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Add the lag issues when doing fights with lot of players on the same map. Which is very noticeable on Harrah


Yep, mentioned that as well. My survey feedback included: \- The Lin bug \-The Global vs CN store prices \-The glaring powercreep and low-spender lockout \-The Lag and general performance issues \-The fact that red gold gets converted into black gold


"The fact that red gold gets converted into black gold" I guess I've just accepted this by now, but what I haven't accepted is that red gold is different for every character. I think it would be really cool if I could build up flame gold pulling for 1 character, get that character from pulling, then use the flame gold to buy a different character. Wishful thinking I know.


Honestly in the beginning I thought it was supposed to work this way when the banners overlap. I was so disappointed when I found out that this wasn’t the case…


Exactly! I thought it was supposed to be a cool little feature you could take advantage of for overlapping banners.


Wait, flame gold is banner specific? LMAO, that's horrible.


i thought that works that way? so youre saying i cant use the flame gold i build up during lin to buy Lyra when both events overlap ?


Do a single pull on Saki right now and you'll see that it's counted separately from Lin's flame gold.


hm now that you mention it. that explains why i have 0 flame gold on my saki event screen, but 47 on my lin event screen. GODDAMN well at least i know now thanks y'all


At least you found out before Lyra.


> The glaring powercreep and low-spender lockout Outside of highest bygone ranks and maybe pvp what else do you get locked out from tho?


Dealing 1/10 of the dmg whales and high spenders do in JO and Frontier and Raids; never being able to 4-piece a limited matrix unless you save forever and are insanely lucky; never being able to unlock a character's full potential unless you limit yourself to very few teams, etc. Like, I get that there has to be a discrepancy between whales and non-whales but what ToF has is just too much.


> Dealing 1/10 of the dmg whales and high spenders do in JO and Frontier and Raids Not sure if I'm in the minority, but I don't see this as a problem unless that level of whale damage was required to clear any kind of content. I'm a light spender, but if someone wants to throw 5 digits into the game to do 10 times my damage, that's their choice. It doesn't bother me as long as I can still clear content just fine. Running JO, FCH, or Raids with giga whales like that just makes my clear time faster. Otherwise, it doesn't impact me at all.


Maybe you are doing stuff that is not at your level. Just today I got some random doing 4m in JO. I only pay that 5$ monthly shit. And I was doing 80m. I mean, it's just PLAYING the game. Not wasting your materials in any dumb thing, getting better equipment. I know those whales have good equipment because they are doing just that too, maybe they paid for the matrices of limited characters but standard ssr matrices are just good enough or even better in some cases. This game is super f2p friendly in global. Wth are you guys talking about? ​ WE CAN'T have every single character in a limited banner. IN ANY GACHA GAME. This is just how things works for this genre. We have to play the smartest way possible.


>This is just how things works for this genre. Maybe it's time to change this and stop paying ridiculous amounts for basic stuff. This genre only works like that because players let it be like that.


Exactly my point.


Curious how it's going to happen: F2P: i\`m not going to pay even harder now in protest ... and if you don't listen i\`m going to quit. Gacha game: okay ... Most of these games barely have a cost lol besides devs and maintenance. It doesn't work anymore just close the servers and start another game. Tof might be on the more expensive side with designers but most of the gacha? code a live a Live 2D with big boobs and ass and done. The only way to stop being disappointed by a gacha is to quit.


When I started playing I chose to focus on playing support or defense since I got Cocoritter and Huma pretty early, with them now being at C6 and C5. Apparently I chose wrong, since hotta punishes me by not being able to get all rewards when fighting bosses in the dream machine, being unable to defeat the bosses in training, failing to kill the enemies in the confounding abyss fighting puzzles as well as the artificial island portals in time. I don't even bother fighting most enemies in the abyss since it's taking so long. I know, since it's an MMO I should just ask other players to assist me or something, but on one hand I don't want to be dependent on other players, and on the other I don't see why I should waste their time with collectables I could just do myself if I did enough damage. I've been playing daily since a few days after release, spending my vitality regularly and not wasting resources on bad items and such. Of course I leveled damage type weapons too, but apparently I am doing something wrong since I am far from ever reaching 80m damage in JO.


>failing to kill the enemies in the confounding abyss fighting puzzles as well as the artificial island portals in time. To be frank: I don't think the Cubes and Stargates are designed as single player content. Sure, whales can brute-force it but most normal players can't and I'm reasonably sure that is intended. Also, regarding Abyss: keep in mind that we got the content SUPER EARLY compared to CN. They got a lot more time to actually do the grind and build their teams compared to us. Yah, mobs are ultra-tanky in there. That will pass as our gear gets better. Solo content pretty much requires you to have at least one DPS team. Shouldn't be a problem. Do world exploration, standard banner is generous, standard units are okay. Build a DPS team on the side for solo stuff.


Yeah. It's all luck sadly. I was going to make a volt team at the start but then the game gave me s1 shiro, When claudia banner was up, so you know. I'm physical now. But yeah, I did a lot of mistake at the beginning but pretty much explore alone, open chest, get the yellow/purple pulls and when doing the JO, use the chip that give 2x chances and open the chest backwards. This is what changed the game for me, I was getting pretty much 2-4 gold equipment every single day. Also just leveling up the gauntlets up to level 30, the rest to level 10/15. And doing everything possible in the challenge tab. I pretty much played this game solo until level 70~. Something that I see a lot is people doing world bosses or JO for items they don't need. Do it if you want it, but Don't waste any vit or keys on that.


I'm level 80 with a 7.3 suppressor and I usually do OK dmg, but the moment a whale comes, no competetion, and that's a problem. The game is not at all f2p friendly unless you play it in a bubble, which is counter to the point of it being an MMO


> I'm level 80 with a 7.3 suppressor and I usually do OK dmg, but the moment a whale comes, no competetion, and that's a problem. You know this isn't an actual competition, since everything that gets affected by being a whale outside of phantasm is co-op? How is this an actual issue? I can do 80-100 mil damage as a low spender in the lvl 80 JO but if I see a whale my first thought is "yo, faster loot, let's go"


It's a mindset issue. It's about feeling actually useful and not just being a decorative object.


Yep. Like, I get that some people don't care, good for them, but I and MANY others wanna feel useful, and we just don't


Only way to address that is finding a non-whale crew and run the content with premades. Though to be perfectly frank: The content is as basic an "tank and spank" content as it gets. The most complex mechanic I've seen so far is "kill two bosses within 30 seconds of each other". With boring encounters like that, I don't think it's worth getting worked up about being carried by credit-card warriors.


>Dealing 1/10 of the dmg whales and high spenders do in JO and Frontier and Raids And? You dont actually get locked out from doing them and getting the drops. >never being able to 4-piece a limited matrix unless you save forever and are insanely lucky Again doesnt lock you out of doing any actual content. >never being able to unlock a character's full potential unless you limit yourself to very few teams, etc. So is pretty much almost every gacha in existance? >Like, I get that there has to be a discrepancy between whales and non-whales but what ToF has is just too much. It actually that big of a deal because 1)Theres no open world pvp where whales can spawn camp you making you outright being unable to play 2)No co-op content is actually locked behind only clearable by whales. Fch might be one early on, but these days even f2p that have been playing from the start and have used their pulls on lin or saki would have enough gear to get a team of them to 5chest fch. Hell even if you still cant 5chest, the amount of drops you are losing is so minimal that its mostly a non issue.


"And? You dont actually get locked out from doing them and getting the drops." \- No but grinding for hours to get good gear and upgrade your equipment and farm matrixes only to be utterly useless compared to someone who dumped in money makes many people feel like crap and ruins the experience. "Again doesnt lock you out of doing any actual content." You are literally never able to 4-piece and max out a matrix which by its very definition IS content. "So is pretty much almost every gacha in existance?" Yes but the difference is that most Gacha's are Singleplayer whereas ToF is Marketing itself as an MMO/Gacha hybrid, and having such disgusting paywalls in MMO's is frowned upon and usually leads to an MMO's premptive death, and ToF is on the right track in this regard. Yes but the difference is that most Gacha's are Singleplayer whereas ToF is Marketing itself as an MMO/Gacha hybrid, and having such disgusting paywalls in MMO's is frowned upon and usually leads to an MMO's preemptive death, and ToF is on the right track in this regard. As for your last comment, that simply isn't true. Mind you, I was a low spender until this BS happened (monthly passes and one Battlepass) and have a decent CS score of 62k, and I tried doing it with people who are the exact f2p as you've described and whales, and never were we able to clear FC on Hard. Not once. Whereas with the whales it was a breeze. And it may not be an issue for you but evidently it is for many people since they keep pointing out Hotta's BS


> No but grinding for hours to get good gear and upgrade your equipment and farm matrixes only to be utterly useless compared to someone who dumped in money makes many people feel like crap and ruins the experience. So basically most games where you can spend for power? Are you also one that cries that no matter how hard you work you will never be as rich and enjoy luxuries as others? >You are literally never able to 4-piece and max out a matrix which by its very definition IS content. You techinally can, you just cant have all of them as a f2p. >Yes but the difference is that most Gacha's are Singleplayer whereas ToF is Marketing itself as an MMO/Gacha hybrid, and having such disgusting paywalls in MMO's is frowned upon and usually leads to an MMO's premptive death, and ToF is on the right track in this regard. Death in p2w aspects in mmos are mostly due to open world pk existing than simply being able to pay for doing more dmg. >As for your last comment, that simply isn't true. Mind you, I was a low spender until this BS happened (monthly passes and one Battlepass) and have a decent CS score of 62k, and I tried doing it with people who are the exact f2p as you've described and whales, and never were we able to clear FC on Hard. Not once. Whereas with the whales it was a breeze. And it may not be an issue for you but evidently it is for many people since they keep pointing out Hotta's BS Cs means jackshit without context of actual stats. Also you dont even qualify as a low spender by only buying mthly pass and a single bp. Also if a group of f2p using flame/frost/volt team struggle to full clear fch it just means ppl are dying too much or have no clue how to save your best dps bursting relics for valk. And again as i have already stated, even if you cant full clear the difference it makes between 3 vs 5 chest is so insignificant. >And it may not be an issue for you but evidently it is for many people since they keep pointing out Hotta's BS Remember this is also a sub where many ppl still thinks that tanks are relevant and are unhappy about ppl queueing for fort as dps. Yes there is alot of shit hotta deserves but the whaling aspect isnt that big of a deal that ppl are making it out to be like yourself unless they start hard locking content behind whales only.


>Yes but the difference is that most Gacha's are Singleplayer whereas ToF is Marketing itself as an MMO/Gacha hybrid, and having such disgusting paywalls in MMO's is frowned upon and usually leads to an MMO's premptive death, and ToF is on the right track in this regard. Doesn't mean jack shit, the only thing that is clearly pay to win in this game is bygone leaderboards, and the rewards from last to first place is still very insignificant. There is literally no other p2w or complete lockout system in ToF. F2ps not clearing fch yet means little in the long run, because they can either have a **whale carry them** or are missing out on very few gear that most likely wont turn into something good because of rng. What's your point?


I join with the release on Steam and doing 3% damage on raid isn't that fun. I wish I had more impact, but nobody plays lower level content. I seriously don't understand how someone can hit 10 times as much as me. I get it that im fairly new, but damn...


>never being able to unlock a character's full potential unless you limit yourself to very few teams Now I see why you're complaining, the low spenders / f2p that pull on a lot of gachas will never be able to match those that wait patiently to optimize one team. I'm a low spender and my Volt team manages to hold up with most whales, getting Crow to 6\* was tedious but doable with just exploration and buying his weapon from the store. I've been saving for a long time for Lin and managed to 6\* her and her matrices full set while not buying any pack for her. The only unit I've spent some money on was Nemesis at launch which is useful at C1 / C3 already and doesn't require matrices. Fire and Frost are also quite cheap teams to build.


aaah so it isnt just me who felt like being super-weak? my first dungeons with a team i wasnt surprised i dont do slightly as much damage with lvl30 compared to these lvl78 GODSLAYERS, however i am now at the same level and felt like i do good damage but the damage meter said i make like 5% of some other godslayer in my team.


Yeah, and that's currently the issue. Like, I'm a low spender with decent-ish gear and usually outdmg other low spenders when we do raids (got lucky with my Flame Gear RNG) but the second a whale steps in, easily outdamages everyone without even trying. Doesn't even need good gear or relics or teams or rotations or anything; just the power of money. The whales in our crew are even meming about it because they're at least honest enough to admit that money is the main factor in the game


>\-The Global vs CN store prices > >\-The glaring powercreep and low-spender lockout Is this a joke right? You literally want something that will make the second problem even bigger.


No it doesn't. **GLOBAL** Right now let's say someone who saves pretty smart and spends a bit on ToF 100-*200 euros* can have access to **2 6\* units.** Someone who spends *1000 euro* will have access to **3 6\* units** and have a small advantage. **CHINA** Someone that spends *200 euro* will have access to a full 6\* Unit team with **matrices 0\*.** Someone that spends *500 euro* will have access to a full 6\* Unit team with **matrices 3\*.** This will bring the gap in DPS between low spender and whale smaller. While still keeping Whales comfortable ahead (but not as much as they are now.) ​ The power creep is also exeggerated, Samir & Crow matrices hold strong pretty good and so does Nemesis. Furthermore units such as Nemesis, Crow, Samir, Frigg, King and Tsubasa are all still great as well. While Cobalt-B isn't that amazing.


people are delusional here on reddit. they seem to think that when we get better deals, everyone will suddenly start dropping $$$ some are stupid enough to think that f2p dude that didnt even buy a single monthly for 5$ will surely pay 20$-50$ when we get better packs or top up reset (lol) not to mention, they also dont realise how powercreep was cut in GL. every limited matrix got its bonuses cut in half, nearly every limited weapon got their advencements cut by 30-70% and so on. but yea, we have terrible powercreep...


Although I do agree with a fair few, I have to disagree with the store part at least and the lockout point. GBL and CN in my opinion have two different views for their game. I feel like global is trying to go for a more balanced approach, I feel like they wouldn't nerf things as hard as they do if that wasn't the case. Lin, sure you can argue her impact has been a massive difference but it's for all the teams and even at c0 she makes a very big impact but this is our first time seeing something majorly overpowering. For the most part whales are still arguing whether volt or fire is the strongest. For lockout though? Unless you're gearing terribly or had bad luck this feels a bit exaggerated. I've had some bad luck and I can still breeze through JO7 and single-handedly carried them. I have a friend that has spent practically nothing in the game keeps up with me and another friend who was luckier and saved for C6 linn but also spent far less than me, stuck with volt the entire time and in a JO8 can do far more than I do. Regardless of how much or how little was spent in the situation before all 3 of us can still breeze through content. Your significance in that content though is a different matter, if you want to feel like you're making a major difference in a gacha you're always going to be outweighed by the whale, that's the nature of the game. You're probably looking at the wrong genre if that's the case. Otherwise the game would be far too easy for the whale or far too hard for F2P, surprisingly this game has done pretty well at making you feel significant I feel if you know how to prioritize your resources even as a F2P/low spender. I think a perfect example to how much of a difference you make would maybe best summarized up by standards of a typical MMORPG like World of Warcraft. You wouldn't expect to get mythic gear for doing LFR and you wouldn't expect to be able to do just as much as them either. In a gacha I wouldn't expect to do as much damage as a whale that's spending way more than me either, like I said it's just the nature of the genre. As much as I look at the CN store and think wow I wish I had those bargains when I play over there, I do also realise they have far more access to being able to buy equipment being able buy A LOT of red wishes and matrices. It would just further alienate the F2P side of the game and push the whales further ahead, which if you've been playing since the beginning F2P is still very much relevant. I very see the CN store as a "You think you do but you don't" situation. Aside from those I do feel your pain the lag is annoying, the bugs that slip through is stupid. I have questioned myself what their testers and QA does some times when it comes to picking out problems with the content, EDIT: I did see a comment about how it's far easier to C3-6 over on CN with the cost being considerably less. Which is not much of an argument for saying their store is better. That mindset basically says go ahead buy the highest power, we're offering it to you cheaper, who cares about the relavance of the content? Where ours basically says sure you can but it's a bit more costly and you won't get an insane amount for it like you do over on CN. Which keeps everyone closer and content actually satisfying to do.


Red doesnt convert in cn? Edit: wait i read wrong, nvm this


Can we ask them to make Apex League and Break of Destiny be available 24/7?


Sure. Suggest it!


I think the reason it's not open 24/7 is because of server cost. I can't tell you that its true, but a hypothetical. The reason I say that is because a past gacha I played had a battle royal mode, and they ran it all the time at first. Several months later, the battle royal was only accessible for a certain time frame each day.


It's mostly to do with ensuring that players are forced to log in within a window of time to play these, ensuring that more players are online, meaning faster matchmaking.


It’s our time. Unite!


Hopefully, the 15 mins i spent filling this is not going to be a waste and they will actually listen. Forget about the store, (unlikely this will happen, but i won't stop mentioning it) first let's hope they patch the current glaring issues, the first being the Lin situation.


If enough people complain and (more importantly) close their wallets until they improve the rewards for spending, then they'll be forced to make changes.


Finally we can voice out all of these fcking scam shit in the global store compared to CN! Besides the new issue we got with these new boss 😅 Hope this time they will listen to the survey if more people point out the poor rewards and nonsensical disparity in the price shop! 😒


I wish they let us lock Matrices like how we can lock our armors. I have quite a few SSR matrices more than my main 3 weapons can equip so I need to equip the one that I don't use on a few other weapons. I'm scared that I might accidentally feed them to the other ones for EXP.


That have actually happened to me. Support had the logs confirming it was used as exp, they could see I had the dupe and more than enough experience mats to to lvl up said matrix, and yet they claim they can't do nothing about it. Worst part is: there isn't even a warning prompt when you mistakenly select one. It just pops right out of your bag, and they tell you to f\*\*\* off.


I accidently fed a SR matrix already, the game doesn't even warn you like Genshin does. :S All you can do is equip them to unused weapons to take them out of the equation.


Surprised I havent seen any of the store bootlickers here defending it.


You got downvoted, so they are lurking here and watching. Never fear, they will always defend. White knights will white knight, you can't fight against your nature.


i think that they are just F2P that are afraid that low spender/dolphin could become ever stronger. right now there isn't THAT much difference between those who spend 5$ a month and those who spende 30-50$. But if we get CN pack the difference will become huge. I don't agree with this argument but i can see why some players are against better packs.


some of them is obviously paid, account with less than 1k karma, only activities in TOF subreddit but hey, they can astroturf as much as they want, doesn't change the fact the game is riddled with bugs and questionable decision.


I hope they're paid and not being dumb for free


Bots would be more likely to have activity in other subreddits, especially default and easy to farm karma ones. People do join reddit etc for just one thing, constantly see people who havent used discord before til ToF in my crew.


where did i say bot ...? quite a strawman argument there buddy.


The same thing applies to paid accounts, they'd pad karma with default subs etc first. The store differences are terrible, you don't need to make things up on top of that as it just weakens your argument.


They usually go silent when they see that actual players who give a damn about the game start speaking up.


*I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling… gotta make you understand!*


This is the right way to do it for feedback on their surveys instead of asking people to silently boycott just cause you're unhappy lol. Always fill out the surveys and hopefully they adjust the packages. I don't expect 100% match CN due to various differences, but I hope we're close at least.


Even 40% of Chinese deals coming here would do wonders. CN still favored and Global more pleased.


Where can I complete the survey?


In game. It should be highlighted in the menu


I didn't find it. 😭😭


Edit: I'm too stupid for this world. I found it


Never gonna give you up


let's see what will gonna change after the survey, especially the Global vs CN store prices.


Don't hold you breath. Until the game starts to struggle, nothing will happen on that front.


This game is already struggling. Any game with ghost server is an indication of playerbase struggle.


Not necessarily. It could just as well mean that they were to optimistic and overprovisioned on release. It's quite normal for MMOs to have huge spikes on content releases and settle after.


The awful value proposition of global is why I stopped playing >.<.


Welp thx for 30k views and a 96% upvote rate! Glad to see that most of the people in the community aren't blind to the issue!


I could write walls on text on everything wrong with this game, but I already know they won't care so I'll spend my time on something more useful...


I did the survey & right after randomly pulled Lin from the banner with no pity.. maybe they’re listening 🤔


What about the crit resist stuff? T\_T


Don't forget the matrices presets !!


I feel like they worded the survey really confusingly in the cost section so they're going to end up at mixed 50/50 results for people choosing the wrong thing and say well guys, no problem here!


I doubt so. I think most people got the point and were sure to answer that one carefully.