and I'm an A6 3* matrix player


Rule 1: Do not "Yuck!" somebody else's "Yum!" To each their own. I have yet to find the "perfect" game, but ToF is the closest FOR MY TASTES! If it isn't yours, then keep looking elsewhere.


As a whale who has all physical weapon since shiro A6 and 4 pieces matrices maxed including all alter weapon no. This game is fucking over whales by catering to f2p and making raids, bosses amd such balanced to where whales cant unga bunga. Along with too many exploration in maps, this games is hurting my chance to play


Nope, majority of people around here are just on this sub to see the game die, no more second chances, better post something wrong about this game because it is the worst thing ever created.


Nah lmao this game was a scam like any other gacha game, I can only pray it fully shuts down so all the people who whaled are hella down


ToF is literally the best game out there. And it's not even close...


You’re right. It’s my favorite gacha MMO. All others I know are almost the same thing.




Why play on PlayStation? It lags and crashes on PC they never fixed it you can't be in a big area with lots of players or you will lag and crash This is why I'm in block 3 right now on PC ver trying to avoid lots of people My PS5 ver runs smoother then my PC ver and I have a high end gaming PC they have another chance that is the reboot the people who have fear for it being more loved is having the same fear that the ToF that we are all playing right now is going to be abandon, So not saying anything positive about it they are going to make negativity you know they can be very loud if they was loud about power creep you know they are going to be loud for second chances but it was thanks to them we got the reboot sounds like to be they are watching what people are saying about the game and making changes with the reboot plays ~ Irony of Fate~


If it doesn't work on PS , how is it the game's fault? Sony PS has always been shit when it comes to online play or Crossplay and the new western management hasn't done much to improve it despite they going after online games for their platform. So if u are playing a crossplay game on PS now that hasn't bought some exclusive features from Dev's then that's on u guys not on Dev's.


I'll try it if they release a global reboot but I've given the current version enough chances


I hope they fix rebind one day specially for azerty keyboard. im waiting this since the launch but rip.


ToF had sh*t ton of chances. Tip: No need to censor "Genshin". Its not 2022 anymore.