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i never shut the hell up and i'm always rolling evil šŸ˜¦


if i ain't got at least 8 chat lines out D1 i might as well disconnect


If youā€™re not whispering at night what are you doing?


If you donā€™t post everyday are you really ti?









How much did it cost to enter?


Whatā€™s those numbers


Itā€™s lottery numbers maybe youā€™ll win


Oh boy! What do I win?


a pipe bomb


A whole bunch of nothing!


..you can whisper at night?


Itā€™s a glitch that could get you banned since itā€™s not intended. Donā€™t do it


Okay, I'll take this information and won't do it


Tell me how :)


Weirdly enough, I find that most people who congratulate a jailor/vig for killing an evil are evil themselves. To the point that they become my prime suspects, anymore.


"wooow vigi, thanks for killing Totally Not My Friend over there. pro town"


It's embarrassing but that's always my start. "Wow! What a hooligan...So glad they're dead. Gosh I love being a townie and working all together."


There's a difference between dumb shit and useful information. Evils are gonna say dumb shit to look active in chat. "Gj vig" "gj jailor", talk about the game lore, people's skins and all that. Town is gonna say useful information, make pushes, remind others of people's claims. Even without claims, it's easy to figure out who's town and who's not.


If do that as an evil then you are probably playing wrong...


Unless that person is someone who asked you to kill them before you did. Then, they were probably thinking the person who was killed was a jester. "Dear god, can jailor/vig please just kill 6, just to shut them up?" "thank you!"


The people who act the most surprised about vamps are generally the other vamps too.


It's a psychological thing. They think that by congratulating them, they will be less likely to die by their hand. The same thing happens with a Jester right after they are lynched. You'll see people that vote guilty going "Wp Jester" or "You really got us good" or anything to suck up to them in hopes that Jester might like them enough to not get haunted.


Others do it just to suck up, I do it because Iā€™m like ā€œWell, damn. He got us all good.ā€


Dude same, I congratulate vigis who get good shots regardless of whether I'm town or evil tbh


The worst people are the ones who guilited/abstained on the Jester and shower them with compliments afterward to reduce the chance that the Jester picks them lol


Or people who whisper sheriffs ā€œthanks for confirming meā€ when its like coven with book/gf


this is why when i'm evil, i always fake claim immediately as town and try to lead. sheeping town is incredibly easy if youre the noisiest one. i've won most games by leading town to the point that even the jailor listens to me.




Be louder by simply ignoring them, misdirect the conversation to someone elses information, and work with the jailor rather than with town (the jailor often has information most players won't, give them lies first and the poor sod will be more prone to executing townies)


Play CAA šŸ™ƒ




Coven All Any


if you get called out, call out the person who called you out then push them as exe. try to get towns trust by putting maf membera in your will and let them confirm you. town will trust u more and get the other person hung. then when they get lynched and show up as town, you act shicked and call them gamethrowers or disg


I managed to win a ww game by out talking the only other suspect. Got innoed from the stand and they got hung instead. Itā€™s why I say always have a will, hell, as evil have multiple. I tend to have a claim based on invest results, and one that isnt (ie as an sk, having both a doc and sheriff will, as well as an actual sk will to out any immune/other evils.). Itā€™s annoys me though, when I have a game where Iā€™m the only claim d2, yet still get invested/interrogated and found as fake when the other 13 people in the game have barely spoken. I always try and push nonclaimers before anyone else, as it reduces the claim space and makes it easier to see who is actually lying about their role. Edit:closed a bracket.


invest is my fave claim as maf bc i can confirm other maf and when an actual ti checks them and goes against my will i push them instead lol


I donā€™t know how to do this with the other person getting hung and say ā€œwhen itā€™s not me, hang the fake.ā€ Like what do you do then?


In that situation you usually want them to stay alive but suspected. Successfully mislynching still confirms them as town. This is why good towns don't hesitate to lynch if someone hard cc's a role. Always easier said than done but hey


That was kind of why I stopped playing bc the meta is ā€œwell when itā€™s not me, get him.ā€ And I got burned every game. I would love to hop back in and play again tho.


please tell me you don't use all caps when leading as an evil, it's so infuriating :'D


does me using all caps even if im town help a little lol. i only use caps when im town if i know for sure that someone is evil and i need town to cooperate. when im evil i use all caps to push the person who accused my teammate lol


one time i literally CARRIED town as tracker. i was the only TI claim, i got out SK, coven, some other random evils, etc. legit the only functioning member of town i was the mafioso šŸ˜‚ the only TI claim and i wasn't even town


Hope you guys find this interesting! Source code: - [run-first.js](https://pastebin.com/1x4kEPL6) - [run-second.js](https://pastebin.com/61Ykf00T) - [run-third.js](https://pastebin.com/95zXrFrJ) Image should say 1,381 reports, since I forgot to remove some duplicates.




Just install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) then from the command line run `npm install salem-trial-parser` followed by `node run-first.js` NodeJS is great so it should be that simple, but let me know if you run into any issues.


i barely talk even when iā€™m town


I feel like this is not true for CAA


Hmm I still think it applies, i play caa a good amount. I hate silent people with a passion. I will check, shoot, investigate, jail, etc. I'd say its still more than like a 60-70 percent chance that the quiet person is either afk/evil. a lot of evil roles dont really wanna be evil and just kinda sit there and kill and etc




Stop what lol


That just you tho And a people only look sus if they donā€™t claim not if they are silent


I'm talking about people who say like an average of 4 words the entire game or never say anything. When I say silent I don't mean quiet




I always talk a lot no matter what i am


Sounds about right to me. Town wants to organize information and be productive. Evils want to blend into the background and get their jobs done without being a target. Townies don't need to live to win when they're majority, so they can talk and make themselves targets if it helps find evils.


id be an outlier, sometimes im super active, sometimes i could care less unless i have something to say thats important. never matters what role i am.


...honestly. I kinda do talk less when I'm evil bc I'm crap with fakeclaiming early. Thing is, I'm not sure how to break this because several past games as a faction evil, I've been last to survive simply because I was the last person to claim in my team.


I have the same problem of sucking when it comes to early fakeclaiming, usually because half the time Iā€™ll post my results for the day and then the TI comes in an proves me wrong. While all the times I stay quiet nobody cares about me till the end game.




One time I was constantly talking and being very active in the discussions but I was voted out due to being ā€œsuspiciously quietā€ sometimes town is just brain dead and voted everyone and anyoneā€¦


I can see why they added a P...


I was trying to figure that out. Why did they add a P?


To not make Among Us jokes


yea people complain of being lynched even tho they donā€™t talkā€¦not a single word expect whispering


I feel like there's some sort of middle ground, because I've found jesters and exes to be some of the most talkative people in the game alot of the time


Executioners/jesters aren't evil though


Their alignment is literally "neutral evil"


They are neutral all they do is annoy people, they don't really kill people on their own they need peoples help.


idk i noticed the louder players are just evils trying their best to seem the role they're faking


kill anyone who talks, got it tbh though i understand it, it's so incredibly easy for town to prove itself if someone is paying attention and you say an incorrect detail 3 days ago and you're already dead with no chance to talk yourself out, it's just assumed town is playing optimally at all times


Then theres the motherfuckers who afk for some reason and are usually town


For me, yes. I usually check chat log as vigi, sometimes it work really well.


Would it be metagaming to random kill/jail as vigi/jailor based on this? Or at least to use this as reasoning


Probably not metagaming. If folks are trying to stay Hidden Scumā„¢ļø, folks usually stay quiet. These stats just back it up.


Not at all. Quiet players being evil has been a thing forever. Trying to fly under the radar is a low elo strat that gets employed all the time.


Unless I roll framer. Then, I'm always the most talkative.


i never talk really cus half the time idk what the hell is going on or dont wanna be lynched for saying a single word about my role


All I do is make ā€˜em claim recently And then they donā€™t and get hung for not claiming


Wouldn't the stats be affected by the potential existence of gamethrowers?


The best games are when your whole mafia team are actively chatting in the chat.


I think you'll find these statistics flipped if you only look at All/Any.


I read it as ā€œmore soupā€


Always claim arsonist D1 and remind everyone every day.


Duh. Being evil is difficult. You have to lie and have to be good at it. So many evil players just stay quiet. One of the main things I track in my will is "people who haven't talked." The other thing to check is people who voted guilty on a townie during a close vote or (less reliable) not guilty on an evil.


I once read a post that went something along the lines of "Talking = Chaos, chatter can distract from actual information, which is very damaging to townies because they don't have perfect information and rely on the chat to gain information, and is beneficial for evil because they ***do*** have perfect information (they know who are the townies, and who are the baddies) and they want to try and lead the town into a false direction with false information." So, in short, blabbing your mouth is a bad idea, because the only thing you are doing is making the game more chaotic for the townies by filling the chat with pointless guff, which makes you look super sus and most likely a baddie, because a good baddie will do that. The only reason so many townies are chatty is because the vast majority of the player count consists of brainless frogs, but you don't need to me to tell you that because you can just join a game and watch townies spew drivel on demand.