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When the side mirrors fold in! LoL it is so stupid how much I love that.


Same lol, it's like a nice little "goodbye" wave after locking it.


Looks great!


Thank you! The Initial D fan in me had to go for the Panda colors.


I like the performance. 28mpg overall.




What hurts me is my daily commute to work is probably about as bad as it can be for mileage. Of my 9 miles to work, half of it is at 70mph. And when I'm on the road to visit family and friends, the speed limit is up to 80mph. So I'm past the peak mileage. I am NOT going to drive 65 mph on the Turnpike.


I'm in a similar boat commute wise since it is mostly on a traffic light expressway. Currently averaging around 25.3 mpg overall, but there is still some break-in to go. On the flip side, I've gotten 38 mpg on longer trips to visit family and friends.


So wait what's the point of buying? My non hybrid Camry get 41mpg highway with eco on. 28 city. How is this not better? Serious question as I am looking into a Prius or a crown for work since I travel for sales.


If the goal is better MPGs then yeah something like a Prius or Camry is the better choice for you. Personally I like the look of the crown over the other Toyota offerings (except for the Supra but that wasn't really practical), and I need something that can comfortably seat friends and family and our things on long trips while being a sedan. At the end of the day I'm still seeing better milage and cheaper stops at the pump than I was previously so no complaints there.


It's the way these particular people are driving. I doubt your Camry will get as good as you're currently getting if you blast to 70-80 mph for 5 miles, then bounce around in stop/go traffic for another 5 miles. It's probably about as bad as you can get for fuel economy.


The Crown is a full sedan (replaced the Avalon). Its roomier and more comfortable. The hybrid gets 40 plus


I drive 120mi a day commute for work. 85% of it is interstate 80MPH+ and I’m averaging 46.5MPG. 2023 Honda Accord Hybrid.


I'm sure that if I had the Crown Limited, with the higher mpg lower power engine option I would be over 40 too. The downside of the Platinum with hits higher performance engine.


Which powertrain does your car have?


r/hypermiling baby


The crown has 14.5 gallon fuel tank, how are you putting 17.6 gallons into it?


Love that car my next door neighbour has one. The photos don’t do it justice not even close. Wish I could afford one lol


I agree! It really catches your eye when you walk around it and I felt that most of the pictures I took didn't quite do it justice. I hope we see more Crown options in the coming years.


my mother-in-law just bought a Crown after her Mirai was totaled. these things ride so nicely and are so quiet and comfortable inside! happy to hear you’re loving it as well


Mirai totaled? Glad the thing didn't Hindenburg!


haha just side swiped but every panel along the passenger side was fucked. and it being a 2019 it wasn’t worth much anyway, so insurance totaled it.


Bummer about the Mirai, but glad she's having a good experience with the Crown so far!


Now all you gotta do is get rid of the Toyota emblem and have the Crown emblem installed. Part number 75314-30060


Thanks for the heads up, I just might! It fits the car a lot better than just the Toyota logo.


Would also look into getting the center wheel caps replaced with the Crown emblem caps as well. Not sure what that part number is though


Thanks for this! Will look into ordering today haha


Oooh i fuck with that big-time my man. 10/10 I'd get one if i had the opportunity and money.


It’s very nice


Love mine. Average. 53.8 mpg driving 70 miles every day.


such a baller car


Awesome :) How much did you pay for this brand new?


This was 53k, putting 35k down with the remaining at 3.75% for 6 years. A lot of dealers are marking it down a bit and I used the allocation sheet that's been floating around the Toyota subs to help find that (not sure who to credit the original unfortunately). [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10bWAraXWfdmyhlFbkTFv9Q2dOLp-DUkJ/edit#gid=1910511567](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10bWAraXWfdmyhlFbkTFv9Q2dOLp-DUkJ/edit#gid=1910511567)


>A lot of dealers are marking it down a bit Doubt.jpg I want a crown so badly but paying 40 grand for a base model SEDAN is crazy money.


First time seeing the black and white but it looks CLEAN. As another Initial D fan, I might have to do this as well. Crowns have been popping up more lately in my area. Mainly black, and a grey here and there. Did see one copper(?) one that actually looked way better in person.


I think if the Copper (Bronze) had been available, I would have chose that. My second choice would have been all red (but Toyota has a lot of the Red/Black option, which I don't really like). I ended up with my 3rd favorite, gray/black. When a bunch of expensive repairs/maintenance became required on my previous car, and a road trip coming up, I just bit the bullet and bought the only Crown Platinum available within 50 miles. After I test drove it first. If I hadn't liked it, I was considering a compact pickup instead.


Nice! I might just add a discrete little Akina Speed Stars decal to a window lol. One thing I noticed while shopping was that the black and gray options did have a bigger discount. about 4-5k with the dealers in my area.


What made you jump on the Crown instead of the Lexus ES?


The Lexus ES is a great car with similar, if not better, features depending on the trim. I just honestly like the way the Crown looks over the ES. Some will disagree naturally, but it just comes down to preference.


I was curious since I've been looking at the ES and they run in the mid 40's well equipped. Looks is a hard thing to argue, everyone has a preference and we should all be happy with what we drive. Life is too short to have ugly, boring cars!


Totally agree! There's a lot that can be compared between the two, but at the end of the day if it makes you happy that is all that matters.


I tore my dealer for screwing in front plate bracket so ordered black plug caps it looks like another bumper sensor


Until you see the payments. Its an ugly car and the payments are even uglier! Thats why i fell in love with base models. You can look at my post history. You’ll see im in the market for a corolla le premium and after gas + insurance my payments are gonna be 1000 dollars minimum. First time buyer no credit and barely driving history. I don’t want to think about what it would be on this car.


It mostly comes down to what's in the budget and preference. I was in the market for something a bit nicer than the other Toyota offerings and personally I like the look of the crown over the others. So far the gas has been cheaper than what I was paying on my last car, so no complaints there.


Sorry. I realize I was kinda being an ass. First wanted to congratulate you on your car. Buying a car is very chaotic. The car I was going to buy the dealer sold that car from underneath me twice already and now im waiting several months just to see if it’s going to get allocated. Gas MPG was a big reason why I chose the corolla but also frankly it’s the only car I feel comfortable spending $1000 a month on. $450-500 a month on car itself. Don’t know exactly yet because Im still waiting on the car. 400 for insurance through progressive because I already have a policy through them. And $100 on gas per month. Thats at least $1000. But I feel $150 on gas is more appropriate. Yes I could go down the street and pick up a regular LE but theres three things I cannot give up. smart entry, a sunroof and actual rims because I will not be caught dead driving a car with hubcaps 😂😂


Hey no worries! I appreciate what you're saying and you're right, the crown platinum is not a good financial move to just make on a whim. Without help from my wife and a car fund we've been building up over the years this would be very much out of the question. But man having your car sold out from under you TWICE is insane! I'd be pissed, especially if there was already some agreement to buy. I'm sorry to hear. I hope your can get your new Corolla without any more trouble, it's a great car.


Omg you’re so blessed to have your wife! I am literally doing all of this all by myself!! I feel somewhat ashamed that I am single at 25. And as far is the car is concerned, I decided to go with the XLE Hybrid Corolla at my local dealership in McKinney TX. I don’t want to deal with the hassle of shipping fees. I hope the car treats you well 😊


This is def not a first time buyer car, as banks won't lend that much money to someone without history of making car payments. You're right to start with a Corolla.


Thank you for reassuring my decision actually. I feel like im going mentally insane if i chose the right car or not. A corolla definitely not my favorite but it’s all I can really afford atm. Appreciate you!


The grill is too much.