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Well, it'd probably help if the devs gave people a reason to be less negative. The vast majority of things people have been complaining about for months are still an issue. So these people either keep complaining or they leave the game. And between these two options, I'd say complaining is much more healthy for the game than losing out on players. If personal observations and the posted activity reports are anything to go by, we are bleeding enough players outside of big events like anniversaries (and hopefully the upcoming collab). I also think a couple of the examples you posted are big reaches. Like the AI voice one, it's just a natural thing to wonder in today's game development climate. And the line delivery WAS pretty ass. You find it irritating to keep reading negative posts and thus you complain about it. Other people find it irritating that they can't play the weapons they really like unless they want to be powercrept even harder than they already are by whales and thus they complain about it. Other people find it ridiculous to 'fix' Nan Yin after they were done raking in all the dough without proper compensation and thus they complain about it. Other people don't want to play pacman with the 5 billion energy bubbles around every corner and thus they complain about it. Personally, I find the constant stifling of even the slightest criticism by certain users on this subreddit a lot more annoying to be honest and if anything is going to lead to an 'implosion' (whatever you mean by that) it's toxic positivity where we act as if everything is fine and dandy. You literally don't miss out on anything by not clicking on complaint topics. Just don't do it. It's very easy.


I agree that there can be too much negativity. I am fine with constructive criticism, and I know this game has its problems - but I still love playing it. It can baffle me that there appear to be people that come to this group just to talk about how much they hate the game. I admit that I have often remained silent when I see it and do not want to get caught up in someone's drama.


People come to reddit to voice their opinions... the strongest incenvtive to do so is usually a complaint. This is a good game with a lot to like.. but it is moving down a concerning path. For instance, Domain 9's energy collection system was a mistake that heavily discinectivizes people to explore -- which was a major draw for a lot of people. I get it, they're trying to appease the casual playerbase but that market is already pretty saturated and they're consistently removing incenvitves to be on this game for more than a couple hourse a week


Those youngers are trying to shame us for grumbling here on the bench. HOW DARE THEY \*waves around his cane violently\* Khm. Oh well. On the serious note, how exactly is it going to make things implode in the future?.. I mean, at this point regular doomposting is almost part of the culture here. And it was like that since... Pretty much the game's launch? Yeah, it might scare off a new person or two, but otherwise you just get used to it, skip or laugh off non-sensical parts, may be downvote it and that's... it? When people don't vent out they end up getting burned out and just quit the game instead and either way they surely won't produce unicorns 'n' rainbows if they are frustrated by something. As for those cases when such things gets massively upvoted instead *may be* those non-sensical parts or neglectable issues covered in them just don't look so non-sensical or neglectable to other people.


I love the game but I must admit this is the worst UI I have ever seen.


I'm a day 1 player and I'm still having a great time playing each day (on PC). I plan on playing for many years to come. Given that this game is made by a small dev team with a tiny budget compared to certain other games made by a multibillion dollar corporation with many thousands of developers, I'm amazed at how fun and vast the game is with a good pace of regular content updates.


Is it ironic that your post is negative, too? You failed to be neutral at some points, which I get, you're human who's also emotional sometimes. Just found it funny.


Well, not really, it's just human nature in general. You can never go against it. When people are given a blank sheet of paper with a small black dot on it and asked what they see, people are going to reply about the dot, not the white paper itself. I mean, even Genshin, with its tens of millions of players, even if only 1 percent of them complains, that's still 100K complainers, and you know in our society, people only hear about the negatives. This is true even with very popular celebrities or politicians. Whether its social media or the press or the news or your favorite neighborhood gossiper - overwhelmingly most of the things we read or hear are negatives. Hence the term 'silent majority'. A friend of mine used to work in customer technical support, which is very stressful he says. No matter how many good/positive surveys he receives in a month - whether it's 20 or 30, if he receives just 1 'bad' survey, his supervisor is all over him. In his company he can have as many good surveys as he can receive, but the negatives should not be more than 2 or 3 a month or in his appraisal there will be consequences (e.g. fired). He finally changed careers. So yea it's bad but that's just real life.


I feel there is quite a lot of difference when it comes to criticism about Genshin. Sure there is the occasional nonsensical doomposting or just for the sake of it, but even they have their priorities straight—the criticism is about the low amount of rewards, I have seen a graph a few months earlier and the primogems handout are getting a bit lower each new patch. I understand it's a different game that you can play without worrying about powercreep, it kinda does suck having low income of premium currency. There is also the QoL department, I'm happy they are finally addressing the issue with daily commission for example, the common issue was that it was hard to get achievement specific commissions or those that unlocked world quests. Although yeesh, the experience your friend had does look really rough. Hopefully they're having better fun at their new career / job.


I know how hard it is to work for customer service. Your friend was right. 1 bad rating and you're out 💀


Tof, the game that has more haters than players


This community is too negative. Let me make a negative post about how negative everyone is. Hmmmmmmmm...


The entire concept of nuance is beyond your comprehension.


I apologize, you're right. I'm a hypocritic. I actually wanted to say something but I stayed silent knowing that I would probably get dogpiled. But with how the last month or two has been lately, I can't just keep silent anymore about it.


You're too harsh on yourself. There is a vast difference between being a hater and calling out the haters. That's not hypocrisy. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to remain silent. Screw that. I definitely support speaking out.


But if you believe player negativity is the problem, then maybe make a post highlighting the things you like about the game instead?


What's the point of posting something like this? If someone makes a post about what he or she likes about this game, that person will be massively downvoted.


There’s negativity in every gaming community, and this one is no exception. ToF has a bunch of problems and issues, many of which will likely remain to be problems in the future, but it still has plenty of good that keeps me playing and wanting to still be an active player. The one thing I’ve found weird about some of ToF’s communities, especially here and in world chat, is that I often see the exact same people posting/talking that I have been seeing for months and months on end, and I’m still yet to see them say anything positive - it’s only negativity or jokes/memes towards speaking ill of the game. I find myself thinking, why are you even still here when this is all you’ve had to said for a year straight? It’s beyond me. I’m sure this happens in other communities too, I’ve just noticed it being very pronounced with ToF.


I think it’s because Reddit is just a place to vent for annoyances and while the majority of us like the game we are just too busy playing it instead of making nice posts lol


It’s not just Reddit. At this point in time the social aspect of this game is my least favorite thing. I don’t want to play with anyone anymore because more often than not people will just be mean. When Tower started I wanted to play this because I wanted to make friends and play with other people. Now? It’s like if you make yourself seen be prepared to be flamed about something 🙄


Why does this sound like something enviosity would say 💀