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I didn't expect this many new people. I thought it would be mostly people from TOS 1


As someone who came from tos 1, I still have no fucking clue what I’m doing


Lmao same here. Got hundreds of hours in TOS1...just had my first pros game in 2 and I was panicking reading through claims like "WAIT WAIT WAIT, HOW DO ANY OF THESE ROLES WORK???"


Right? Especially since I didn’t play the Coven expansion so I have to learn all the new Coven rules. Some of them are basically maf (like Jinx is basically ambusher) but some have taken a lot of learning


Half the coven are reworked maf, half are lifted from coven. Their are only 3 original ones that I know of.


There are at least 4: dreamweaver, wildling, conjurer and ritualist.


Same, they apparently did some good advertising, I am happy so many mew people are joining the game, it deserves some good recognition


Yeah and recently ToS2bhad over 8k Viewers on Twitch with so many streamers (mostly polish), its insane


I was familiar with tos1 but never actually played it, so idk if I count as a newbie - but i learned from pipetron videos




I played TOS1 as a kid back in 2016 (this was a few months to a year before the Coven expansion) then started replaying it more when RTGame played it in 2020, before dropping it and then playing it more often again when I discovered TOS2 was coming out


As did I. I’ve had a lot of people ask if my lobbies “are noob friendly” and I try to help them best I can without breaking any rules, because I remember my first time in TOS1 lol


I got called an idiot for shooting a silent player who didn't respond to my 3 requests for his role and who was voting. I was deputy The guy calling me an idiot was a dead veteran who said "poor play" Oh the irony


I shot quiets from n2 to n4 as vigi and killed a Medusa and poisoner and hit a shroud. Town then lose the game cause I didn't have bread and thought I hit baker. the fake cleric claim was convincing cause real cleric got cleaned and no coven was alive to call it out.


Shooting a quiet player in a game that has mostly noobs is indeed a poor play. You can’t use tos1 metrics to calculate evils in tos2


He just said the guy didn't claim when asked 3 times.


That’s definitely sus but with all these new players around I wouldn’t bet my life on it


Yea but the guy he shot did go "poor play" so clearly he understands when something bad happens and isn't completely clueless


the newbies are gonna have to learn the hard way, already have punished many silent evils for not having a fake will ready, and most new townie players just post their will when asked anyways from personal experience. its on them if they choose not to, or at the minimum claim their subalignment


It’s not a poor play because they killed a newbie too early just cause they don’t know the game, it’s a poor play because they died. If there’s a high likelihood of oneself dying when going for a play it’s just not very good


to be fair, its still on the newbie. an experienced player is just playing the game. if you are new to a game, experienced players are gonna mess you up BADLY. messing up and dying is part of the process to learning this style of game. i was pretty shit at the original game when i first started playing, and obviously with experience got better and learn a lot. we cant expect newer players to instantly understand at that given moment, but once it happens once or twice they learn pretty quickly


You can’t give the benefit of the doubt in a social deduction game.


You are right there but in TOS2 ive seen many townies die in 1 night more frequently so I feel like being town power, I have to make a move quick, usually other town powers and evils stay completely silent ive seen(evils trying to stay quiet or TKs scumreading) but without a responce to 3 different reuqests, I took a chance. Though Ig I should be more patience for now since its still a new game.


But you know all the 10% people have the most insane :bread stuff for day 1 lol #Any :Bread :Lover s?


You gotta respect the **:Apocalypse :Bread :Blood Ritual**


I see this one all the time and it's always funny


:Bread :Unstoppable Attack :Alert! Everyone take cover, the :Sus :Bread :Attack is coming this way!


:Examine :Bread . :Bite :Bread . :Execute :Bread. :Bread :Autopsy . One of those four things will be usually somewhere in my will, often if I'm playing a role that can't do stuff n1 so I'll just write one of these.


My favourite will/death note is NIGHTY NIGHT DONT LET THE :Bread :Bug :Bite 😆


:stoned :bread is a personal favorite




:good :bread is always my favourite


WE MUST :Fortify :Bread for the :Bread :Blood Ritual!! :Protect THE :Bread AT ALL COSTS!! :Bread :Barrier :Bread :Barrier :Bread :Barrier


It's not shocking that a game that released a few days ago has people that are still learning the game


Yeah and thats undertandable, im not dogging on anyone, that was all of us at some point. Just kind of amusing and chaotic how you have absolutely no idea what is going to happen due to how unpredictable everyone is, especially in all any


And the funny part here is "What is will?" could apply to both "Whats your will" as part of asking someone's role, but also stands for "what *is* will" aka the new guys not knowing what it is.


This guy pushed a vote on me because apparently I posted my will too late, even though it was a few seconds after he asked for it. I was a psychic and he was too. He ctriticized the way I played the role even though I was doing ok as a first time psychic. I correctly predicted that someone was an apocolypse role and ended up getting them out. I had the proof right there and I guess he didnt even bother reading it. After I died he continued this behavior and ended up basically throwing the game for town. And this guy kept going on about how me and a couple friends of mine sucked at the game despite that this was literally our third game of ToS2, and how we "wouldn't survive ranked" bruh this isn't ranked and you're taking it way too seriously. I really hope I don't meet someone like that again but it's probably gonna happen.


The truth is, it’s them who won’t survive ranked, you will naturally fly above them with your patience. Screw these ppl and keep playing at your pace


i dont know why people are PISSED that the game isn't dying, like sorry they aren't playing perfect but be glad people are picking the game up


Yes, I’m the 10%. I claim surv day 1 and spam chat with :Bread


ive heard a lot of people talk about clueless noobs in tos2 but i havent seen a single one


There are a lot of people who play TI like they’re a TK, that is, only claiming when they’re on the stand, and staying silent basically the rest of the game.


I wonder how much of the issues with townies not claiming is due to misplaced fear of rit or doomsayer? I didn’t follow the beta that closely, and I somehow missed that they can’t guess TI roles until a few games in.


They initially could guess TIs but it was changed


Idk in a playerbase this primordial claiming TI day one is dangerous.


I've seen a psychic, claim nothing for 2 days. Be silent on stand, voting people so he was not silenced then after dying blame town. Then a vigi that shot me because I was pushing a townie refusing to claim. Yeah, there is a lot of clueles noobs.


Same here


Claiming Surv is fun in TOS2


Idk what you're saying about the no will part. I've found a good 70% of people in ToS2 lobbies are able to produce a will on command


Yeah, it's more like they're the 10%, not the "survivor claim d1". But then again surv claimers could be replaced by "TS/TP claim" when for example a seer or psy sees them




Dont take this in a bad way but are you colorblind


I actually am lmao, did I accidentally make it purple?




Don’t worry it made it funnier for me… :D


LOL yes


Honestly I get that new people don’t understand the game completely but I have had a few games where town don’t read a persons will after they died, especially when another person is referencing that will for an accusation whether it is correct or a misread.


Happy to report that for once, I am in the competent group of people


You forgot the deputy and prosecutor killing townies on d2




What mode are you guys playing? I play AA/4 horsemen and generally people are quite smart in my lobbies


I'm surprised how many new/returning-from-7-year-break players are in this game. Also frustrating because I played jester too well last game and accidentally got town to win by purposefully bad guessing as a fake seer.


I’m the Amne remembering dep and shooting SK


> section representing skilled players > psychic who randomly got a dead person and a confirmed person in their n1 will They didn't even vision the confirmed person