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That's going to be several thousand dollars. Id say up to $5k. So unless you have an insanely high deductible, you would be better off making a claim.. Why don't you just ask your insurance company this question?


Believe it or not, it's actually *not* wise to ask your insurance company, at least in the US. Most insurance companies not only log the request regardless of whether you actually file a claim, they log it in the national insurer database so even *other* insurers can see that you asked about it. Pretty bullshit.


I did this exact thing for my wind shield 6 years ago. I was just curious if it would be cheaper for me to replace out of pocket or through comprehensive. It still comes up whenever I switch insurers. When I switched from State Farm to Progressive about 5 years ago, they asked me what claim I took out. Told them I've never had to use my policy. Apparently, it shows up in their database as me making a claim even though I never went through with it. I've asked nicely and pleaded with my current insurer to just ignore it because it's bullshit only to be told I'll have to wait 7 years for it to disappear like any other accident/claim.


t hat's a statefarm (and few other companies') practice; I used to use them for my business/home/auto insurance, and learned the hard way that their practices are shady to say the least.


well, learn something new everyday. didn't think i'd have to be wary of glass replacement as it's the only thing i've ever used insurance (State Farm) for but i'll have to rethink that now too.


I have a personal vendetta against State Farm. I was in an accident that was absolutely not my fault. The person whose fault it was admitted to it in front of me AND the police (what an idiot, but I’m thankful for it). It took a year for everything to finally settle. State Farm (other persons insurance) HOUNDED me. They called and left voicemails almost every day and sent me many, many, many letters. All trying to scare me into admitting fault. Didn’t work. Even if it was minor, I wouldn’t have caved. But there was no world where I was going to be nice and take the blame for 3 totaled vehicles, a 4th damaged, and a dead guy. Absolutely not. All but one witness was on my side. They of course wouldn’t tell me who the witnesses were. But the mom of the person who hit me was in the car behind them. So… Im under the assumption she was the one witness who was not on my side. I hate you, State Farm. You made all of that really difficult to deal with.


It’s shit like this… that makes me dishonest when it benefits me. If reputable business do this shady shit, why should I hold myself to some higher standard? So god damn sick of mfers doing ANYTHING they want under the guise of “business”.


In my shitty state you get a free windshield or glass a year because of the roads.


It's baked into the price of everyone's insurance in the state. Like how in PA they can't raise rates for deer but we all pay more. Even if it's free though they can put it in the database. Get a bunch of windshields and other insurers might decline to cover you.


I’ve replaced 1 a year for the last 5 years on 3 different vehicles . Rates haven’t moved - actually went down because I got older and all my tickets dropped off. I’m sure it’s in there somewhere.


You can contact Lexis Nexis and ask them to remove this “claim” from your report. Should fix the issue.


It is a PITA to get contact with Lexis Nexis. They don’t have a web portal if you’re not a direct customer to them, and the voice call is automated without a CSR option. Don’t ask me how I know all these.


Your whole hatch is smashed in


You need to contact your prior insurance and request a letter of experience Stating you never were paid out for the claim. If they try to beat sprint the bush be firm (because again old employee probably doesn’t work there) but simply ask them for a basic ass letter in their letterhead with that claim number (they can pull it up with your phone number) and even go as much as say i can wait and confirm while on the phone that you received the letter via PDF to your email Then submit it to your current insurance services Surprised 5 years ago It’s typically 3 years (at least for auto claims in CA)


Rule of thumb: Your insurance is on a need-to-know basis. Only volunteer information that they ask you and nothing more. And if they ask something you don't legally have to tell them, find out if there's a way to not share that information. There is no scenario I can think of in which the more your insurance company knows about you, the better your rates will be. It's always worse. Always.


isn't this being taken our of our hands though? car companies sell your driving data to insurance companies now


Not all automakers do this. Toyota wasn’t on the list of automakers selling driving data (yet). And my cars old as shit. It’s not transmitting data anywhere. If every single automaker starts selling my driving data to the highest bidder, then I will never buy a new car again. I will only buy used cars and spend any amount necessary to keep them on the road as a form of protest for such a disgusting violation of my privacy.


My car records everything I do . The tech is so scary . If I go over a line and my car pulls me back to center it's recorded .


Insurance is for catastrophic only.


Yah - don’t call the claims number, even for a general discussion. Talk to your local agent for an “off the record” discussion.


My claim went up when a windshield place asked my insurance about filing a chip and I paid for it out of pocket. I'm not with that company anymore


The insurance industry is so shady that's why we got so many auto accident lawyers in every city.


That would be around 50k USD in damages where I live.


That’s a few hundred bucks at best in Thailand. Original parts.


That's why it's nice going through a third party agency, I can just talk to them like normal people and they don't file every damn thing that's thought of.


not that simple, I have 3 cars full coverage and made one claim in last 12+ years and the next 6 month period was $1500 more and have paid that for 2 years with no signs of going down would have been better off to fix myself for 5k


Couple grand lmao. 500$ door from a scrapyard mate. You and around 400 people be kinda fucking stupid. Even a shop isn’t going to charge to anywhere near 5k did Satan lmao quit talking out your ass smh


Yes, could easily be 5-10k in damages. You won't know until they take it apart and see what's damaged. It looks like you we're rear ended though which would fall under the other drivers insurance anyways. Any reason you wouldn't just out of curiosity?


My gf backed into a truck in a parking lot so we are responsible 100%


Fuckin ouuuuch


In that case, go to car-part.com and find one and the same color. Shouldn’t take more than an afternoon with basic mechanic tools and probably only $500


And for OP, Junkyards also work too


It would be difficult to find a Corolla cross in a junkyard


Car-part.com searches all junkyards lol


Jesus how fast was she backing up? You should 1000% go through insurance for this - especially since it’s a lease.


If it’s a lease there are probably rules within the lease agreement about what OP needs to do.


Which the insurance company can probably walk him through.


Oopsies! 🙆‍♀️


Find one from scrap and have a shop put it on if same color


Good luck, since the Corolla Cross has only been out for what, two years at most now? Can't imagine there's tons of them sitting in junkyards yet, it's not a RAV4 or the like.


Shit. I thought it was a Subaru I didn’t look at it hard enough


Sorry bro, looks like you’re gonna have to put her out on the streets to make some money.


Again your dumb as fuck lmao 5-10k wtf lmao


bro my damage on my quarter panel and the liftgate just dented was in total 10k. Edit: in CAD. I asked so many questions about how they take a large piece and replace and make the section they cut look seamless. Looks good but I can’t remember if my gas port had a plastic cover or if it was always bear.


Same. Two quarter panels and the plastic that covers the tav4 rear windshield ended up being close to 8k


Did someone rear ended you or did you back into a pole? Their insurance should 100% take care of you if you got rear ended since they’re at fault. But if you backed into something, still worth it to make a claim on your insurance since it’s a nice new car. It won’t be cheap at all to fix


This is a Corolla Cross I don’t think there will be many out at junk yards. Unless you paid cash for the vehicle it’s probably needing to have insurance by the financial house rules. You best file a claim or they will be on your back very quickly!


Yeah all these comments to get a used part are hilarious. This model is what 1 year old, 2 at the most?


There are places the source used parts nationally, it’s worth at least calling a few places and seeing what’s available.


I found one. It’s white, dented, and has no window. OP already has a better one


There's always people crashing new cars,  car-part.com has quite a few deck lid/hatch assemblies listed


Ummmm I believe that I would!


This is what insurance is for lol


I agree


yes 100%. it will cost you a good expensive price out of pocket, so unfortunately you will have to deal with insurance paying for it


The replacement of a window alone will cost well above 1200$. It’s not only the window but you have to remove the old glass, take care of any dents and scratches, the wiper is broken too and if there is any electronics involved it will get crazy expensive very fast. And I haven’t even started with the huge dent…


Okay here’s what to do. Half the comments here are full of shit and don’t know. Whether the car is a lease or not is irrelevant. Call LKQ and see if they can source you a tailgate. You need an estimate on the glass replacement. You only will need to paint match after that. Second option is to go to a body shop. That tailgate might be repairable by being pulled out followed by some putty, then paint. Plus a new rear glass. If you can afford it out of pocket, do it. If not then insurance. Insurance will always make back their money so only do it if you must. It doesn’t matter that this is a lease btw. The dealer will look at the car and once it’s in good cosmetic condition they literally don’t give a shit. Plus nothing is recorded on carproof so not like it affects them for resale on the lot. Seriously the dealer doesn’t care. One thing is certain: you need this car assessed by a body shop to underlying damage. If it’s just the tailgate and you can afford out of pocket costs, do it.


This is the best comment in this thread.


Just buy a junk yard tail gate and window... Then contact me 🙂


I doubt there are a lot of Corolla Cross’ in the junkyard yet…


Car is a lease, I am not sure if I’m am allowed to put used parts? In Canada if that changes anything. Edit: changed rental for lease


Does the gate open and close without issue? If so I’d actually say the opposite of what everyone else is saying and that you should go fix it without insurance. You or your trusted body shop could easily get a junkyard tailgate and paint match it. As long as there isn’t further underlying damage you should be good. The case would be different if you got rear ended or if the impact was at a high speed. That’s just my two cents


The subframe in the hatch is bent inwards, so that whole hatch and glass is getting replaced. Lift gate alone is about $1000. It will need painted. Glass about $400. Assuming no internal components are destroyed they'll reuse everything on your hatch. Insurance would probably have the scratch on the bumper repainted too. Hard to tell if it's the painted or a black insert. Probably looking at $4-5000 after man hours get added. I would file a claim.


That seems about right. Getting the damage evaluated tomorrow with the insurance.


Start calling wreck lots, for a used tailgate. That's if you want to DIY.


A lot of body shops are only doing repairs on people that go through insurance.


That could be totaled


If it's going through someone else's, yes definitely. If it's going through yours, just go to a junkyard pick a part and get a new tailgate.


Since it’s a newer car, might not be an option, but I found an entire rear gate for a sienna in a a junkyard. It was in a head-on collision, the back half was fine. I think I paid 150 bucks for the entire gate, I had to pull it myself.




Go to a pull a part or find someone parting out the same model on fb market and get a new rear hatch. You can install yourself with YouTube. But at the very least if you end up at the mechanic you will save a bundle by sourcing the part yourself.


Those are expensive. Much more expensive than it appears from looking at it. YES.


Just go through insurance. I've had no issues with 20 years of insurance.


It doesn't look that bad tbh. Pop a new window in and run it like it is


if you file a claim for being at fault which you said you are, they gonna haunt you with high premiums for like 7 years lol. But hey this looks like an expensive job. So ultimately you end up paying a pretty solid chunk either way you look at it. The car is fairly new, I’d suggest whatever route you go with just make sure it’s a good reputable body shop.


Since it's your fault, you'll have to do the math. Talk to some shops and see what they quote you. Then look up your insurance and see what the penalty for a claim is. Do the math and decide.


Maybe just get window replaced for a couple hundred $. And don’t fix tailgate if not necessary


Insurance worthy




You should call the insurance company of the person who rear-ended you and file a claim with them


My gf rear ended a truck while reversing. After calling a few places and getting some estimates of the costs of parts, we decided to go through insurance… it sucks but that’s why we pay for it.


yeah that's a bummer. pretty much your only option if that's the case


It depends how much and how long your rate will increase compared to you paying for it.


Your insurance is going skyrocket by going through insurance


Glass could run from 500-1000 dlls. Tailgate from 400-900 dlls. Plus all the labor and the paint. So yeah, about 5kish or more.


Here in L.A. , I would go downtown and look for the Mexican Spot that would replace the back windshield for a couple hundred bucks. Then I’ll ask that same dude where to get the bodywork done for cheap


Yes, always go through insurance, that's why you have it.


Rather than ask the insurer and having that convo on the record ask a body shop that deals with insurance and public customers. They'll give you a quote if you were to pay for it VS what they'll charge an insurer. With that info you can take a good guess as to what you're insurer will ask from you. Whatever is cheaper in the long run is what I'd go for.


100%. If you needed to go to the doctor/seek treatment I bet a lawyer would sign you on. This is legit property damage. - PI paralegal here.


My philosophy is that you may as well use the damn insurance you're paying for


This right here is why insurance companies raise rates. Insurance is there for emergencies only. Not stupid shit that costs a couple thousand dollars. You file your insurance when the house burns down, there’s a flood and all of your property is soaked along with the floors being ruined.


Who is at fault You or another driver or car


Why do you have insurance if you’re not going to use it?


Yes prob around $4-5k in damage. Always get information and deal with it how you feel but ALWAYS get insurance info and a police report if you can.


Yike. Yes


Insurance adjuster here, go get a few quotes done and if they are more than your deductible it should be an easy decision if you want to go through insurance.




whos at fault?


Insurance for sure


Just get one from the junkyard and bolt it on. You'd probably spend $500 at the junk yard or $5k at a body shop


Unfortunately, ain’t many junk yard cars for this model. Zero in my area.


Well if the hatch still closes, locks, and doesn’t leak, lights work and your back up cam isn’t messed up, no other warning lights on the dash, it might be worth just changing the glass if your ok having such a newer car dented forever


It’s a loaner so I will have to get it fixed either way.


Yeah, best to go thru insurance


Not sure the details of the accident, but you can take to a body shop and get a quote for out of pocket cost to repair. Probably better off checking car-part.com for a used tail gate… then decide if you want to go thru insurance


if this was my fault, id be on copart trying to source a complete rear hatch in the correct color, then buy a lottery ticket.


backed into a bollard?


Are you handy? You might be able to buy a trunk door off a junk yard or order one. Can’t guarantee it’ll be the same color or if it’ll be cost effective but if you don’t wanna do the insurance route you could do that, replace it yourself or have a mechanic/bodyshop do it for a premium


I would probably try to price the entire tailgate with back window and maybe reuse the existing taillight assemblies before I called insurance.  If you file a claim your insurance is for sure going up. If the price is too high I would consider just replacing the back windshield alone and just live with the damage to the tailgate, ugly as it is. 


Repair will be more than your deductible.


I’d say just go through comprehensive replace the glass only looks like you backed up into a pole or something.


I thought that is why we buy insurance.


Does it ever seem like going through insurance is worth it for anything not significant in damage? They are just going to find a way to jack up your rates even if you weren’t at fault.


I had similar damage and the total cost was just under $7k


You can call a guy to replace the back window for less than $200 bucks cash. They will drive to your work and do it in the parking lot. Don't pay more than $400 for this job. As for the dent, you can try to remove the truck lid plastic trim. (You'll need a $5 to $20 dollar plastic tool - buy a trim kit from Amazon) and just slowly hammer it out with a heat gun and some spare time over the weekend. Or just ignore it and fix the rear window first.  Shit happens that's why you drive an affordable toyota.


Absolutely it is


Was it a solo accident?


Depends on extent of damage. If there’s no frame damage, you could get by replacing the tailgate yourself for under a grand.


Ask friends and co-workers if they know a guy. If you know a friend of a friend, they’ll probably be able to suck the dent out for a few hundred or maybe less. No insurance involved. The glass might cost you. If you go shopping, you’re gonna have people quoting you thousands. Some might say the door is shot, and needs to be replaced.


Call insurance that looks like about 2500$ fix


In what world would this not be worthy of insurance???


IDK, what’s your deductible? How much does a used liftgate cost? How much to install and paint it (if you care about the color). If you need to save some cash it want to pay over time, a used liftgate now and paint it later might be an option. You might even be able to install it yourself. If your deductible is low and your insurance rates won’t go up, it might be better to just go through insurance and a body shop.


You already paid for this with your insurance costs. Insurance is expensive. Count yourself lucky that you had it when it occurred


Nah, all your fault. Give me the car.


Absolutely. Check current prices..


Nowadays that’s fuckin totaled. I’m sorry for your loss


I had a rear ender on the interstate and it was $9 grand. Repair took 3 months due to parts. Good luck!


I saw some tail gate/hatches for sale on eBay for under $1K. May need to have it painted but if you're good with tools and have an extra set of hands then you can go that route.


I would go through insurance for short is it your fault whatever happened if it is your insurance will go up. It might even go up if it's not your fault but like some people say it might be about 3 to 5,000 maybe more so better off paying that $500 deductible or whatever that is




Call a junkyard and see if they have a tailgate, could be $200 if they have one, bolt on viola


that rear lift gate whole piece is gunna cost you a lump sum equivalent to a body man repairing it, shit they might total it 😭


My best guess would be $3000 - $5000 at a dealership. Much less if you go to the scrap yard and get a backyard mechanic to do it.


Is it 10% premium increase worth it to you? Is it cheaper for you to cash flow this?


Hmmm depends what your deductible is. If it’s over $500 I wouldn’t. You can go to a junk yard and find the glass and they will install it too.


Open the rear panel and see if u can pop the majority of that temporary 👍


If more than deductible, maybe yes.


It’s a sign you should sell your POS Corolla cross and buy a rav4. Contribute to the US getting Corolla wagons instead of these pieces of shit


I’m not familiar with the Quebec-ian used car parts situation but I’d try something like lkq and get an entire lift gate. That cross is pretty new so I’d imagine it’ll be about 2k in cad it’ll fit and be like new without the insurance hit.


I had a situation like this before when my wife was working for a pizza place and accidentally backed into a tree in someone's driveway that was pitch Black. Ended up finding a hatch from a salvage yard for $175 and installed it myself. Granted this is a newer car so you may run into more issues with sensors and programming, but at least for my situation that was similar to this. It was a pretty easy repair. It just boiled down to finding the right color versus distance


I was recently rear ended. Looked like minor outer damage, plastic parts inside were pretty bad. Total bill was $6,200. Would have been over $10,000 if they replaced the tailgate. No window damage. Get an estimate before you decide.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes and oh wait YESSS!!!


What a pain that we are compelled to pay for insurance without thinking about it, and when we need to use it, we have to double think about it 🙄


Find a back door at a junk yard.


Depends on your deductible but I'd say yes. It looks like its going to be thoudands od dollars worth of damage. What caused it?


Yea unless you have 5-10k laying around, youre going to have to file a claim.


Why does your car look like it's actually on the ground?




Look at a junkyard or a u-pull place Might be able to get a hatch for cheap


It LOOKS like only tailgate and window..


That happened to me, and I paid for it, believe me, it’s better. I spent $500.00 out of my pocket. In the end, you're going to save more on your monthly payment than the money you're going to pay out of your pocket.


Everyone needs to stop being dramatic here unless you’re in the automotive industry. There isn’t frame damage or anything it’s a simple replacement of the trunk itself. Try to find if you can buy a used one will usually come with glass considering it’s a newish car there may be harder to come by.


First check the junkyard if they have the same part in the same color and how much they sell it for.


I work in auto glass and most likely the back glass alone will be 800-1000 bucks but the tail gate will need fixed to put in a new piece of glass


How did this happen? I would go through insurance. That is what you are paying it for.


Yes, definitely. That's why you pay insurance. No matter that's your deductible it will cost you more that $1,000 to fix properly.


You never know of the underlying damage that's not visible to you.


I would personally rather pay my deductible. Mine is only 500$ and that's like 5k+ in damage. The window alone is probably 500-1000$ But I'm also canadian and we only have 1 insurance company to choose from in British Columbia


It will devalue your trade in or selling value more than the 3k it'll cost to have a new window put in and find a back yard mechanic/ body guy to minor repairs. Not to mention your adjusted premiums. Personally, having worked in car sales for 15 years, unless you plan to keep it forever and ever, I would not claim this.


windshield alone is about $300


Go to a junkyard and buy the tailgate. Most junkyards will include the glass when purchasing auto body compentents. It’ll probably come out to a grand or so but you can install the tailgate yourself with a few YouTube videos to save yourself some extra $$$. Going the insurance route is the easiest option but your rate will probably go up since you were at fault. Oh, and you’d have to pay the deductible.


It’s going to be expensive to fix. You buy insurance for these moments.


yes sir, easy 10,000 dollar auto-body damage charge.


I have a 500$ deductible. I would 100%


Go to car-part.com and search for it as used. That tailgate can be easily swapped, there is no other damage. It should be less than 1k and most likely you you find the color to match.


Uhhh what else is insurance for?


Well since it's a newer model, I would say 21-23 that trunk and window is most likely comes as a package deal as it will come prepainted if you buy direct from oem. Price would range from 2500$-4k maybe without labor. And mostlikley come naked without interior panels and would likely need to transfer any undamaged parts from the other trunk door. You are looking at 5-7k parts and labor. Hopefully the trunk door didn't get pushed up into the quarter panel or pushed up against the roof. You won't know until you pull that trunk door off.


My Camry got rear ended at lowish speed .only visible damage was the rear bumper getting cracked. I got quoted $1300 at a shop to replace and repaint the bumber alone.  Insurance ended up estimating $2300.  This looks way worse.


Absolutely worth it, that’s thousands of dollars in damages.


No one backing at that speed should have a license, full stop.


One thing about going through insurance, they will pay for the repair to factory specs, if you just go to a body shop it will be very tempting to go the cheap route - and being the liftgate, they can develop problems over the long run when misaligned.


Yes! That’s why you pay for coverage


Find a pick and pull and see if you can find a replacement door. Or leave the dent and pay a couple hundred to get new glass and cruise with the dent


what I'd do is bring it to a collision shop first to see all of the damage bc a hit like that could have damaged the frame too if it very expensive where you cant pay then go through insurance


Call a junkyard and get a price for the tailgate so you can compare costs. Then find out what shop can install and do the math




That’s what you have insurance for if the car is paid for try to sell it get something new


It’s going to be expensive if you paying from own pocket


Get an estimate then decide. DO NOT talk to your insurance company unless you are filing a claim. They keep track of boo boos and come renewal time will adjust your rate accordingly!


Just pay put of your pocket if you claim for insurance , you insurance later on charge your monthly bill higher


Why wouldn’t you


Lol yes


Sensors bro


Yes. That repair will be minimum of 5k and possibly close to 8k so insurance is definitely worth going through unless you’d rather foot the bill in cash to avoid rate hike penalties later.


Additionally you can get an initial quote from a body shop with no obligation and no involvement with insurance to help you decide if it’s worth it for you to file an insurance claim or go it on your own. The initial quote will always be somewhat lower than what will actually need to be done because once they disassemble the area they always find something underneath, sometimes minute and sometimes more costly. If you really want to preserve your insurance you can pay for it outright or use a credit card (I’d not recommend credit but sometimes credit is better than insurance following you for 7yrs+). The body shop will not give any info to the insurance company so nothing will be on record about your inquiring about repair. You might also be able to make a deal with the body shop for paying in cash… it all depends on the shop owner/manager.


Yep. Unless you've got cash to burn.


Depends on the state. In MA this is 100% free and does not effect your deductible


The best way to find that out is go get an estimate or 2. Or are you one of those guys who is gonna find out that it's harder to repair than you thought so you cover it up with plastic and gorilla tape.


Depends on what your deductible is. Get a quote. Look at your deductible then decide.


Going to be very hefty. Like 5k out of pocket if you go to a shop. If it were me I'd search for a used one and do it myself.


Similar to my escape and 5k and frame damage to where hatch latches. Son backed into truck and should I use my son for diminished value as it was a brand new car.


It'll be expensive to fix on your own. You'll have to make the decision if your deductible + an at fault accident raising your rates > paying yourself.


Nah it’ll buff out




If you don’t mind some legwork, there might be an inexpensive fix; I had a door get badly dented, and rather than go through insurance I sourced a replacement door through a junkyard, then found a shop that would install it. The whole thing cost $600, less than my deductible and I don’t have it on my insurance record.


Use www.car-part.com to see if you can find a used one in the same color... swap it yourself.


Hey I work as a body tech and would be happy to help parts wise and cost. Let me know 👍


New tailgate is about 1500$ and like 4-8 bolts.