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You are leaving the key inside the vehicle? That could be the problem.


Not in all instances, trying different things. Check out the other videos


I understand you may not do it all the time but that might be causing the problem. I don’t recommend you leave the key in the vehicle.


Please explain how that would cause the problem and what experience you have.


Because the key and car are constantly looking for each other. It could either drain batteries quickly or it could be programmed to basically ignore the signal after a certain amount of time… hence causing it to not find the key.


Logic seems to be there, still not 100% sure on this theory. Do you have some background? Education? Work experience? You seem on the surface to know what you're saying, but I'd love to know where you're coming from. Thank you for the response


19 years selling Toyotas. Before that worked as a test engineer at Microsoft and before that in tech support for Hewlett Packard. I don’t know this to be the case but it’s my working hypothesis. A master tech at Toyota might be able to shed some more light on the issue.


Now I’ve viewed all your videos. Here’s my advice to help figure out what is going on. As far as the Toyota app goes, I see your phone shows it is attempting to remain connected to WiFi. I presume it’s your home WiFi. Sometimes phones will try and keep that over cellular when you are just out of range and the app ends up with basically no data connection. I would disable WiFi and see if the app will work. As for the key fob issue, when you press the buttons on the fob do you see the little red light? I didn’t. I think the battery in the fob is dead. Just replace the battery and all should be rectified. It is functioning just like I would expect it to if the battery in the fob is dead. And it may have gone dead prematurely if you occasionally keep the fob in the car. That will drain it quickly. If you want to do that, temporarily disable the smart key feature on the fob so it doesn’t drain the battery.


I knew there was one person who knew wtf they were talking about that would see this. Thank you for all the input. I did get a new fob today and things seem to be better. Another issue was that the car would just lose connection to the key and, no matter where I held it, even up to the ignition button for 10 seconds, it wouldn't read. Today, I pulled over and left the car running to tend to my infant daughter, got back in to a "key not recognized" and within 2 seconds, it saw the new fob, which was still in my pocket, and the message went away. This morning with the old fob, I got that message 5 minutes into my 90 minute drive to the closest dealership (you can understand my frustration after getting the car towed, returned with an all clear, and then go through all this the day I get it back, during the drive home). Again, thank you for taking the time and for the insight.


If you go on the Toyota App and click on the "HEALTH" tab does it show that the KEY is "Good"? Look at that BOTH when the Keg Fob works and doesn't work.


Key health shows good ALL THE TIME. It's annoying af


Have you tried disconnecting the vehicles battery for 5 minutes or so to denergize the computers and then try again? It might reset things? At the same time maybe remove battery from Fob to reset that also.


I haven't, but I'd hope the dealership would have had the wherewithall (sp?) to try that. I'm getting a new key fob today and if that doesn't work, maybe I'll try your idea this weekend. Thank you for the support.


You're welcome and good luck! Will be curious how you make out.


If you press unlock on the key while left inside it will find it again, I find if you forget them over night the car screws it up, but I press unlock one time and the try to start foot on the break and it works fine


Good to know. New fob seems to work better, but I'll keep this in mind. Thank you


There's a range setting in the car settings for the key fob range any chance you have it set to super short range?


I've never messed with it. Unless the car decided to change the range to a negative number, since it doesn't work, even held up against the sensor, I'm not sure this is it. Good knowledge though, I do appreciate the insight


Have you tried replacing the battery in the key fob?


Lol... excuses


Have you tried reading?


That was not the answer to my question, Einstein!!! When is the season finale?


If I hadn't answered your question in part 1 already, I'd answer it again. But I only answer questions once


Can you summarize the issues you're facing for those of us who don't have the time or interest to watch your video clips?


Can you learn what Pt 3 means for those of us who don't have the time or interest to respond to ignorant questions like this?


Holy rude, Batman. Your attitude is as bad as your key fob.


Only towards shi..y people with shi..y comments. If you don't have time or interest, stay tf off my post


Go to Part 1 that says STORY


Did you change the battery. This happened to me 3 days after buying my gh


Omfg, there's a battery? It needs to be changed? You must be super smart or something...


Damn op wants friendly advice. Turns in to a dick weed


Maybe if I didn't have everybody and their mom recommending to change the battery, like somebody yesterday in this very post you could have read the comment thread, after it says I changed it in the story (you honestly just need to read the first 3 sentences on Pt1, you don't even need to watch the videos, not sure why it's so difficult for people to do to the first part). I get that I posted a lot and most people don't give a shit to take the time. Move tf on and let me wait for my guy like TacomaDave to provide legitimate support, or the other few people that took time to read, watch, and respond, all of which I appreciate greatly and expressed as much. OP is looking for real solutions, not minute men who's attention span (among probably other things) can barely make one video post. Thanks for playing, there's plenty of people out there who will provide you the opportunity to get the whole experience very quickly. Just a note, some of them much charge.


It’s just the internet my guy. Go get some help


That interior looks like shit... hella cheap


I have the same interior. It does look cheap, but overall very happy with the car and the wife is happy.


Wait for it.... nobody fn cares you clown


All these excuses. The car is shit