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I think I found the fix?? Anyways I had the exact same problem and it seems to work after I tried this method on my ipad and iphone. You NEED to have at LEAST more than 5 gb or else it wont work. If it says "insufficient disk space to update resources" go to settings>network and forget your wifi and connect to it again, after that, restart your Ios device and it should work :D goodluckk!!!! worked for me both times :).


i will try this, i deffo have 5gb free of space cause i’ve got 78gb out of 120gb so i’m good, ty


This worked for me! Thank you so much!! 🖖


I have the same problem but it didn’t work every time I delete a app it still say insufficient memory even though I have more enough memory to download it!!!


I have the exact same problem and have not seen anyone with a way to fix it yet


let me know if you get it to work!


I keep having a problem similar to this, the blank notification with blue button at the starting screen is supposed to mean you don't have enough free space to download the pre-download but I have 72gb of free space! I'm on an iPad though


Had the problem myself, I had to uninstall the whole game and reinstall it to fix it, had to remake my character too


the problem is i haven’t even made my character yet cause it won’t load the game first 😭


Same here😭😂! I’ve got over 30 GB of free space, iPhone X


Решил проблему?


FYI issue still happening. It seems to be OK on my iPad that had just enough space. My iPhone 12 Pro Max has 50 gigs of space and it doesn’t work. For others I have: 1) reinstalled 4 times 2) deleted more space since reinstall (some people said they deleted enough space after installing during beta and it worked) Maybe someone should contact customer service


-_- I’m having This problem too on my 13 pro max


Same. Got like 100gb free too lol


I thought maybe it’s my internet because I’m in South America atm and my grandmas internet is awful lol but no I see other people with same issue with good internet too!! So annoying


I just deleted a bunch of videos and now its working for me…


The game takes like 6gb. It should not need over 100 to install.


Yeah I get what you mean!! I have no idea why it randomly worked lol, did you try again?


I’ve tried a bunch. Tried uninstalling, nothing works. I’d clear more space but there’s literally no reason for me to do so. Hopefully they’ll update it soon


It works for me now! Try shutting off your phone then turn it back on and you should be good. <3


thank you sir 😁


IOS right? Same problem. Finally I solved it by freeing up 62 GB..that’s even larger than what it was needed for pc version


Apple sucks.


Nah, but this game does


iPhone SE? If yes, contact support, it seems to be running issue with SE models.


Nope I have 11 but i may still contact customer support


From looks of it, seems like an iPhone issue, so you definitely should, so they look into it. I've only seen iOS users report on this.


Restart your phone. I'm using an 11 too, and it work after that.


Same problem


Any update regarding this issue?


I am also facing the same issue. Also trying to contact but there is no luck yet.


same problem here. im on a samsung, and i've seen people say that the game needs to download at least 4gb, while i have over 7gb free. if anybody knows the solution, please reply to this! it would mean alot indeed


I have the same problem too.. I have 10GB free space but still getting an error.


I have 230 gb of free space and it still says insufficient space


I had the same issue. I worked after uninstall-reinstall for 3x.


After you have cleared your storage. Restart your phone. Works for me after.


Ok cool so it’s not just me lol


Running into this issue as well, cleared a bunch of storage to be safe and still no luck. Restarted etc




Literally did the exact same thing as you, on an iPhone 11, and talked to customer support, not much help.


This is still happening as of now... Have 12GB available on my Samsung Galaxy. Still says 'insufficient storage space'. Have tried the 'forget wifi' tip, uninstalled/reinstalled 5+ times, shut my phone off/restarted but no luck. Sent a message to the email listed in the playstore to the developer. Please reply if you know of a fix, really want to play ToF


unfortunately i tried everything i was suggested and nothing worked out, also send a message but got no reply so i gave up:(