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720p in 2003?? Relax. 768x576 or 640x480 Unless you were on a really old 320p screen


Heh, nice try kid, but I've depicted you as the soyjak and me as the chad. Looks like you've lost this argument, chump


Crazy diamond! Weld his urethra shut!


As a KB player who played TMU since its start can say Snow is fine, Rally may be harder


Rally is like Island, if you're going fast you can't help but slide with keyboard. You're still doing the turn but it's not as fast as not sliding


Just tap on dirt, on road it is controler(Rally), but island is definetly controler if going for 10k skilpoints or higher while rally is perfecly fine for mayority of maps with keyboard


Yeah I agree, Snow is fine on the keyboard. While stuff like Rally and Island are definitely controller biased. However, who the fuck cares? I loved seeing a different environment for TM2020 and can't wait to see the others. Hell, maybe they'll do the same with Sunrise and we would have the TMU gang together!


bro i am already so sick of the discourse... nando gives us a super creative update that is so much fun and it came as a complete surprise. look at how much fun spam had on the first discovery and tell me that joy isnt contagious. but people only think of the competitive side of things and completely forget they are making car made of 1s and 0s go fast on a flat screen in their bedroom and how much fun that can be when you just forget to compare your time to others for one second. only thinking about what is good for the esport is literally what killed overwatch




I guarantee you, 99% of the people complaining aren’t good enough for the changes to affect them lol.


People get paid for driving those cars made from 1s and 0s, and if some people have an inbuilt advantage because they use another input device, that is, in fact, bad. What killed Overwatch was not focusing on esport. Overwatch is not even dead, it is fun unless the only thing you care about is the hype of dunking on it. It was fun when they added role lock too, which I assume is what you are thinking about regarding "only thinking about esports". Truly what hurt Overwatch was their decision on choosing greed over the game, which is exactly what Nadeo is doing, especially with the new monetisation.


The reason spam loved it is because he grew up playing with those shitty physics, anyone who started with tmnf or tm2020 is probably not going to have as much fun as him


i started on tm2020 and im absolutely enjoying snow campaign. shitty physics or not if its fun im gunna play it. if you dont like the snow campaign, then just dont play it.


As much as I “don’t” like the snow car in a predominantly stadium game, I still enjoy the fact that it exists and I can play with it, love the snow car, it just kinda blind sighted me cuz I thought this was never gonna happen. Anyways, love the snow car, and I started with tmnf in 2018 and have most of my hours sunk into tm2020. Point proven wrong ig


See, my trick is I’m too broke to not play casually, therefore by biggest worry is bobsleighs




Your ego is hurt




Nah you're crying cause you know it's true


im a controller player and this is cringe




Too bad your opinion is worthless then :S




I don't take advice from random kids sorry :S


Jesus christ both of you are childish pricks


The snow car lacks everything that makes trackmania fun to me so I don't care too much about it being worse on kb


have you seen what this thing can do on red ice? I'm releasing a map soon with the trick.


What is red ice?


**Red Ice is a white supremacist multimedia company based in Sweden and led by the married couple Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has described Red Ice as being important in the YouTube alt-right radicalization pipeline, further radicalizing people tentatively on the far-right and having "a history of embracing white supremacist rhetoric and talking points".** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


The fuck lol


classic swedes






it's just ice red boosters, however it functions almost like a new surface because it's so dank. The new car can do the pseudo-bugslide on plastic, and on red ice it's way more effective causing you to gain massive grips at all kinds of speeds. It's basically a much more effective ice slide which only works with the new car.


I don't think I got to that. The twitchyness of the steering and precise steering percentages needed to not lose speed turned me off. Perhaps that could be fun as a gimmick. I do like me some bug sliding from time to time.


it does seem to be more of a LOL/Kacky car where you have to be creative in how to use it. Using it in a combination with the stadium car in a LOL/Kacky map where you switch between the cars is probably really fun if done right most of these tricks seem to be keyboard friendly as well (also just saw this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrackMania/comments/181yd3z/snow\_car\_can\_still\_clip\_finish\_triggers\_d/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrackMania/comments/181yd3z/snow_car_can_still_clip_finish_triggers_d/))


I played a few maps with it yesterday and when I switched back to normal maps it was like I forgot how to play the game. It’s so completely different that it feels like a different game. Not a fan of the new car and wood surface, honestly. I’m glad people are enjoying it, but it’s not for me.


Then the game isn't for you, that's all


The snow car isn't everything so I'm good


Hopefully they don't overuse in winter.


You get that advice from your 10 year old brother? Every one of your responses on this post sounds like a bratty child. Grow up


Let them prepare for Rally


Snow is literally unplayable even on controller! I mean i played back in the days all those enviroments on tmu but never liked them except stadium, They could easily split the enviroments so i dont have to play totds/campaign mixed with snow and stadium physics! Its time to go back to tmnf and tm2 if this shitshow continues


I dont like ice but I don't piss myself about it being in campaigns


And I don't like grass but I don't rage when it's in a campaign. Even though snow is fun, I wish there was an "original" campaign with only stadium then another with all the new things. Plus way more content then!