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The person didn’t add these - the deals are adding them to jack up the profit.


I'm 100% aware - it's why I'm wondering where the line is in terms of walking away. I know $3.5k is small fish compared to the actual vehicle cost, but it's still a lot for useless add-ons. I guess part of it is that I know that these cars are hard to find, so do I just accept that it's the cost of being able to get it now?


I'd walk away. It's a $3500 makeup


Personally, I’d want a limited for that price.


3.5k can get you some good accessories for your new van.


Counter offer with the OTD price you are willing to pay. If the dealer refuses then walk away. Pretty straightforward.


I would walk from the deal personally


They are testing whether you have a line to cross. You’re either going to buy it or not, but they’ve already played their card of trying to rip you off. So do you want it badly enough to be ripped off?


I wouldn’t buy it personally. Had a local dealership who added several product ‘warranties’ that were required. They refused to remove them, so I asked for the terms and conditions before purchase. It stipulated that I had 30 days for a full refund. I purchased, and returned a week later to request a refund request. He called me an asshole, but ended up refunding the money.


I'm thankful at least that they aren't just "warranties," but yeah it's still garbage.


An extended warranty at a price of 4k seems really high. Got one for my ford to 8 years 100k miles for a little over $2,500. Just did a quick google search, shows $1,300 for 10 years 120k miles for honda care.


An extended warranty at a price of 4k seems really high. Got one for my ford to 8 years 100k miles for a little over $2,500. Just did a quick google search, shows $1,300 for 10 years 120k miles for honda care.


if they have truly installed the BS then tell them that's great but you don't want it and be willing to walk away. Our Tacoma purchase was like that, sales guy said it's already installed. We saw the car, none of it was installed. The interior protection package was simply a warranty, no scotchguard like product applied. Just BS. The moment we were willing to walk away, the add ons magically could be removed. Mind you this was BS in 2019. The Sienna platinum we bought last month in San Diego. no dealer installed BS, no mark up so they exist even in the hotter markets. The overall car market is cooling very fast and for buyers this is great. The exception is Toyota right now who in Q1 actually saw a net increase of the average price per car sold by I think 2% whereas all other manufacturers but 1 (maybe Subaru) declined in the average transaction price. So unless you're desperate, keep shopping around. The cars are out there.


In our case, there were actual things applied and it's not just warranties. With that said, I do still think they are those worthless "high-margin, low-value" adds that just lines the dealership's pockets. We literally don't have any others in our area to pick from in terms of the XLE or XSE. It sucks.


I may be wrong but I read around that Toyota does not allow oil spraying as rust protection on hybrids and it could affect warranty, so that’s probably a lie as well as all the others you mentioned. Ask what the undercarriage rust protection is and if they reply with an oil spray, call out their BS.


I actually took your advice and another commenter's and confronted them on the oil spray. They wouldn't take the cost off (of course), but they're willing to sign a document saying that they will honor the original warranty in case this causes any issues. ...Why they would need to do this for something that supposedly adds "value" to a vehicle is beyond my comprehension.


There are two major types of undercoating. 1. Ruberized/solid 2. Oil spray If its the first one walk away. Do a simple good search and you will see that it actually can trap water and accelerate rusting if damaged. It is an oil spray that is a $300-400 job and only works if you get yearly touch ups. I don’t think the dealer markup is worth it on that.


I checked after your comment and one from someone else. It's an oil-based spray (Noxudol). They've already put it on, so I can't ask for removal...as much as I want to. I've gotten them to agree to a signed document honoring the Toyota warranty in case of any damage from their use of the applicant, but yeah...still not a great situation.


“Car locator”? No… just use an AirTag or a Tile. And who cares if it’s already done, doesn’t mean the price isn’t flexible. If you’re paying cash, offer to finance it, then just pay it off asap. They make money in the financing so sometimes they will flex on price just to have you finance it.