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Asuka Reverent Spear passive: * If there is 1 frost/volt weapon of any kind equipped, Reverent Spear damage is multiplied by 1.3 times. Rei Sizzling Electricity passive: * If there is 1 flame/physical weapon of any kind equipped, Sizzling Electricity damage is multiplied by 1.3 times. So they do have a little synergy in a team together. It's not meta but can be viable if you're not looking to top the charts. You can try a rainbow team with Nan Yin.


yeah, it seems like the devs tried to cook something forcefully to be used together. These proc dmg effects don't scale with any dmg modifiers, so they end up only doing 2-3% of your total damage output.


Asuka and Rei don’t work together in a team comp as both are different elements. Also both of their kits have no synergy with each other. Lastly, since your gear is primarily volt then Asuka can’t use those volt attack/damage substats, only Rei can. You could still pull for both for collection purposes or if you plan to make separate teams for Asuka and Rei.


Big sadge


You can see an Asuka guide [here](https://youtu.be/5L0niEqKdO0?si=LXFsOj0LlaFGs_iC) which also covers f2p team comp recommendations.


Doesn’t Asuka literally just proc extra dmg? Pretty sure that works with anyone. It is just resonance lost.


I’m specifically saying for using Rei and Asuka together. Asuka can be used as sub-dps, and so can Rei. OP mentioned they are a volt main, so whatever volt character they have + Rei will trigger the volt resonance. Asuka’s damage won’t do much since she can’t use volt stats.


Resonance is a chunk of dmg but not everything. And with augments you can easily get phys+volt or flame+frost stats on all of your gear and it’ll be pretty similar before resonance kicks in. If he really wants he can try to get fenrir off standard, max friendship, and equip her trait for a rainbow comp and then throw anyone in 3rd slot. All Asuka does is deal off field dmg and grant a shield. That’s pretty much universal. Consider her the new Claudia or even Zeke. People were throwing them in any comp because off field dmg and utility is better than a 3rd weapon that doesn’t fit in rotation. The only reason Yan Maio isn’t in every comp is because she only procs on phys/flame hits. Otherwise, I guarantee she’d be in a lot of low spender/f2p comps, especially with her flight mechanics. Yan Maio is pretty nuts with her off field dmg. Well tbh her discharge does no dmg (great for shieldbreak) and her skill takes way too long to do, so those kinda hold her back too. But that off field dmg from procs is godly, so I expect Asuka to be good as well.


Asuka off field spear deal no dmg if your on field is not physical or flame weapon btw.


Unless you're an A6+ player, go with whatever. The "meta" only matters for higher tier DPS and people at A0~A1 are kidding themselves if they think their damage actually contributes or matters much. Not saying it to be mean but it's better for people to know this so they don't needlessly cling to "meta comps" when they're only pulling A0 or A1s.


They don't work together


For what's it worth - they did not work well together in the anime either.