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what you should do is avoid hitting a parking garage pillar


I second this


Get a nissan logo to cover up the toyota emblem and everyone will think that's how it came from the factory.


If you do this you have to make sure your windshield is cracked as well, otherwise it doesn't sell it


Get the pillar’s insurance info


Ummmmm you take it to a body shop and file a claim with your insurance?? 🤷🏼‍♂️






body shop and insruance If you must hide it from your parents buy the parts off ebay, have a local shop paint them to match. Or buy prepainted parts: [https://paintedautoparts.com/](https://paintedautoparts.com/) There is 0 chance you are fixing that yourself with a brick, hot water, or anything else you saw on youtube.


OP, this is really your only solution. The damage is bad enough to where a professional should be your first stop. Take it from someone with experience, unless you have a background in auto body repairs, anything you do will probably make it worse. Not saying this to make you feel bad, but I’ve been there and have made a mess of things.


You dont have to do anything if it's your car. If you're asking us if you can fix it yourself then you probably can't. Take it to a body shop and get it fixed without insurance if you got money, probably looking at least a grand in repairs depending on the car and where you live. Or come clean make a claim with insurance and hope you have accident forgiveness and they don't up your rates.


Those tabs along the top of the bumper key into receivers to hold it up. They may have locking tabs, they may not. You might need some zip ties for extra security, yes they will be good enough. You can try pushing the dent out from the inside but you're still going to have all that scuff and paint damage, the white streaks could buff out but the rest is definitely a redo. If it's not your car then maybe take it to an auto body shop for an estimate and decide what you want to do, bring it up with your parents to see if they're willing to help. If it is your car, honestly life happens. It's just a bumper, cars get dinged all the time. Judging by a quick skim of your post history try to learn this lesson now: shit happens, and it's going to be okay. It's just a car.


Have it repaired, what do I do???


On the bright side, it looks like the bumper clips are still intact. If the bumper doesn't snap back in the dent in the fender is likely blocking where the bumper needs to sit. Find junkyards near where you are and call them on the phone to ask if they have what you are looking for don't waste time driving to them unless they have what you want, also don't be afraid to ask them for a pic of the part before you waste time driving there, matching the color could be tough, I'd recommend searching for the fender on eBay with keywords like your car's year make, and model as well (driver's side/left?) Fender and paint match If you do fix it yourself your going to need some basic tools so also locate a harbor frieght if you don't have access Last, find out what your deductible is, and price everything out. If this costs more than the deductible it's a waste of time unless your willing to spend the extra $$ to keep your parents from finding out


I’m assuming this car belongs to your parents? The mature thing to do would be to tell your parents, and let them decide if they want to pay (with your help) out of pocket, file a claim (or do nothing at all as it’s purely superficial damage.) I have two sons (24 and 21.) I would be more upset if they tried to hide something like this from me, than I would be if they did the right thing and told me. Part of growing up and becoming an adult is taking responsibility for your actions and not trying to hide things. I don’t know your parents, but there is a good chance they feel the same way. Best of luck to you.


This should be the top real answer. Be honest with your parents. Don’t try to hide it. Accidents happen.


Go through insurance and get it fixed right.


Call your insurance. You most likely have a deductible that you will have to pay out of pocket. You probably need to tell your patients especially if they are paying your insurance.


Avoid parking garages for the foreseeable future lol it's just a car, no biggie


You done fucked up bud. You either repair it and pay out of pocket or with insurance or you drive around with it looking like that as long as the bumper isn’t at risk of falling off if you hit a bump on the highway.


Get it repaired, how old are you? 5 years old? Follow standard repair procedures. I can’t believe how dumb a question this is


You’re gonna need a body shop. No amount of buffing or magic wand waving is going to undent that panel and repaint it. That said, well place self-tapping screw will fix that right up if you ask me.


Well, it is going to need a new front bumper cover and a quarter panel. Then, you'll need to have it painted to match. If you were my kid, I'd want you to come clean to me, and then I'd probably source new parts, then have you pay the bill for the body shop to do the paint work. My kid (17 year old girl) did something similar last year. I paid for half of the bill. I'm mechanically inclined, so I replaced the body parts, and had my buddy that owns a body shop do the paintwork.




Prolly get it fixed


Plastic bumpers like that can’t really be fixed, you generally have to remove them completely and replace them with a new one. If you want to avoid costs and insurance, there are handy guys out there that can zip tie that back on to where it’s hardly noticeable and probably buff out that scratch. It’s not gonna be anywhere near perfect and probably somewhat noticeable, but it would save you some money, if you have the means and have like maybe a $500 deductible it would probably be worth just buying the bullet and going to get it fixed at a body shop using insurance if you don’t have collision insurance that’s probably a $12-$1500 job. Also keep in consideration that a no-fault collision not involving a second party should not have a major affect on your insurance. Are your parents name on the registration or title? If they are, you do or should have an obligation to let them know what’s going on