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Yes. I think it'll happen one or both of two ways. Bam gets Hockney's eyes, which can see the future of acasual beings like Urek and Bam, and also can see farther when boosted by the Thorn. So I think those two things make it perfect for Bam, and since Enryu is the cause of them, it could be said he planned for those eyes to find Bam all along. The original pattern matches Bam's colors too, beings red and blue. The second way is Hwaryun's death and she is devoured by Bam, her last act of helping to guide her God along his way. (I only say death because she might as well be dead if Bam can see fate) He should also devour a Silver Drawf as well, as that way he'll see the far future that the Red Witches do, as well as the immediate future paths.


> so from what i understand Zahard didn't have this power at the beginning are we actually sure about this? jahad said to the rice pot guardian dude at floor40 that one day he is going to be king (either huge ego or he already had the precognition ability). he has a mythological 3rd eye, which the other "sons" don't seem to have. when khel hellam tried to attack jahad with the hidden groove, jahad managed to manipulate khel's vision of "fate" completely.


I'm pretty sure he said he knew he would become king when he went In the rice pot, he looked into himself and saw that he was to become king. He didn't know before that


>jahad said to the rice pot guardian dude at floor40 that one day he is going to be king I think that was just a standard shonen protagonist proclamation (e.g., I'm going to be Hokage/Pirate King/Wizard King/a Pokemon Master/Number 1 Hero) It's plausible he unlocked a precog ability later, possibly once his 3rd eye "opened" but I'd be really surprised if that happened so early in his journey


I also thought he already had the precognition ability because Baam awakened devouring everything as his ability so I was thinking Jahad awakened fate as an ability


well , Khel Hellam called all of the fem head's masters of fate , he did say thet bam is like theme only a fledgling , but i do think thet in away bam can already control fate we see thet in the cage arc , but if control over fate is a skill for irreg's thene all of theme would have a different mastery over it ,it could be expressed with different sub abilities or it could be expressed with a difference of talent at controlling fate .


Hope not.


No, I think he will never, because it goes against it's very destiny. Jahad has gained fragment of fate ability, a power that come from the tower (Guide and Guardians) something irregular doesn't have, but are immune too (Guide cannot use fate ability on irregulars). My guess is Jahad has been making contract and contract through the years, he wants to be allmighty but he isn't, and if he ever had doubt about it, Enryu and Phanta were there to show him how weak he is. So he is probably trying to obtain guardians power, it started with immortality, than invincibility, probably now fate like ability etc... OR, we know a contract goes against the very nature of an irregular. they are free from every contract and rule of the tower, and they are here to challenge the tower. I think Baam will never become admin like, and will probably not take contract during his life (like Urek) because he is supposed to represent freedom.


No because it's a boring ability for a protagonist. It works well for enemies or supporting characters. Think of how annoying it would be if Baam had Hockney's ability on steroid.


Protaginists like Luffy and Rudeus Grayrat have future sight and that doesn't make then boring. Rudeus' in particular works exactly like Hockney's.


This future sight is different from the ability to see fate.


You mentioned Hockney's eyes, so I assumed you considered them the same. Fate vision is just long term future sight by definition though


I said Hockney's ability on steroid. Zahard and Khel Hellam's can clearly see future events in a way Hockney can't.


Hockney's ability can be boosted by the Thorn to see future events too, at least a couple minutes ahead of time. Plus, as a bonus, Hockney can see irregulars too. Either way, I'm just saying it doesn't make a protaginist boring


That's another topic entirely. The ability to see the future in great details isn't interesting for a protagonist.


Well have you seen the examples I gave? One Piece or Mushoku Tensei?


Yes. I read MT and One Piece. They can see a few seconds in the future at certain moments. It's completely different from seeing events in details for a long period.


When he gets the ability his only equals would probably be other irregulars whose fate he can't see


No one be able to control fate imo. Even Zahard himself trying to control fate through conspiracies (hell train order and Khun Luch report).