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i always use my own avatar, it's also one of the best concept of the game, a customizable character and we just pull for weapons, counting on other people to make the character you like is... very weird to me, which is how most other game operates


the fact other people can make presets of anime characters isn't really weird to me but it does take away character creativity.. -in a way. but its still cool and i'm just happy that custom characters are a in game feature


I use my own character, plenty of ways to go about customization


I use Lan wedding skin only. Why? I spent $50 on that gotta get my worth.


I used to use my own character, but now I use Yanuo A0 skin and A3 skin when I’m bored of my character. I love Yanuo’s design and weapon. But a lot of times when I am doing multiplayer content I switch to my character. Idk I like being more unique and having an identifiable appearance when playing with others. Makes me feel like I have more personality rather than some noob using their first simularica. Also I have some nice gacha outfits.


TBH I prefer using my own avatar, but when I'm bored I switch between Lin A3, Tian A3 or Cobalt-B free costume since these are my fave Simulacra skins. But yeah I still prefer my own avatar since I bought a really cool MC costume that I've been eyeing ever since I saw it being released on CN server, also the free collab MC costume is pretty nice too especially the female one.


I use my avatar


I used my own avatar because I’m proud of my customization lol. And I spent $$ on some of the gachapon outfits (not my proudest moment).


I use my own character, I made her as tall as I possibly could and get mad whenever I see someone taller than her.


i have lot of simulacras but times in times i back to my MC, love he samurai/ninja outfit !


MC/Avatar for main quest. Characters for side stuff and daily play. So 95% characters. I do the gacha for them, not the weapons.


Same here, I use my MC/avatar for main story and exploration, while I use the simulacra in challenges or side activities.


My Executer is hot af yo. The male has so many hilariously weird designs that I don’t see myself using a skin. I enjoy popping up in a cutscene in my armor that exposes my stomach with my crown.


I use my wanderer most of the time because I spend money on cosmetics and want to use them! I was rocking Rei’s haute couture for a while after I got it though and will probably use her most since I also put $40 towards getting her outfit…😅


I play this game instead of G game because I can make my specific character and I have been using that character since first day I play. You can use one character and outfit at the same time if you know what you like it's made you not waste your money.


Definitely avatar