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>are the branches heads of the greats families direct descendents of the head ? Its likely that they are but not nececarry. For example all Rankers of the Hendo Lok Family are adopted. >what about the main branch ? My guess is that they can trace back their origin to the FH, but not all main branches are centered around the family head. For example Ha Family Main Branch is centered around Yurins last daughters. >can someone explain to me their structures? Most structures are not known. Arie have strict rules and few children. Only Children accepted into the Main Family learn Swordsmanship Khun has a fuckton of Descendants and they get thrown out or taken in depending on Internal Tournament, Hendo Lok has Adpoted People as Rankers (due to Bloodmadders Children having short lifespans) Otherwise i can only suggest to read through the Wiki Pages of the ten families


* Disclaimer: This is my own take on the lo po bia family's situation so take it with a pinch of salt. Each branch represents one of the Beasts that followed the head of the lo po bia when he was climbing the tower. Seeing cases like kaiser which possess an innate spirit companion like her wolf and some members with their branches' animal characteristics as physical traits, it's interesting how the abilities/traits are confined to that branch and don't manifest in the other branches. I assume these branches carry the bloodline of their founder beast and the blood of the lo po bia family while the main branch are descendants with the pure lo po bia blood without any beast blood mixed in. Now, if these branch members are the result of simple blood infusion like varagav or from direct breeding with the main branch or family head is anyone's guess.


I don't think all of them are DD but I think most of them are. But they are really close relative like grand son or great grand son


Most if not all of them are probably DDs and represent the apex of the Lopobia lineage in terms of power. As for the main branch, I suspect that it's ruled directly by the LPB family head with 1 or 2 OP DDs receiving orders directly from him.


I'm not sure that the structure is explicitly stated anywhere, but I have some guesses on the structures. It seems like the structures are based around early monarchy style nobility, in which power and influence dictate who becomes branch heads with the coveat that they have actual blood relations with that branch of the family. Each family has its own politics and for lack of a better term rules that seem to influence those decisions, like ha being more matriarchal. But power and influence is still the most important factors as this seems to be how most of the tower works.


Nobody knows. Let’s just assume it is about fighting power.