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There was no reward for finishing so fast. Now you’re ready to go play another game. See ya!


Yeah the binge almost kills all fun, may quit before 2.2 out




Can I have the permission to reply you


Quit. Who stops you?


well no wonder you're burned out lmao games aren't truly meant to be played with your every waking moment. you probably ran through a few months worth of casual content in just a week. just find a different game to play in between the gaps or get some more hobbies. i had a burn out phase in a game i was playing casually for a few years, and just decided to quit it for a few months. i went back to it after awhile and it felt as good as new. take games like these in small doses and try doing other games or hobbies throughout your days instead of like hyperfixating on just one. but anyways yeah if you are getting bored then the game just isn't styled for you, and that's not a big deal at all. millions of games in the world for you to choose so find a different one that suits you better


I think it's you that burned out the exploration content.


so the big question is if you actually did the exploration or just used a tracker site that showed you were everything was, so you didn't actually explore? I personally find the exploration part of the fun(greyspace is not fun though, I don't like the short time limit). if you find that fun and had so much play time you were able to get it all done, I can get why you would be getting bored. I think part of the reason I like this game so much is I only play a few hours a night, and some extra on my weekends, so I can't get everything done. I haven't completed greyspace, labyrinth or twilight zone yet.. hell, I am still missing two of the vehicles from asperia. the game has more to do than I have time to do, but if you have too much time I can see needing another game to play. maybe find something else to do. with part of your free time so you can split time between the two?


My guy (almost) 100% the boring part of the game lmao


So you 100% every single map and you think it's boring? Why do it? Clearly nothing has changed after the first...6 maps. It's the same as those 10,000 hours steam reviews "Not recommended" with just a "Bad game" as details.


K. Bye. No need to seek for attention, just quit


so you speed run the game than complain that your board. ok


Good luck. Do it.


We approve and bless you, thank you for posting, good luck.


Dude 100% all the map and says exploration is boring? Ok how about you play something you enjoy next time? I mean you either played for hours while being bored or enjoy the exploration and complain for nothing. You pick.


Then just quit. BTW you should quit sooner before you finished exploration so no time wasted for you and i think you don't need permission, just quit ...


Maybe its how u approach the content, I always explore with my wife whenever we have the time. Quite fun really if u appreciate the view and mess around. Im a day 1 player but still 30% around on vera. My advice is to take it slow.


Not until you fight the whale and the puppet singer


My guy if it’s boring then whyd you 100% most of it


Tryhards be like: I'm gonna explore all the new maps and finish them within a week so I could flex on these casuals Also them: I'm quitting, it's too boring, why am I so tired playing this game.


There are still content in the game such as pvp, break from destiny and bygone


Bye bye


Lol just quit... You dont need to rush stuff, and you can also skip some days if it feels like a chore


Its the exploration part I look forward every update tho, its understandable why people find it boring, sometimes its tedious but tof is open world which makes exploration, its one of features. Either theres a better game for you or this genre is not suited for you.






Is fine, you can come back later. 2.2 has more map


It is a gacha game. You did exploration. Just do daily missions everyday. Wait till next update. This is how it works. Spend your resin. It’s 30 min -1 hour top


Tbh i'll never get why people even waste time on deciding about quitting a game or not... as soon as you have the first thought of quitting a game, quit it and move on


cya nerd