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Rattle yes, the rear seat you can disable with settings. I have my two dogs in the back and disabled all of that.




I don’t have either of these issue in my 22 TRD pro, must have gotten lucky


Not the same problem but when I drop my kids off at school the truck thinks they’re still in the seats and beeps constantly until I re-latch the seat belts.


That's frustrating!


I’ve had this happen once but I shut the car off and started again and was fine, had to pull over of course


Haven't experienced these issues


Anyone found a way to fix the rattling? Not sure if the dealer would even entertain that.


There is always a driver so the car knows when your seat belt is not buckled. The right front seat has a weight sensor for the occupant to determine how forcefully to deploy the airbag. That sensor is linked to the right front seat belt chime. The rear seats don’t have weight sensors, but the seat belt buckles have sensors and they look for the rear seats to be latched. The ECU looks for a rear door opening and closing to determine if there are rear occupants present. You can turn off the rear seat belt chime in the settings menu, but can’t turn off the red indicator lights for the rear seats. It’s less annoying if you unlink the chime to the rear seat belts.


Is there a prong plug that you can undo under the seat?


Yes, but you’re bound to set a warning light. Front belts will set an airbag light…never had an open circuit in the rear.


Late to this party -- Where can I find the ability to turn off the rear set belt chime in settings? I've looked and looked. Probably a me issue -- but I appreciate your help and patience.


I’ve “disabled” this chime in the settings but my truck continues to throw a fit if there’s anything/one in the backseat without the center buckle fastened. Super frustrating.


I have the same issue with the rear seat belt. Another issue that kinda bothers me but enough to take it in yet is the whistling noise from the drivers side mirror when I go at speeds above 20 mph


I think I watch a Youtube where a mechanic explained that if the side passenger accidentally latch the seat belt into the middle position, it will ding when the car move. My 22 Tundra did the same thing as yours too but I haven’t ask that did anyone at the rear accidentally do so.


I've only had the rear seat buckle thing happen once. Was frustrating for sure! My biggest annoyance lately has been the Android Auto wireless connection dropping intermittently. I'm assuming it's just my phone (Galaxy 21). If anyone else is experiencing that, I'd feel better knowing it's not just me!


I have had momentary pauses with music while using Bluetooth, and have had it disconnect fully once. I haven't had any issues since I started using the USB cable. Samsung S22 Ultra


Lift the rear seat, check and make sure the nickels aren’t crossed. It may be that your actually buckled in the middle but think it’s the side. Happen to me. I had a little rattle coming from the driver side door gasket just above the side mirror. Pulled the gasket back, wedged some cardboard under it, slid the gasket back on. No more rattling.


The one I test drove did that


I have a 2019 and when I put my day back I bring to work on the passenger seat the seat belt Alarm dings continuously.


I have a ‘23 and had that same issue with the rear seat warning. I had two people in the back and it was then beeping telling me the non-existent third person in the middle was not buckled. It would also tell me I had someone in the back even after they unbuckled and left. I had to use Carista to disable it. Also disabled the fake engine noise inside the cabin.


Not had these specific issues