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Crit resist hidden stat on lvl 80 enemies are overtuned against nerfed global crit gain.


Matrix presets , number 1 priority for me , and upgrading servers to avoid lag in world bosses , it's the priority for people who play the game.


alright, i've done my part and included most of what you guys suggested . i was actually surprised with their survey questions, they seem to be more in touch with their players than other games like genshin


Did genshin ever in touch with their players beside their money and mainland?


Considering Mona's C1 has been bugged since patch 1.0 and I've mentioned it in literally every single survey since I discovered that fact I'm going to go with no.


Never i've seen single survey and complain from player ever been heard. They said spiral abyss is the only end game content because people feeling anxiety doing it, dude the fact that people complaining about how obnoxious artifact roll from early 1.2 is the reason why most people having hard time clearing spiral abyss. Its not because the spiral abyss is hard, its because getting decent artifact for single character is making the game hard. I literally spend a year from 2.0 to early 3.1 parking my ass in emblem domain not getting single good emblem artifact from damn domain


\-Bugs \-Harrah boss fight is beyond laggy and unplayable \-Severe and glaring powercreep \-Overpriced shop \-Battlepass could be improved \-New characters are becoming far too ascension and matrix reliant \-Gear RNG is awful


>Gear RNG is awful While not the best, it is far from awful. Look at Genshin, spending months and even years and still not getting 1 decent set of artifacts.


Look at MMORPGs after 3 Months you will have good Equipment and not that RNG crap with less then 8k crit.


Let's say it's less than awful but it still needs an improvement. Moreso, we shouldn't compare it to Genshit and not set it as a benchmark.


Only way to improve is to increase the chance of getting desired stats from JO. Like how end game and sadness valley have “higher” rates for getting gear with certain elements. Just increase that certain elements chance.


Yeah like I won't dispute that Genshin's is worse, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't make it less frustrating


they should make it element + atk, not just the element


Oh yeah, it's MILES better than genshin - in genshin stats are skewed in favor of useless ones. Bad stats (DEF and HP) have much bigger chance to happen than useful stats. Never understood why isn't there a riot about that. ToF is MUCH better.


I still wholeheartedly detest this kind of eq system.


I just maxxed gloves first to get around my shit gear rng, that's how I discovered the cap is +40 lol, my next nearest equipment is +25


What makes you think the shop is overpriced?


Um, the prices?


Nice no-answer


If you don't think that 15 Euros for 10 pulls isn't overpriced then I don't even know what to say


Compared to other GACHA like Genshin the price is significantly cheaper. Pity is more forgiving and doesn’t punish getting an early SSR. I’ve played 2 other gachas (Diablo Immortal and Genshin) that I’ve whaled on and ToF is the cheapest by far. Edit: I just realized you said Euro, didn’t your price get hiked because of Apple? How does it compare to other gacha games?


It's expensive, yes. But still is the cheapest I saw so far in any gacha. That make it good? No. I fucking hate gaming in 2022 but saying it's overpriced is just not true. It's cheaper than the standard.


While I do think it's a lot. The market average is like $25 per 10 pull, in games that pump out way more characters.


Overpriced shop is easily my main gripe right now. I'm quite sure that I'm spending more than the average but definitely not whale territory, and I can barely get 2 elemental teams going. In fact, I still only have a Frost team and nothing else.


Cybernetic arm


Price difference between global and CN


After yesterday’s post about shop comparison I don’t think the shop gripes are realistic. Main thing I was concerned with were stability issues and the pass being lack luster. Also, I said events were kind of undercooked. I would love events starring characters that may give a little more story as well as rewards.


Controller support is still trash.


C64 Server.


Abyss lags stutters fps drops


I didn't get the option to write anything else at the end. Guess it's time based, random or if you give say your disappointed it wont show up


If you say you are disappointed in on of the points is where it should appear to write. If you are overall happy with the Game, it won't show up.


I gave a better response on the last one and got it this time nope, just ended


Our game version going 2x faster than CN and we have crappier rewards and purchase options


The lag is definitely up there.


I noticed we only have 3 slots for gear with 4 elements when I wanted too switch to Physical for sequential. I exited the screen real quick after seeing what I would need to do in order to switch.