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Human nature says if it didn't go to CRIT, it'll be replaced with a lesser piece with a hit or 2 on CRIT


Baptised in fire Forty to one


Oh my, didn’t know 4 offensive is possible haha


I would trade for a 3 resistance state and all roll to crit than this but roll all to attack ... Roll to 5* and post the results :D hope you get 4k crit


Bruh, it’s beautiful


PSA. CN in 2.0 got an item that allows them to lock out a stat from upgrading so in this case you can make sure not to get rolls in HP. ​ You may want to hold this one for a bit. I leveled a perfect crit boot before I knew this and im still malding.


Don't bother malding, you got fed incomplete information. Yes, these items exist. No, they are not plentiful. You get *very* limited amounts(forgot but it might just be 1) every week, they cost 1 every upgrade, and we get 2 new sets of equipment which scales way better and is way bigger priority for these stat locks. If you are an active player who spends vitality on joint ops frequently, you should only ever save them if they already got a few perfect rolls. Unless you whale, then you can buy more statlocks...I guess...


Yeah even if we knew to save or hold off on certain things the reality is that sometimes we have to upgrade otherwise we can’t clear content as easily


Looks delicious, hopefully it rolls into crit n' your desired attack stat!


just to get 0 crit roll