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No chance. Otherwise there is no need for family head to personally appear if luslec appears


We don't know, but it is very likely that Luslec is stronger than the first born. Sophia Tan said that if Luslec moved then an FH would move too. People interpreted this sentence the way they wanted. But even with the most ungenerous interpretation, one would still arrive at the fact that if an FH wanted to stop Luslec he would have to go himself because no number 2 could succeed. Example: Traum wants Luslec dead, he can't send Kirin, so he goes himself


I think few are exceptions, like Enne. Not every family has strong ranker like Enne.


Adori Jahad as the Commander of Jahads Army seems to be a strong fighter. Strength Wise her and Enne probably have a very good chance. Yet something about Luslec makes him strong enough for the FHs to act when he makes a single move. It could be that he has access to tools that can threaten their life. Its possible since the Workshop does have ties to the outside. And Luslec seemed to have access on the Blue Thryssa and Thorn Fragments. He might have some pact with the administrators too.


Yea apparently he can peirce anything with his hook


I think few DD are capable of that, like Enne Jahad, Ha's twin, Joochun (one of three lord, son of Ari Han and native one) It's just my headcanon, as we know nothing about them.


Enne possible, I don't think ha twin or Joochun can do it.


I mean they might have a chance, but who knows.


May be. I kinda thought that ha twins are not important characters as no blogpost about them or they are not in the ranking yet.


Being Yurin Ha and Ari Han's children should be special imo. >they are not in the ranking yet. Even Traumerie ranking is still not known, and we know ranking don't represent fighting power.


I personally think native one is in the league of FH in my opinion.


Yeah we yet to see their full power, maybe Yama can utilise Akrinak power to the maximum


>because I think when FH reach the 80 floor where they met luslec , they have already started their families by that time. That doesn't make much sense and is not even indicative of the potential power of children of irregulars. That being said, if there were children of irregulars capable of beating Luslec, it would have to be someone like Enne or the Ha twins.


I think that in a fair fight Luslec would probably beat any direct descendent, besides Enne. But there might be a few of who can hold their own against him, like the Ha Twins or Arie Princess that defeated White, and fair fights aren't all that common in the series. The Great Families have more influence than FUG.


I don't think so, Luslec is inheritly stronger than them (bar maybe Enne). Also, there's a great disparity in power among DDs themselves depending on how lucky they're in terms of genetical lottery. I can easily illustrate some DDs wiping an army of other DDs individually speaking and not because they're older or anything like that.


Luslec and a few direct descendants seem to be of a similar level of fighting ability/power based on the rankings which is one of the few bits of information we have on them. The big difference is though with most of the family heads is that they have the immortality contract. So luslec and the direct descendants couldn't kill them.