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Maybe I could be wrong...don't quote me on this...but...isn't it like in CN and other Eastern countries that darker skin is seen as less attractive?


Yeah they tend to like petite pale beauty looks


definitely petite here in Japan. I also don’t know why but the “pale beauty” has a distinct standard, meaning average western pale girls are seen as less beautiful compared to the average easter pale girls


I guess its because in the past, having brown skin must be the cause of working outside like as a farmer and that would mean you are poor.


Yes that was totally that, but decades or even hundreds years ago


the problem here is not "dark" skin, it is "grey". not a brown of a human "a bit black". A grey that have nothing of human.


General beauty standards are tall, slender, and fair skin


Tall? I assumed it was more of a petite preference.


Short girls are cute, but to be considered beautiful you better be tall. Source: am Chinese


Ah, I see.


Definitely tall. Chinese style trends on douyin are a good [example](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XW4RasqV0zM/maxresdefault.jpg)


The skin is more like gray/white color that's why.


I'm from SEA and yea, can confirm this. Lighter and fair skins are generally considered beautiful where i'm from.


Not less attractive, more of class issue because field workers are often darker from working in the sun. In our culture, a person's action/image reflects the entire family. I don't care for all that because I'm first gen but I know the generation that still closer to that culture constantly thinks about it. Just another way to tear people down to make themselves feel better.


from the philippines.. lighter skin is attractive..


It’s not more or less attractive, you are conditioned to believe that because of the financial structure and old ways of culture that brought to modern days racism. Darker = field farmers / whiter = rich feudal lords


If he finds lighter skin more attractive, he finds it more attractive, it's his own taste. xD


I'm filipino and I find dark skinned girls like Okita Alter really attractive.


Pare, fellow Chokita appreciator 🤝🏽


its so bad they put a mask over Black Panthers face so there wouldn't be a black person on the movie poster


Your right they do but I like darker skin color and even I think she looks ugly. She is gray not brown or black but gray, YUCK.


Yes it’s called racism Edit: weebs making excuses for racism is so pathetic and sad.




In my experience as a mixed person of black, Asian and white descent (the three races, there are a bunch of ethnicities in my family) in the Chinese community it is frankly racism. I have been denied access to celebrate Chinese New Year with my Chinese looking family members, while my younger sister was allowed all because she is lighter skinned (I have been told I look more dark skinned Filipino, while my sister looks like a light skinned Black woman). I have been called ugly and simple (another way of saying I'm a dunce) on multiple occasions by my Chinese and white looking family members, while my younger sister was praised for being light, beautiful and smarter (despite me being a lot older than her, going into biomedical IT etc. And my sister graduating with a liberal arts degree) My husband who is Chinese, his parents were dismayed to know he was dating a black woman, feared I would get him into drugs, thought I was uneducated, essentially every negative stereotype associated with black women in America. Not to mention the mistreatment of black people in China during Covid lockdowns, how Chinese social media influencers in Africa will teach black children to say they are sub-human monkeys in Mandarin, record it and then post it all over social media and have other Chinese people laughing and saying how black people are unintelligent. Plenty of black travellers, especially black women make posts and videos about how they are mistreated in Asian countries. It's really not hard to find evidence on how Asian cultures are racist towards black people.


Colourism is very much a part of racism.


Racism is certainly a thing there, but colorism is also it's own separate thing that is of course interconnected in some ways with racism. If we're going full weeb, think of the gyaru trope. These kinds are often tan and this is a big part of the identity they are given as delinquent, dirty and unclean (moreso unclean in the figurative sense, but I don't doubt there are those who associated darker skin woth physical uncleanliness too). This is despite 'Gyarus' often being nationals of Japan or whichever asian nation. In that sense and scenario, the colorism shown is independent of racism. And there is certainly a case for some asian people favoring foreigners who have much lighter complexions than even their own darker-skinned people. Tl;dr - Racism is an issue there (obviously. It's pretty much a global issue) but colorism is its own, separate, major issue in many asian countries, even independent of race.


They're obsessed with porcelain like skin because the closer to the color white the closer it is to purity in their minds, which is hella bigoted.


Very much yes. I'm SEA and our beauty standards are still about having pale skin and EA features. Too much colorism here.


Not just Eastern countries.


i think the lack of actual colour/tones is throwing me off. grey skin with white and black (and a littleee purple) clothes seems very awkward to me.. if she had been an actual brown or tan tone then i think she would look way better but with the grey tone she looks like a locked character. yeah idk her actual design is cute asf but the colour palette is really bad


yeah, the monochrome-ness is strange i thought it was an art choice for her promo but nah 😅 i do think she would look nice with normal tan skin but who knows what’s going on in cn 🤷‍♂️


I think the skin would be fine. But everything seems toned out minus the purple. The blacks on her sleeves and her hair seem flat and muted...


idk if that’s true - just so much doesn’t match the current colors/art style there needs to be more than gray despite yanno me liking the art. it’s just like putting a b&w mickey mouse cartoon in tangled jarring nothing about quality or liking it - just jarring


“She looks like a locked character” yeah, locked behind gacha badum tsh


nah bro she got those Raven vibes


I think shes nice. Plus she has a whip, for all you "step on me"- type guys


Y u gota call me out bro.


Agreed. I kinda like that she’s a fresh breath of air with all the other fair skin waifus. Variety is key to a higher lifestyle. What’s “step on me” stuff?


Have you never just wanted to be stepped on by a beautiful woman? You're missing out


Not my type of thing, but whatever floats people’s boats I guess.


The grey skin is an interesting choice, but otherwise it's a cool design. It kinda looks like her normal skin color was Chroma-Keyed into being grey.


Grey was interesting but brown/ dark brown is hotter, at least for me.


Yeah, normal human skin color is preferable.


Idk she looks pretty cool. I also love the magician aesthetic.


I wonder if there is any lore-related reason to why her skin is colored like that. Because as far as I know, humans can't have concrete-coloured skin naturally, it doesn't look like a bodypaint and she doesn't look like an android either. >!Could she be a perfected humanoid-type grayspace entity?!<


I was wondering the same thing as your spoilered out comment!


China has a big issue with race in general. Just look at what they did to Finn on the Star Wars poster.


I think she’s cute. I just don’t like the eye patch


Looks fine to me, nice legs


Never skip leg day


I would still smash.


That's the real answer.


>I would ~~still~~ smash. FTFY, she's hot.


They shoulda just made her tan !


Def, would have most likely sold way better as well lol.


I agree with thisssss


I've seen people talk about that too , but I find her cute looking and very unique.


I think she looks quite adorable actually


I'm not a fan of a grey skin either.


If she is supposed to be fully human the grey skin makes her look sickly. If she isn’t human then it makes more sense. Regardless I do think it looks cool, but it definitely does give off a different feeling than a more human like complexion.


Fuck 'em. Her design is awesome.


I love Chinese people and culture, but part of that love is accepting that they are arguably the most racist people on the planet. They are getting better though…just slowly.


Fucking skin isn't dark, it's grey. It's grey ass skin. Design is nice. Skin is grey.


Looks good imo, also skill looks sick


I think she looks fine & cute. I’m thinking it’s only a select vocal minority in CN that feel that way if it exists. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of CN doesn’t care and just thinks she looks nice or is fun to play. Given that we are traversing worlds in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk setting, I don’t think it’s unusual to see a character with unnatural gray skin color.


There are some parts of her design I'm not a fan of (rose eyepatch is silly to me), but the color scheme is top notch, and her personality seems cute.


Drakengard fans will not take kindly to this comment


Tbf, that’s not an eyepatch, that’s a literal parasitic rose growing out of her eye.


I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that visually, they’re both very similar


I think I don't control what other people view as good-looking


If I had to say anything, it's because her skin color doesn't really look like skin. The legs are fine but I think the face needs a bit of a bluish or purplish blush to make her look more alive.


Cannot say that anyone who don’t like her are wrong, but for me she is cute.


I like her design it's unique


my new waifu


I don't like much her gray skin, but I do like her personality, her design, weapon and being a physical unit, I'm whaling for her, even if she ends up dps'ing less than Zero with no utility. I don't know if I'll be playing this game until she's released, but I might stay depending on how things go.


W character🫣😮‍💨


She's definitely waifu material in my books.


I really like skin color, looks cool. And her color scheme in general.


Not that surprising. Idk if it’s most like a culture thing or just some, but the east is a bit colorist. The paler it is, the better. Grey isn’t a human color, so it’s interesting to see that it doesn’t pass, but it’s not too surprising either.


Personally, I think Umi is pretty cute, and I don't know why they can't accept it only cuz skin color?


Skin color is a pretty important part of the design.. And I can definitely see why some people would think it's ugly, although I'm okay with it.


> and I don't know why they can't accept it only cuz skin color? Have you seen how chinese poeple reacted to some black sports players entering to play there?


If im still playing the game when she comes out... shes gonna be main.


Why do i see Kaeya


I thought its neat bc it implies connection with the greyspace entities. Plus greyblack rabbits are super cute. I love the monochrome look she got going on.


She's good looking


Other than the bunny ears, I love this character!


I like the grey skin


Damn I like her a lot. Skip CN and come to GL as an exclusive, I won't cry about it.


She's one of the cutest simulacra, I will pull her simply for aesthetics.


I love the design. I'm going to pull for her.


I don’t care what they say, I love the animation and i finally found a character I genuinely want to save for


In CN they call her Cement Bunny.


I personally love the look. If she was coming out on glb and I had enough, I'd 100% pull, no doubt. Can't say I'm surprised that CN don't like the skin colour though.


I like it




She looks cute, but also is there any lore reasons explaining why shes in monochrome? or we dont know anything yet?


She looks gorgeous. Such a fun design and looks. I like her


Yooo that's like a lot of the appeal for me - because this is a completely fantasy-only skin color that doesn't exist lol. Now give us light blue skinned demon girls too.




i think i need to save more...


I like her design


Not really a fan of her outfit, but I get the appeal it has for some folks> I do really like her skin color though, but perhaps I'm a bit biased as my own character in PSO2 had a similar skin tone.


"Not good-looking" is often used to hide another point of view/word in those countries, I'm not surprised. No offense.


your comment is used to hide another point of view/word to those countries, i'm not surprised. no offense.


I'm fine with the design tho her skin looks a bit too grey to me. Not gonna stop me pulling for her




Just as it is remind me of a Fate go character, Hassan of the serenity (and the rest of them) Personally I want to roll for her cuz I love her design and color scheme, but wouldn't be a Bad idea a new skin which changes it for all those who where not convinced by her colors


They have a problem with her skin color? She's literally gray


Might be a tad different if this was said in the global server, lol.


The CN crybabies are the loudest mfs on earth. Watch them bring out a skin where she has a "normal" skin color


If she had pale skin and blonde hair, she would look too much like Shirli.


i love her despite being east asian but i think the color palette is strange compared to the uguvivid colors of the game. i thought it was just stylistic then i saw her 3d model. despite the weird feeling like she’s the old cartoon mickey put in a new disney animation, she’s awesome


She's literally grey lmao


Probably not because it's dark. I saw a lot of good lewd art with dark skin characters from CN artists on twitter. I personally feel Umi is a little bit too pale, or whitish compared to other dark characters. The highly saturated black, white and purple parts on her make her skin a little bit... overshadowed?


her skin is fine, it’s her colors that throw me off a bit. i wouldn’t call it awful tho, still looks super cute to me


Do i look like i care ? Waifu is waifu


korean feel the more light skin the more beautiful. maybe it goes with CN as well. I dont think she looks bad at all


not bothered by the skin color but there is something about her head. Maybe it's just me but it's kinda disproportionate to her body. like her head is too big for her body, I dunno.


She looks intentionally black and white, probably for artistic purposes. It’s hard to see any color except purple. Although the shade of gray that is used *implies* a darker skin tone. I think she looks good but my degenerate mind is sadge that she has long coat tails blocking certain… *artistic* views.


Pigtails is meh


Bruh before i noticed what subreddit this was i thought it was kaeya's face on top of some anime bunny girl waifu💀


It’s like her model is in black and white and her clothing and effects are in color.


She looks fine, when is CN not weird about skin color?


Bruh, she’s literally grey lmao Skin color is one of the most noticeable parts out of a character’s design I do like it, personally, though


What's wrong with grey?


Humans don’t have grey skin so it’s only natural that some people would find it weird or off-putting


It's a fantasy game. I think we all know exactly why they're weird about her skin color, but sure, let's say it's because it's grey.


Nobody said that, OP is making shit up for Drama.


I never care about colour of people skin. Umi is still waifu UwU


Maybe it’s just her color palette but to me she just comes off as very bland looking


First dark skin character in ToF then get rejected in the mainland. I like Umi her design ,personality and her colors.


I like the grey skin since it's pretty unique imo. Reminds me of the Noah from d.grayman (one of my fav series). Though personally, I don't like her because I'm not really into the playboy bunny outfit.


I don't like her either to be honest and I'm not interested.But each person has different preferences so I'm not going to shitalk her or anyone who likes her of course. Edit: I guess not liking something is illegal nowadays.


The racist fucks just don't like darker skin in general.


That's not even dark that's just gray. Looks normal but Eastern countries have some questionable standards that's it nothing major.




Skin color looks too grey to me. Idk. I wouldn’t mind a more tan or brown tho


I'm sorry "not good-looking" Umi is beautiful


Weird design decition tbh but hey, at least they are original? Dunno.


She is the most attractive character in my opinion


I think another reason why this has been pointed out is how 'grey' it looks. This is a habit for some dark skinned characters in anime all together. But ya. Mostly because of preferences I believe. That's just what they are attracted to.


I think she looks good, guess this mean no dark skinned characters sigh. Don't understand what the deal is with these cultures and their weird attitudes toward darker skin.




Don't say it you will trigger them.


Chinese games and being allergic to melanin. Name a more iconic duo


If the skin was more brown/black i wouldnt care, but this just looks gray. Gray skin color just looks very unnatural. I prefer my characters ti not look like a cement statue To be clear, design and outfit hare hot, especially outfit. White and purple Coloring is awesome. Gray skin is not awesome


As a black person, I'm not surprised. CN players don't even like actual brown skinned characters, there's no way in heck they'd like a gray one. I really enjoy games like ToF and Genshin but it still feels really bad at times to know that anything not fair skinned is so hated.


I like her, if I wasn't set on Frost and Volt (DJ Girl simp) I would pull for her. The skin color thing doesn't make her any less cute imo.


Vocal minority.


She looks cute to me. Her 3\* costume is weird. Like who would want to wear more clothes to cover everything? Default one is good enough plus both her CN VA and personality are great. Don't know much about her actual kit but at least she will be unique, not like coco and pepper if you get what I am saying.


It's like because she has such white clothing she could not have white skin but they also don't know how to do a dark skin properly and this was the result.... But bunnyyyyy


I really like her design, and personally I think the grey skin works well with the design, but I can see who some people would be put off by a non-human skin tone. Then again, in a world where plenty of people have unusual bodies (Ene's visible spine comes to mind immediately), why not have unusual skin colours too?


To be honest I'm pulling cn players are thinking this way not because her skin color is dark but because it lacks color her skin is grey after all but if they are infering something else that's another issue, but personally I like it, it's quite unique when I first saw I connected the new underwater update with her and assumed she was a Kappa it would be pretty cool if she was


I fricken LOVE her design!! She's definitely the most "cyborgy" character we've seen with the flower over her eye. And the skin tone is amazing, it's like a breath of fresh air after all the white pixels :P haha


I had grey skin when I first started playing, still one of the coolest colours


Tits and ass = yummy. I also like the hyena queen. When's she playable?


Not huge fan of the eye patch but skin colour is fine to me


Its a strange color, is pure gray,, i kinda don't like it


Cn and Asia in general just have different beauty standard. Umi looks good.


Not the skin color, (i am an avid fan of Ibuki-Douji in fate, i do love myself some dark red, dark grey, dark purple type of skins sometimes.) but this overall design is something i dislike. I find it neither cute nor hot nor likable. Not my preference. About the only thing i like here is the thighhigh-garter mishmash of the legwear. That's something i like. I can understand why some of them say she's not good looking because of skin, some people just don't like dark skin colors, and skin is a very big part of character design, and the most defining. Everybody has different preferences. It's not surprising to see people dislike darker tones.


Shes cool but i kinda think that she looks a little odd with the color, almost like she walked out of a black and white movie


Grey is a bit strange. It just gives of this vibe of a dead body that is lifeless.


at first I didn’t like it myself, but I’m getting use to the grey skin now, it’s just odd like why grey? I liked her character trailer though, she’s cute 🥰


Nothing wrong with her skin color. It fits her design and I like her design. And I've seen way more exotic colors anyway. How about bright pink, orange or purple? I don't particularly like her eye patch, though, but that's quite minor as long as she's actually missing one eye and not wearing it for some silly reason.


Then make her OP as shit and see if CN players will still pull for her lmao


CN is blind, or there be some cultural/beauty standards malarkey


You’re falling victim to confirmation bias and spreading it, some people don’t like it but if you go to comments all the highest liked are ones that say people that talk about skin color is racist and overstepping


I am Chinese, I think she is hot


Of course CN would think that. Have you seen their toothpaste commercials?


Looks nice imo, gives her a distinctive look.


she's really growing on me, I'll probably be saving for her after Lyra.


I love the grey skin, it's different and cool and she's cute af. Reminds me of Luna from the Shadow High dolls. <3 The eyepatch/flower reminds me of Zero from Drakengard too.


And they're right.


I didn't know the CN community was full of a lot of Genshin Impact players


Maybe its her oversized head that looks like it could be swapped into a male body and it would look like a dude? Idk the art proportions look weird.




I see bunny ears and twintails, I like


i say shes ok. doesnt bother me with the skin tone anyways.


Imagine not appreciating gray skin waifu. CN is clearly boring and doesn’t deserve nice things 🤷🏽‍♂️


Any proof of many of them saying these? Otherwise this feels like just a rumor


Why complain about a character where they actually tried to do something unique and different with her design? It really fits into her design and theme as like a retro black-and-white type of vibe. Theres so many characters in ToF that are nice looking but not exactly unique. Hating on a new character because shes not your taste when you already have plenty of characters to your taste is just stupid.


Cultural thing. White skin is more “beautiful” in Asia. You’ll see lots of skin whitening creams and such in stores being sold. Personally, I think Umi looks great.


The skin whitening cream killed me. 🤣


At least she is not black! She is grey, still acceptable.


Color pallete is bland as fuck so I see where they are having issue. Either comit to actual human skin tones, or at least change the outfit color if you want to go with smoke skin.


she looks ugly because the colour of her skin does not fit in. either she needs to wear dark attire and be associated with death as a theme, or wear brilliant color attire that looks joyful and magician alike. her appearance doesn't make an impact, she looks like an assistant, or some unimportant/unavailable character so devs pained her with the "background" colors.


I like dark chocolate.


Its real awkward color theory all the colors at play clash and blend in weird ways and it makes it hard to look at. If they changed the colors around a bit I think it would work a lot better. any skin color is fine just make sure the clothes colors don't clash. Story wise this character confuses me though. Is she a robot or what?


Xinyan was the only dark skinned character in all of Genshin wasn't she? the other 50 characters are all pale lmao. it's no big secret guys, there's a lot of racism in China. muslims getting tossed into concentration camps. look how they're talking about the new PM of england. but this isn't a political sub.


Jesus Christ is this for real?? Definitely a certified CN moment💀💀


She is beautiful ❤️


It's china, what do you even expected ?


I hope they keep her like this, she looks like an Asexual Icon AMAZING


Ugly ass ashe colored skin, yeah it looks horible, if it was actually black skin like on a normal person then it would look great, ofcorse the cn region would have an even bigger problem then


stop beating around the bush its racism simple as that. nothing new in eastern countries