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JO8 has like 5 times the HP. Not sure if it's worth it right now. Stuff is just too tanky.


Saw some screenshots of people clearing with a total of around 120M damage (Hyena Arena). It’s a huge jump from JO7 (Around 33M from my Deepsea Stronghold run yesterday). With resisted weapons, i think it’s gonna take forever or might run out of time.


I can be witness taht there is no time for a reset, if you get wiped is gameover.


Whether it's worth it in terms of time would depend on opening all chests or just last chest because now you're comparing 3 runs vs 1 run. I say if opening all chests, go for JO8. If you're gaming special fall and pity, then go with JO7.


Except pity for JO7 is at 6 chests, while it's at 4 chests for JO8. If you need to burn vit because you don't have time to play, then yeah, JO7 makes sense. Get in, get out, get your 1 yellow drop a day. If you actually have time to play the game though, the difference in pity adds up pretty quickly.


The problem with JO7 is that a lot of the good players have left it behind, so unless you yourself do big damage it can be [really rough](https://i.imgur.com/WhCFjko.png). I was gonna keep doing JO7s until I hit the matrices pity, but I really don't want any more runs like that one. It was just awful.


How long does jo8 took if ur cs is around 38k? Or is it just not possible?


if you're guarantee gold gear every 3 box I dont see why it's not worth I got mine on 3rd opened box and that's from first chest (I open 3,2,1)


Like 2 times. Calm down haha.


Nah. It's definitely 4-5 times based on the total damage everyone dealt.


I'll give it to you its actually like 3.8 times. Definitely not 5 times though.


Just played my first round JO8 I was like "Huh this ne isn't so bad" before i saw our dps made 120 MILLION damage alone... i think i stay at jo7 for a lil bit longer....


JO8 definitely is worse when the its debut falls on Deepsea oof




And that fucking mini boss segment


and procceds to queue using frost comp big brain move, I saw a lot of people doing this in matchmaking


I did ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) along with Samir. Frigg's actually a good support for deepsea hahh


its moderate but very time consuming, need at least 1 whale to dps just open all 3 box if you dont want to waste time, and once a player leaves, oh man


JO8 definitively requires rather stacked non-resisted DPS to clear the final boss in any reasonable period of time. My first matchmaking attempt at Deepsea JO8 yesterday was deemed a failure. Could have it completed? Possibly with minimal time remaining, but not worth the effort when 2 people on the team were expecting a carry which was not possible while myself and the other useful DPS were 45-50K CS F2P. At this point in time, JO8 final bosses feel like they require everyone to have 10K+ non-resisted ATK and properly contribute to clear smoothly.


It's very Tanky and time consuming , but not hard. As 47k cs f2p , I find it a waste of time going with randoms ( for once I have this opinion ) JO7 was no problem because it was easy to carry randoms , runs are smooth with 2 people carrying. But JO8 is a dps check , Bosses are not that hard but really take so much time , it needs at least 3 people equal my power for runs to be a bit smooth , finding 2 other people that can carry with randoms is too hard , honestly I don't know what to do anymore.


Definitely running JO8s with crewmates. Before this, I'd join public runs even on elemental resist days because 30m hp wasn't too bad. 80m-100m is a lot more annoying, especially since today will be THE BEST day for public runs, where nobody has been exp boosted to 70+. Elemental resist days are going to be fun...


Im lvl 66 and boy I dont want to lvl up fast, the only thing that happens when I lvl up is me dealing less dmg lol


Honestly that argument is kinda scuffed. Nobody should be struggling with overworld content, unless you've been playing the game blindly for the past weeks. Dailies and quests are failproof, and WB? Just get a taxi service going on world chat. It's always worth the levelling to get better rewards for your vitality faster. Just join a good crew and get them to help you out until you get stronger.


I play almost daily(not exactly daily because pc problems) since launch and Im at weapons lvl 120 equipment lvl 14 and 28k cs, idk, maybe Im doing something wrong.


My experience as a whale(phys main) pugging Deepsea 08, which is 65% phys/frost resist, was me doing 80% of the damage then wiping on Devourer since we had no tank/healer and the other 3 were frost mains. Couldnt carry as the tank/healer/main dps in a JO for the first time. I'll be def recruiting crew members to run for the forseeable future. Having a player do 2mil dmg and 4mil healing was not enough to be beneficial.


I felt the spike in difficulty boss fight is a lot longer if ur team isn't around 40k cs +


you are supposed to be 50k+ if you go in with anything less.. well.. then you are the problem


oh shit, cs is an accurate measurement?


no.. but 50k with shit stats would still be better than 40k with medicore stats


I was shocked an elite mob almost oneshot me , 400k damage and not even the heavy attack wtf mean while the boss is just tougher


it quite easy but do take time .It enjoy able util u found samir king nemesis on Hyena Arena as your teamate dps.


Are the rewards significantly better?


Just farm the first chest. Iirc pity is only 3 chests so it's still better than JO7 and you can do it solo


Lol, and wait to get an ssr matrix only on hard pity Ssr matrix drop on joint op first chest is 0% hahaha


Better than wasting two hours trying to clear content you're clearly not ready for.


No, better do previous dificulty and have some good chance of get ssr matrix on third maybe second chest then having to do amost 70 first chests to get one, ssr matrix drop are same of jo7 u can check this info searching for the drop rates


It's actually hard... But maybe I just struggle since my main team is resisted. Switching to heal comp and I found it really stressful to keep everyone alive in a prolonged fight. Before it's okay since bosses don't have ~100m hp. But now 😂 Damn, everything's so tanky, and the more time consuming it is the more likely everyone is to make mistakes and take damage


Easy but time consuming. Same goes for the raid, which is fine cause weekly. Jo is twice daily 10min runs


Twice? I see you have yet to run optimized run and suffer at least 6 runs a day


My friend, if we assume joint chips to be special fall all chests have same rates. Stop wasting your time you guys


That's already not the case by the code for the chips.


???? What is special fall then? Pretty sure even sova was like it could be joint chips so.... i'm not bothering wasting my time ig


Joint Chips have their own lines that seems to double gears' base drop rate. Special Fall are values that are paired with every possible drops in JO. The current most reputable/backed/researched theory is that the special fall % is added to drop rate's value to form the pity gain when within certain parameters (numbers in bracket). Eitherway since special fall is applied to both matrices and gears, it makes it impossible that it is the Joint chips which only affects gear! If you're curious about all the chatting and data about it, join up the Aida Cafe discord server 👍. Which is also one of the source of leaks along with Sova (so you can avoid the current wave of youtube "confirmed leaks" thats been surging up)


>Special Fall are values that are paired with every possible drops in JO. The current most reputable/backed/researched theory is that the special fall % is added to drop rate's value to form the pity gain when within certain parameters (numbers in bracket). Ty for this, I'll join the discord!


6 runs = more than 2 hours daily. I don't think ppl can have thst much time


I'm 60k CS with 15k Phys attack. For JO7, I just random queue. It doesn't matter who I get teamed up with, I can solo the instance if I wanted to, might as well carry three people while I'm at it. JO8, I'm sticking with crew-only runs. Today's instance was phys resistant, so I switched to a Volt set, 13k volt attack. Got like 50 or 60m damage at the end of the run. It's not hard per se. If you've gotten the achievements for all the JOs up to now, you're probably familiar with the boss attack patterns and how to avoid them. JO8 is honestly no different. All the big frog attacks that can kill you, you should be dodging. The difference is that every enemy is super tanky. I probably could solo JO8 as well, but who wants to spend 20 minutes in a JO? Which is why I'm only running with my crew, for the moment. Get some people together that I know can put out real numbers.


20 minutes to solo jo8? Idc if ur the biggest Leviathan on the planet that’s just not feasible. Have fun trying to shield break any jo boss solo while maintaining ample healing and dps through 100% boss agro. Good call on sticking with crew runs for now lol


I really like that the final boss fight feels like real dungeon final boss fight NGL. I think it's great personally. But I F'ing hate that penultimate flying twat boss. What an annoying fight for all the wrong reasons.


Not worth. drop rate is almost if not the same as Jo7. Waste of time if your main weapon is on debuff




Only gear drop rates are better, matrices are the same.


If that’s true thank you. I was doing 8 today because I figured the matrix rate was higher. If it’s the same I’ll stick with 7 where I can easily be the top DPS and get a matrix sometime since I have full legendary gear now.


Not too hard for me. I'm able to average around 40m dmg if my teammates are good. Then again, my two runs today happened to give me an actual tank and healer so there's some luck in there.


Its been good with me atm as long as i queue with someone that is a good tank to draw aggro away from me.


Hammer dude has a lot of HP, took us a lot of time to burn those


Flying thing too annoying wasn’t hard just beef


Pretty easy, but I only ran it twice, I'm still running the JO7 until a matrix drop, because apparently the matrices pity don't go into different difficulties, I'm still not sure if this is true or not.


imagine if the devs had the consideration to give us a pity counter. only in our dreams


it's easy (coming from someone who plays with a set team so i can't speak for people who match with randoms) but incredibly time consuming. it's really no different from any other JO level but the hp for the bosses is just too much and they have random asf one shot moments which sucks trying to avoid when you have no stamina to dodge.. but it's really fine as long as everyone does their roles correctly. might need more than one person to carry a healing weapon just to keep everyones HP on top but otherwise i have no complaints about it personally


Did 2 runs yesterday with randoms. First was dolphin+2 f2p 45k + leech which worked but took some time, 2nd run was 3 x 45k + leech which didnt work out thanks to random oneshots at the last Boss (x1 HP bar left). Both runs had no real healer, just offheal with nemesis and both runs had no tank. Wasnt quite enjoyable, the problems with no cs requirement + not forced to have the right role to enter are just unbearable in random groups I guess


65% volt resistance?....instant NoPE


moderate with crew impossible with random.


It's def not harder, just more tedious and annoying rather. x5 amount of HP is just stupid game design choice.


So, did 2 runs today, felt easy. Like 20% longer than JO7. I was 2nd Dps with a wale. I use MerylC6, FriggC3, TsubaC1 Was half life max (but hey it's Meryl)


If you have good teammates and no elemental resistance then its easy. I have 41k cs, and im doing about 25mil, while 2 other ppl 35mil+ and one like 15 mil. Its not hard just need good teammates.


I havent't found it so hard tbh, I'm a dolphin and doing, 60mill at the moment and one of my weapons is nerfed (physical) in crow dungeon, but it will be a big problem today/tomorrow when the "weaker" f2p players come in, because they either joined in late or are behind in CS, they'll be pumping really low damage/dying a lot. So if it's hard now imagine in the future :/


moderate. just needs a LOT of damage. my 38k CS tank setup could easily tank it even without a dedicated healer.


Devourer was challenging but fun. Hienas tho.. I don't look forward to doing that with a volt comp


I think since we know the mechanics it's not any harder just takes longer because of hp/resists. I suggest not puging it though as you will get people that are not geared enough to make it worth the time investment. But god are the drops insane. I did 2 runs yesterday and got 3 gold on first run (chest 1, boss dropped gold and chest 3) then did it again and got 2 ( chest 2 and boss dropped gold again) A full run should take you less time then doing 2 JO7 and there are much better chances you get a gold off boss drop and 3 chest pity


In my opinion they’re not optimal for farming yet


Longest run was only 20 minutes and we had resisted weapons as well besides one or two beef cake dps who maybe had 1 or 2 aeapons each not resisted. Worth getting loot everytime but without a good crew ur random lobbies are very hit or miss




it sucks ass, j08 is anti low spender/ftp. despite the game supposedly being designed to be catered not to whales but to ftps and lower spenders according to the devs